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path: root/archinstall/lib/interactions/
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authorAndreas Baumann <>2024-05-10 15:56:28 +0200
committerAndreas Baumann <>2024-05-10 15:56:28 +0200
commit683da22298abbd90f51d4dd38a7ec4b0dfb04555 (patch)
treeec2ac04967f9277df038edc362201937b331abe5 /archinstall/lib/interactions/
parentaf7ab9833c9f9944874f0162ae0975175ddc628d (diff)
parent3381cd55673e5105697d354cf4a1be9a7bcef062 (diff)
merged with upstreamHEADmaster
Diffstat (limited to 'archinstall/lib/interactions/')
1 files changed, 572 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/archinstall/lib/interactions/ b/archinstall/lib/interactions/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4fce4fe5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/archinstall/lib/interactions/
@@ -0,0 +1,572 @@
+from __future__ import annotations
+from pathlib import Path
+from typing import Any, TYPE_CHECKING
+from typing import Optional, List, Tuple
+from .. import disk
+from ..disk.device_model import BtrfsMountOption
+from ..hardware import SysInfo
+from import Menu
+from import TableMenu
+from import MenuSelectionType
+from ..output import FormattedOutput, debug
+from ..utils.util import prompt_dir
+from import storage
+ _: Any
+def select_devices(preset: List[disk.BDevice] = []) -> List[disk.BDevice]:
+ """
+ Asks the user to select one or multiple devices
+ :return: List of selected devices
+ :rtype: list
+ """
+ def _preview_device_selection(selection: disk._DeviceInfo) -> Optional[str]:
+ dev = disk.device_handler.get_device(selection.path)
+ if dev and dev.partition_infos:
+ return FormattedOutput.as_table(dev.partition_infos)
+ return None
+ if preset is None:
+ preset = []
+ title = str(_('Select one or more devices to use and configure'))
+ warning = str(_('If you reset the device selection this will also reset the current disk layout. Are you sure?'))
+ devices = disk.device_handler.devices
+ options = [d.device_info for d in devices]
+ preset_value = [p.device_info for p in preset]
+ choice = TableMenu(
+ title,
+ data=options,
+ multi=True,
+ preset=preset_value,
+ preview_command=_preview_device_selection,
+ preview_title=str(_('Existing Partitions')),
+ preview_size=0.2,
+ allow_reset=True,
+ allow_reset_warning_msg=warning
+ ).run()
+ match choice.type_:
+ case MenuSelectionType.Reset: return []
+ case MenuSelectionType.Skip: return preset
+ case MenuSelectionType.Selection:
+ selected_device_info: List[disk._DeviceInfo] = choice.single_value
+ selected_devices = []
+ for device in devices:
+ if device.device_info in selected_device_info:
+ selected_devices.append(device)
+ return selected_devices
+def get_default_partition_layout(
+ devices: List[disk.BDevice],
+ filesystem_type: Optional[disk.FilesystemType] = None,
+ advanced_option: bool = False
+) -> List[disk.DeviceModification]:
+ if len(devices) == 1:
+ device_modification = suggest_single_disk_layout(
+ devices[0],
+ filesystem_type=filesystem_type,
+ advanced_options=advanced_option
+ )
+ return [device_modification]
+ else:
+ return suggest_multi_disk_layout(
+ devices,
+ filesystem_type=filesystem_type,
+ advanced_options=advanced_option
+ )
+def _manual_partitioning(
+ preset: List[disk.DeviceModification],
+ devices: List[disk.BDevice]
+) -> List[disk.DeviceModification]:
+ modifications = []
+ for device in devices:
+ mod = next(filter(lambda x: x.device == device, preset), None)
+ if not mod:
+ mod = disk.DeviceModification(device, wipe=False)
+ if partitions := disk.manual_partitioning(device, preset=mod.partitions):
+ mod.partitions = partitions
+ modifications.append(mod)
+ return modifications
+def select_disk_config(
+ preset: Optional[disk.DiskLayoutConfiguration] = None,
+ advanced_option: bool = False
+) -> Optional[disk.DiskLayoutConfiguration]:
+ default_layout = disk.DiskLayoutType.Default.display_msg()
+ manual_mode = disk.DiskLayoutType.Manual.display_msg()
+ pre_mount_mode = disk.DiskLayoutType.Pre_mount.display_msg()
+ options = [default_layout, manual_mode, pre_mount_mode]
+ preset_value = preset.config_type.display_msg() if preset else None
+ warning = str(_('Are you sure you want to reset this setting?'))
