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authorAndreas Baumann <>2018-03-15 11:15:58 +0100
committerAndreas Baumann <>2018-03-15 11:15:58 +0100
commit80afdd710922f82171bb9250c33dca18475f42ca (patch)
tree2c604fc7cd126de2d039021e98356c1344e88a5f /
parent69f68ac358363ac31110fa1a1956539be60af313 (diff)
cleanup and plan for stage4
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 179 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..de9d71b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+# shellcheck source=./default.conf
+. "./default.conf"
+# builds and installs one package for stage 3
+if test "$(id -u)" = 0; then
+ sudo -u cross "$0" "$1"
+ exit 0
+# draw in default values for build variables
+. "$SCRIPT_DIR/$TARGET_CPU-stage4/template/DESCR"
+if test "$(find "$STAGE4_PACKAGES" -regex ".*/$PACKAGE-.*pkg\\.tar\\.xz" | wc -l)" = 0; then
+ echo "Building package $PACKAGE."
+ cd $STAGE4_BUILD || exit 1
+ # clean up old build
+ sudo rm -rf "$PACKAGE"
+ rm -f "$STAGE4_PACKAGES/$PACKAGE"-*pkg.tar.xz
+ ssh -i $CROSS_HOME/.ssh/id_rsa root@$STAGE1_MACHINE_IP rm -rf "/build/$PACKAGE"
+ # check out the package build information from the upstream git rep
+ # using asp (or from the AUR using yaourt)
+ if test -f "$PACKAGE_CONF"; then
+ if test "$(grep -c FETCH_METHOD "$PACKAGE_CONF")" = 1; then
+ FETCH_METHOD=$(grep FETCH_METHOD "$PACKAGE_CONF" | cut -f 2 -d = | tr -d '"')
+ fi
+ fi
+ case $FETCH_METHOD in
+ "asp")
+ $ASP export "$PACKAGE"
+ ;;
+ "yaourt")
+ yaourt -G "$PACKAGE"
+ ;;
+ "packages32")
+ # (we assume, we only take core packages)
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "ERROR: unknown FETCH_METHOD '$FETCH_METHOD'.." >&2
+ exit 1
+ esac
+ cd "$PACKAGE" || exit 1
+ # attach our destination platform to be a supported architecture
+ sed -i "/^arch=[^#]*any/!{/^arch=(/s/(/($TARGET_CPU /}" PKGBUILD
+ # if there is a packages32 diff-PKGBUILD, attach it at the end
+ # (we assume, we build only 'core' packages during stage1)
+ if test -f "$DIFF_PKGBUILD"; then
+ fi
+ # copy all other files from Archlinux32, if they exist
+ # (we assume, we only take core packages during stage1)
+ if test -f "$DIFF_PKGBUILD"; then
+ find "$ARCHLINUX32_PACKAGES/core/$PACKAGE"/* ! -name PKGBUILD \
+ -exec cp {} . \;
+ fi
+ # source package descriptions, sets variables for this script
+ # and executes whatever is needed to build the package
+ if test -f "$PACKAGE_CONF"; then
+ fi
+ # copy all files into the build area on the target machine
+ # (but the package DESCR file)
+ if test -d "$PACKAGE_DIR"; then
+ find "$PACKAGE_DIR"/* ! -name DESCR \
+ -exec cp {} . \;
+ fi
+ # execute makepkg on the host
+ # we would actually like to have a mode like 'download, and noextract' but
+ # makepkg is not doing that (see -e and -o options)
+ makepkg --nobuild
+ rm -rf "$STAGE4_BUILD/$PACKAGE/src"
+ # copy everything to the stage 1 machine
+ scp -i $CROSS_HOME/.ssh/id_rsa -rC "$STAGE4_BUILD/$PACKAGE" build@$STAGE1_MACHINE_IP:/build/.
+ # building the actual package
+ echo "Building $PACKAGE on target.."
