Send patches - preferably formatted by git format-patch - to patches at archlinux32 dot org.
BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
masteradded uninstall make target (handle with care if using PREFIX=/usr!)Andreas Baumann2 years
upstreamMasterAdd changelog for 61David Runge2 years
AgeCommit messageAuthor
2022-01-31Add changelog for 61upstreamMasterDavid Runge
2022-01-31Extend contributing guidelines by merge request and changelog infoDavid Runge
2022-01-22hooks/archiso: merge _mnt_sfs and _mnt_erofs into one funtion _mnt_fsnl6720
2022-01-13Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/merge-requests/13'nl6720
2022-01-12Change default DHCP timeout to 60 seconds instead of 30 to avoid issues with ...Anton Hvornum
2022-01-10Merge branch '9-cowspace-can-no-longer-be-on-same-device-as-archiso-files'nl6720
2022-01-03hooks/archiso: mount cow_device read-only at first and remount it read-write ...nl6720
2021-12-28Merge branch 'version/60'David Runge
2021-12-28Add changelog entry for v60David Runge
2021-12-28Add dummy changelog entryDavid Runge