+ choice = Menu(
+ _('Select a partitioning option'),
+ options,
+ allow_reset=True,
+ allow_reset_warning_msg=warning,
+ sort=False,
+ preview_size=0.2,
+ preset_values=preset_value
+ ).run()
+ match choice.type_:
+ case MenuSelectionType.Skip: return preset
+ case MenuSelectionType.Reset: return None
+ case MenuSelectionType.Selection:
+ if choice.single_value == pre_mount_mode:
+ output = 'You will use whatever drive-setup is mounted at the specified directory\n'
+ output += "WARNING: Archinstall won't check the suitability of this setup\n"
+ try:
+ path = prompt_dir(str(_('Enter the root directory of the mounted devices: ')), output)
+ except (KeyboardInterrupt, EOFError):
+ return preset
+ mods = disk.device_handler.detect_pre_mounted_mods(path)
+ storage['MOUNT_POINT'] = Path(path)
+ return disk.DiskLayoutConfiguration(
+ config_type=disk.DiskLayoutType.Pre_mount,
+ device_modifications=mods,
+ mountpoint=path
+ )
+ preset_devices = [mod.device for mod in preset.device_modifications] if preset else []
+ devices = select_devices(preset_devices)
+ if not devices:
+ return None
+ if choice.value == default_layout:
+ modifications = get_default_partition_layout(devices, advanced_option=advanced_option)
+ if modifications:
+ return disk.DiskLayoutConfiguration(
+ config_type=disk.DiskLayoutType.Default,
+ device_modifications=modifications
+ )
+ elif choice.value == manual_mode:
+ preset_mods = preset.device_modifications if preset else []
+ modifications = _manual_partitioning(preset_mods, devices)
+ if modifications:
+ return disk.DiskLayoutConfiguration(
+ config_type=disk.DiskLayoutType.Manual,
+ device_modifications=modifications
+ )
+ return None
+def select_lvm_config(
+ disk_config: disk.DiskLayoutConfiguration,
+ preset: Optional[disk.LvmConfiguration] = None,
+) -> Optional[disk.LvmConfiguration]:
+ default_mode = disk.LvmLayoutType.Default.display_msg()
+ options = [default_mode]
+ preset_value = preset.config_type.display_msg() if preset else None
+ warning = str(_('Are you sure you want to reset this setting?'))
+ choice = Menu(
+ _('Select a LVM option'),
+ options,
+ allow_reset=True,
+ allow_reset_warning_msg=warning,
+ sort=False,
+ preview_size=0.2,
+ preset_values=preset_value
+ ).run()
+ match choice.type_:
+ case MenuSelectionType.Skip: return preset
+ case MenuSelectionType.Reset: return None
+ case MenuSelectionType.Selection:
+ if choice.single_value == default_mode:
+ return suggest_lvm_layout(disk_config)
+ return preset
+def _boot_partition(sector_size: disk.SectorSize, using_gpt: bool) -> disk.PartitionModification:
+ flags = [disk.PartitionFlag.Boot]
+ if using_gpt:
+ start = disk.Size(1, disk.Unit.MiB, sector_size)
+ size = disk.Size(1, disk.Unit.GiB, sector_size)
+ flags.append(disk.PartitionFlag.ESP)
+ else:
+ start = disk.Size(3, disk.Unit.MiB, sector_size)
+ size = disk.Size(203, disk.Unit.MiB, sector_size)
+ # boot partition
+ return disk.PartitionModification(
+ status=disk.ModificationStatus.Create,
+ type=disk.PartitionType.Primary,
+ start=start,
+ length=size,
+ mountpoint=Path('/boot'),
+ fs_type=disk.FilesystemType.Fat32,
+ flags=flags
+ )
+def select_main_filesystem_format(advanced_options: bool = False) -> disk.FilesystemType:
+ options = {
+ 'btrfs': disk.FilesystemType.Btrfs,
+ 'ext4': disk.FilesystemType.Ext4,
+ 'xfs': disk.FilesystemType.Xfs,
+ 'f2fs': disk.FilesystemType.F2fs
+ }
+ if advanced_options:
+ options.update({'ntfs': disk.FilesystemType.Ntfs})
+ prompt = _('Select which filesystem your main partition should use')
+ choice = Menu(prompt, options, skip=False, sort=False).run()
+ return options[choice.single_value]
+def select_mount_options() -> List[str]:
+ prompt = str(_('Would you like to use compression or disable CoW?'))