+ ssh -i $CROSS_HOME/.ssh/id_rsa build@$STAGE1_MACHINE_IP bash -c "'cd $PACKAGE && makepkg --skipchecksums --skippgpcheck --nocheck'" > $PACKAGE.log 2>&1
+ RES=$?
+ tail "$PACKAGE.log"
+ if test $RES = 0; then
+ echo "Package $PACKAGE built sucessfully, installing on target.."
+ # copy to our package folder in the first stage chroot
+ ssh -i $CROSS_HOME/.ssh/id_rsa root@$STAGE1_MACHINE_IP bash -c "'
+ cd /build/$PACKAGE
+ rm -f ./*debug*.pkg.tar.xz
+ cp -v ./*.pkg.tar.xz /packages/$TARGET_CPU/.
+ '"
+ # redo the whole pacman cache and repo (always running into trouble
+ # there, packages seem to reappear in old versions)
+ ssh -i $CROSS_HOME/.ssh/id_rsa root@$STAGE1_MACHINE_IP bash -c "'
+# rm -rf /var/cache/pacman/pkg/*
+# rm -rf /packages/$TARGET_CPU/temp.db*
+# rm -rf /packages/$TARGET_CPU/temp.files*
+# repo-add /packages/$TARGET_CPU/temp.db.tar.gz /packages/$TARGET_CPU/*pkg.tar.xz
+ '"
+ # install onto stage 1 system via pacman
+ if test "$FORCE_INSTALL"; then
+ FORCE="--force"
+ fi
+ ssh -i $CROSS_HOME/.ssh/id_rsa root@$STAGE1_MACHINE_IP bash -c "'
+ # TODO: broken [temp] repo
+ if test \"$ADDITIONAL_INSTALL_PACKAGE\" != \"\"; then
+ pacman $FORCE --noconfirm -U /packages/$TARGET_CPU/$PACKAGE-*.pkg.tar.xz /packages/$TARGET_CPU/$ADDITIONAL_INSTALL_PACKAGE-*.pkg.tar.xz
+ else
+ #pacman $FORCE --noconfirm -Syy $PACKAGE
+ pacman $FORCE --noconfirm -U /packages/$TARGET_CPU/$PACKAGE-*.pkg.tar.xz
+ fi
+ '"
+ # copy packages from target machine and replace our local version with it
+ echo "Salvaging build environment of $PACKAGE from target back to host.."
+ tmp_dir=$(mktemp -d 'tmp.compute-dependencies.0.XXXXXXXXXX' --tmpdir)
+ trap 'rm -rf --one-file-system "${tmp_dir}"' EXIT
+ cd $STAGE4_BUILD || exit 1
+ mv "$STAGE4_BUILD/$PACKAGE/$PACKAGE.log" "$tmp_dir"
+ cd "$STAGE4_BUILD" || exit 1
+ rm -rf "$PACKAGE"
+ ssh -i $CROSS_HOME/.ssh/id_rsa root@$STAGE1_MACHINE_IP bash -c "'cd /build && tar zcf $PACKAGE.tar.gz $PACKAGE/'"
+ scp -i $CROSS_HOME/.ssh/id_rsa -rC build@$STAGE1_MACHINE_IP:/build/"$PACKAGE.tar.gz" "$STAGE4_BUILD/."
+ ssh -i $CROSS_HOME/.ssh/id_rsa root@$STAGE1_MACHINE_IP bash -c "'cd /build && rm -f $PACKAGE.tar.gz'"
+ tar zxf "$PACKAGE.tar.gz"
+ rm -f "$PACKAGE.tar.gz"
+ mv "$tmp_dir/$PACKAGE.log" "$STAGE4_BUILD/$PACKAGE/."
+ mv -vf "$STAGE4_BUILD/$PACKAGE/"*.pkg.tar.xz "$STAGE4_PACKAGES/."
+ echo "Built package $PACKAGE."
+ else
+ echo "ERROR building package $PACKAGE"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ cd $STAGE4_BUILD || exit 1
+ echo "$PACKAGE exists."