Send patches - preferably formatted by git format-patch - to patches at archlinux32 dot org.
BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
crossarchiso/mkarchiso: use value of $arch if provided by envErich Eckner5 years
dual-bootRevert "[archiso] Fix docs -dual -> x86_64"Erich Eckner4 years
masterfixed uninstall (we keep it, upstream deleted it)Andreas Baumann7 months
upstreamMastermkarchiso: do not place the pkglist.x86_64.txt file inside the bootstrap tarb...nl67207 months
dual-v44.4commit 5f4e06800d...Erich Eckner5 years
i686-v44.4commit f66a5ce43a...Erich Eckner5 years
dual-v43.4commit 8f9e0bc4eb...Erich Eckner5 years
i686-v43.4commit ce94dc0b5e...Erich Eckner5 years
dual-v43.3commit 446e5af60e...Erich Eckner5 years
i686-v43.3commit 9ac3b1e2a3...Erich Eckner5 years
i686-v43.2commit 89d34440b4...Erich Eckner5 years
dual-v43.2commit 49a99826c8...Erich Eckner5 years
dual-v43.1commit 0ebd510b5b...Erich Eckner5 years
i686-v43.1commit 58ec4c7a56...Erich Eckner5 years
AgeCommit messageAuthor
2017-10-11new release: 32.3dual-v32.3Erich Eckner
2017-10-11configs/releng/ generate architecture specific pacman.conf (differin...Erich Eckner
2017-10-10new versiondual-v32.2Erich Eckner
2017-10-10configs/releng/ install original mirrorlist for x86_64Erich Eckner
2017-10-10configs/releng/ use archlinux32 mirrorlist from githubErich Eckner
2017-08-24new releasedual-v32.1Erich Eckner
2017-08-07populate keyring with archlinux32, tooErich Eckner
2017-06-26prepare releasedual-v32Gerardo Exequiel Pozzi
2017-06-13pendent to bfc0c81: [archiso] Add ca-certificates.crtErich Eckner
2017-06-04[archiso] Add ca-certificates.crtGerardo Exequiel Pozzi