+ options = [str(_('Use compression')), str(_('Disable Copy-on-Write'))]
+ choice = Menu(prompt, options, sort=False).run()
+ if choice.type_ == MenuSelectionType.Selection:
+ if choice.single_value == options[0]:
+ return [BtrfsMountOption.compress.value]
+ else:
+ return [BtrfsMountOption.nodatacow.value]
+ return []
+def process_root_partition_size(available_space: disk.Size, sector_size: disk.SectorSize) -> disk.Size:
+ # root partition size processing
+ total_device_size = available_space.convert(disk.Unit.GiB)
+ if total_device_size.value > 500:
+ # maximum size
+ return disk.Size(value=50, unit=disk.Unit.GiB, sector_size=sector_size)
+ elif total_device_size.value < 200:
+ # minimum size
+ return disk.Size(value=20, unit=disk.Unit.GiB, sector_size=sector_size)
+ else:
+ # 10% of total size
+ length = total_device_size.value // 10
+ return disk.Size(value=length, unit=disk.Unit.GiB, sector_size=sector_size)
+def suggest_single_disk_layout(
+ device: disk.BDevice,
+ filesystem_type: Optional[disk.FilesystemType] = None,
+ advanced_options: bool = False,
+ separate_home: Optional[bool] = None
+) -> disk.DeviceModification:
+ if not filesystem_type:
+ filesystem_type = select_main_filesystem_format(advanced_options)
+ sector_size = device.device_info.sector_size
+ total_size = device.device_info.total_size
+ min_size_to_allow_home_part = disk.Size(40, disk.Unit.GiB, sector_size)
+ root_partition_size = process_root_partition_size(available_space=total_size, sector_size=sector_size)
+ using_subvolumes = False
+ using_home_partition = False
+ mount_options = []
+ device_size_gib = device.device_info.total_size
+ if filesystem_type == disk.FilesystemType.Btrfs:
+ prompt = str(_('Would you like to use BTRFS subvolumes with a default structure?'))
+ choice = Menu(prompt, Menu.yes_no(), skip=False, default_option=Menu.yes()).run()
+ using_subvolumes = choice.value == Menu.yes()
+ mount_options = select_mount_options()
+ device_modification = disk.DeviceModification(device, wipe=True)
+ using_gpt = SysInfo.has_uefi()
+ # Used for reference:
+ # 2 MiB is unallocated for GRUB on BIOS. Potentially unneeded for other bootloaders?
+ # TODO: On BIOS, /boot partition is only needed if the drive will
+ # be encrypted, otherwise it is not recommended. We should probably
+ # add a check for whether the drive will be encrypted or not.
+ # Increase the UEFI partition if UEFI is detected.
+ # Also re-align the start to 1MiB since we don't need the first sectors
+ # like we do in MBR layouts where the boot loader is installed traditionally.
+ boot_partition = _boot_partition(sector_size, using_gpt)
+ device_modification.add_partition(boot_partition)
+ if not using_subvolumes:
+ if device_size_gib >= min_size_to_allow_home_part:
+ if separate_home is None:
+ prompt = str(_('Would you like to create a separate partition for /home?'))
