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path: root/scripts/dependencies.php
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authorErich Eckner <>2018-04-11 16:54:13 +0200
committerErich Eckner <>2018-04-11 16:54:13 +0200
commit6d93913ca2893a7fc5499c0cb5d6e70831e7af50 (patch)
tree2e3b2e0a9779f75200648857852a9bc8171750ef /scripts/dependencies.php
status quo
Diffstat (limited to 'scripts/dependencies.php')
1 files changed, 179 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/dependencies.php b/scripts/dependencies.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3a38ac8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/dependencies.php
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+$mysql = new mysqli("localhost", "webserver", "empty", "buildmaster");
+if ($mysql->connect_error) {
+ die("Connection failed: " . $mysql->connect_error);
+$match = "";
+if (isset($_GET["a"]))
+ $match .= " AND `architectures`.`name`=from_base64(\"" . base64_encode($_GET["a"]) . "\")";
+if (isset($_GET["b"]))
+ $match .= " AND `package_sources`.`pkgbase`=from_base64(\"" . base64_encode($_GET["b"]) . "\")";
+if (isset($_GET["p"]))
+ $match .= " AND `binary_packages`.`pkgname`=from_base64(\"" . base64_encode($_GET["p"]) . "\")";
+if (isset($_GET["r"]))
+ $match .= " AND `repositories`.`name`=from_base64(\"" . base64_encode($_GET["r"]) . "\")";
+$ignore_install_targets = " AND NOT `install_targets`.`name` IN (\"base\",\"base-devel\")";
+if (! $result = $mysql -> query(
+ "`dep` BIGINT, " .
+ "`itp` BIGINT, " .
+ "UNIQUE KEY `content` (`dep`,`itp`)" .
+ ")"))
+ die($mysql->error);
+if (! $result = $mysql -> query(
+ "INSERT IGNORE INTO `cons` (`dep`,`itp`)" .
+ " SELECT `dependencies`.`id`,`install_target_providers`.`id`".
+ " FROM `binary_packages`" .
+ " JOIN `repositories` ON `binary_packages`.`repository`=`repositories`.`id`" .
+ " JOIN `repository_stabilities` ON `repositories`.`stability`=`repository_stabilities`.`id`" .
+ " JOIN `architectures` ON `binary_packages`.`architecture`=`architectures`.`id`" .
+ " JOIN `build_assignments` ON `binary_packages`.`build_assignment`= `build_assignments`.`id`" .
+ " JOIN `package_sources` ON `build_assignments`.`package_source`= `package_sources`.`id`" .
+ $match .
+ " JOIN `dependencies` ON `dependencies`.`dependent`=`binary_packages`.`id`" .
+ " JOIN `dependency_types` ON `dependencies`.`dependency_type`=`dependency_types`.`id`" .
+ " JOIN `install_targets` ON `dependencies`.`depending_on`=`install_targets`.`id`" .
+ $ignore_install_targets .
+ " JOIN `install_target_providers` ON `install_target_providers`.`install_target`=`dependencies`.`depending_on`" .
+ " WHERE (`dependency_types`.`relevant_for_binary_packages` OR `repository_stabilities`.`name`=\"unbuilt\")" .
+ " LIMIT " . $limit
+ ))
+ die($mysql->error);
+if (! $result = $mysql -> query(
+ "INSERT IGNORE INTO `cons` (`dep`,`itp`)" .
+ " SELECT `dependencies`.`id`,`install_target_providers`.`id`".
+ " FROM `binary_packages`" .
+ " JOIN `repositories` ON `binary_packages`.`repository`=`repositories`.`id`" .
+ " JOIN `architectures` ON `binary_packages`.`architecture`=`architectures`.`id`" .
+ " JOIN `build_assignments` ON `binary_packages`.`build_assignment`= `build_assignments`.`id`" .
+ " JOIN `package_sources` ON `build_assignments`.`package_source`= `package_sources`.`id`" .
+ $match .
+ " JOIN `install_target_providers` ON `install_target_providers`.`package`=`binary_packages`.`id`" .
+ " JOIN `dependencies` ON `install_target_providers`.`install_target`=`dependencies`.`depending_on`" .
+ " JOIN `binary_packages` AS `d_bp` ON `dependencies`.`dependent`=`d_bp`.`id`" .
+ " JOIN `repositories` AS `d_r` ON `d_bp`.`repository`=`d_r`.`id`" .
+ " JOIN `repository_stabilities` AS `d_rs` ON `d_r`.`stability`=`d_rs`.`id`" .
+ " JOIN `dependency_types` ON `dependencies`.`dependency_type`=`dependency_types`.`id`" .
+ " WHERE (`dependency_types`.`relevant_for_binary_packages` OR `d_rs`.`name`=\"unbuilt\")" .
+ " LIMIT " . $limit
+ ))
+ die($mysql->error);
+if (! $result = $mysql -> query(
+ "SELECT DISTINCT `install_target_providers`.`install_target`,`install_target_providers`.`package`" .
+ " FROM `cons`" .
+ " JOIN `install_target_providers` ON `cons`.`itp`=`install_target_providers`.`id`"
+ ))
+ die($mysql->error);
+if ($result -> num_rows > 0)
+ while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc())
+ $edges .= "\"p" . $row["package"] . "\" -> \"i" . $row["install_target"] . "\" [color = \"#000080\"];\n";
+if (! $result = $mysql -> query(
+ "SELECT DISTINCT `dependencies`.`dependent`,`dependencies`.`depending_on`,`dependency_types`.`name`" .
+ " FROM `cons`" .
+ " JOIN `dependencies` ON `cons`.`dep`=`dependencies`.`id`" .
+ " JOIN `dependency_types` ON `dependencies`.`dependency_type`=`dependency_types`.`id`"
+ ))
+ die($mysql->error);
+if ($result -> num_rows > 0)
+ while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc())
+ $edges .= "\"i" . $row["depending_on"] . "\" -> \"p" . $row["dependent"] . "\" [taillabel = \"" . $row["name"] . "\"];\n";
+if (! $result = $mysql -> query(
+ "SELECT DISTINCT `install_targets`.`id`,`install_targets`.`name`" .
+ " FROM `cons`" .
+ " JOIN `dependencies` ON `cons`.`dep`=`dependencies`.`id`" .
+ " JOIN `install_targets` ON `dependencies`.`depending_on`=`install_targets`.`id`"
+ ))
+ die($mysql->error);
+if ($result -> num_rows > 0)
+ while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc())
+ $knots .= "\"i" . $row["id"] . "\" [label = \"" . $row["name"] . "\", fontcolor = \"#000080\"];\n";
+$pkgfile_query =
+ "CONCAT(".
+ "`repositories`.`name`,\"/\"," .
+ "`binary_packages`.`pkgname`,\"-\"," .
+ "IF(`binary_packages`.`epoch`=0,\"\",CONCAT(`binary_packages`.`epoch`,\":\"))," .
+ "`binary_packages`.`pkgver`,\"-\"," .
+ "`binary_packages`.`pkgrel`,\".\"," .
+ "`binary_packages`.`sub_pkgrel`,\"-\"," .
+ "`architectures`.`name`" .
+ ") AS `filename`";
+if (! $result = $mysql -> query(
+ "`binary_packages`.`id`," .
+ "`repository_stabilities`.`name` AS `stability`," .
+ $pkgfile_query .
+ " FROM `cons`" .
+ " JOIN `dependencies` ON `cons`.`dep`=`dependencies`.`id`" .
+ " JOIN `binary_packages` ON `dependencies`.`dependent`=`binary_packages`.`id`" .
+ " JOIN `architectures` ON `architectures`.`id`=`binary_packages`.`architecture`" .
+ " JOIN `repositories` ON `repositories`.`id`=`binary_packages`.`repository`" .
+ " JOIN `repository_stabilities` ON `repository_stabilities`.`id`=`repositories`.`stability`"
+ ))
+ die($mysql->error);
+if ($result -> num_rows > 0)
+ while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc())
+ $knots .= "\"p" . $row["id"] . "\" [label = \"" . $row["filename"] . "\", fontcolor = \"" . $colors[$row["stability"]] . "\"];\n";
+if (! $result = $mysql -> query(
+ "`binary_packages`.`id`," .
+ "`repository_stabilities`.`name` AS `stability`," .
+ $pkgfile_query .
+ " FROM `cons`" .
+ " JOIN `install_target_providers` ON `cons`.`itp`=`install_target_providers`.`id`" .
+ " JOIN `binary_packages` ON `install_target_providers`.`package`=`binary_packages`.`id`" .
+ " JOIN `architectures` ON `architectures`.`id`=`binary_packages`.`architecture`" .
+ " JOIN `repositories` ON `repositories`.`id`=`binary_packages`.`repository`" .
+ " JOIN `repository_stabilities` ON `repository_stabilities`.`id`=`repositories`.`stability`"
+ ))
+ die($mysql->error);
+if ($result -> num_rows > 0)
+ while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc())
+ $knots .= "\"p" . $row["id"] . "\" [label = \"" . $row["filename"] . "\", fontcolor = \"" . $colors[$row["stability"]] . "\"];\n";
+$knots = str_replace("\$","\\\$",$knots);
+$edges = str_replace("\$","\\\$",$edges);
+header ("Content-type: image/png");
+ "dot -Tpng -o/dev/stdout /dev/stdin <<EOF\n" .
+ "digraph dependencies {\n" .
+ "rankdir=LR;\n" .
+ "fontname=dejavu;\n" .
+ $knots .
+ $edges .
+ "}\n" .
+ "EOF\n"