+ choice = Menu(prompt, Menu.yes_no(), skip=False, default_option=Menu.yes()).run()
+ using_home_partition = choice.value == Menu.yes()
+ elif separate_home is True:
+ using_home_partition = True
+ else:
+ using_home_partition = False
+ align_buffer = disk.Size(1, disk.Unit.MiB, sector_size)
+ # root partition
+ root_start = boot_partition.start + boot_partition.length
+ # Set a size for / (/root)
+ if using_subvolumes or device_size_gib < min_size_to_allow_home_part or not using_home_partition:
+ root_length = total_size - root_start
+ else:
+ root_length = min(total_size, root_partition_size)
+ if using_gpt and not using_home_partition:
+ root_length -= align_buffer
+ root_partition = disk.PartitionModification(
+ status=disk.ModificationStatus.Create,
+ type=disk.PartitionType.Primary,
+ start=root_start,
+ length=root_length,
+ mountpoint=Path('/') if not using_subvolumes else None,
+ fs_type=filesystem_type,
+ mount_options=mount_options
+ )
+ device_modification.add_partition(root_partition)
+ if using_subvolumes:
+ #
+ #
+ #
+ subvolumes = [
+ disk.SubvolumeModification(Path('@'), Path('/')),
+ disk.SubvolumeModification(Path('@home'), Path('/home')),
+ disk.SubvolumeModification(Path('@log'), Path('/var/log')),
+ disk.SubvolumeModification(Path('@pkg'), Path('/var/cache/pacman/pkg')),
+ disk.SubvolumeModification(Path('@.snapshots'), Path('/.snapshots'))
+ ]
+ root_partition.btrfs_subvols = subvolumes
+ elif using_home_partition:
+ # If we don't want to use subvolumes,
+ # But we want to be able to reuse data between re-installs..
+ # A second partition for /home would be nice if we have the space for it
+ home_start = root_partition.start + root_partition.length
+ home_length = total_size - home_start
+ if using_gpt:
+ home_length -= align_buffer
+ home_partition = disk.PartitionModification(
+ status=disk.ModificationStatus.Create,
+ type=disk.PartitionType.Primary,
+ start=home_start,
+ length=home_length,
+ mountpoint=Path('/home'),
+ fs_type=filesystem_type,
+ mount_options=mount_options
+ )
+ device_modification.add_partition(home_partition)
+ return device_modification
+def suggest_multi_disk_layout(
+ devices: List[disk.BDevice],
+ filesystem_type: Optional[disk.FilesystemType] = None,
+ advanced_options: bool = False
+) -> List[disk.DeviceModification]:
+ if not devices:
+ return []
+ # Not really a rock solid foundation of information to stand on, but it's a start:
+ #
+ #
+ min_home_partition_size = disk.Size(40, disk.Unit.GiB, disk.SectorSize.default())
+ # rough estimate taking in to account user desktops etc. TODO: Catch user packages to detect size?
+ desired_root_partition_size = disk.Size(20, disk.Unit.GiB, disk.SectorSize.default())
+ mount_options = []
+ if not filesystem_type:
+ filesystem_type = select_main_filesystem_format(advanced_options)
+ # find proper disk for /home
+ possible_devices = list(filter(lambda x: x.device_info.total_size >= min_home_partition_size, devices))
+ home_device = max(possible_devices, key=lambda d: d.device_info.total_size) if possible_devices else None
+ # find proper device for /root
+ devices_delta = {}
+ for device in devices:
+ if device is not home_device:
+ delta = device.device_info.total_size - desired_root_partition_size
+ devices_delta[device] = delta
+ sorted_delta: List[Tuple[disk.BDevice, Any]] = sorted(devices_delta.items(), key=lambda x: x[1])
+ root_device: Optional[disk.BDevice] = sorted_delta[0][0]
+ if home_device is None or root_device is None:
+ text = _('The selected drives do not have the minimum capacity required for an automatic suggestion\n')
+ text += _('Minimum capacity for /home partition: {}GiB\n').format(min_home_partition_size.format_size(disk.Unit.GiB))
+ text += _('Minimum capacity for Arch Linux partition: {}GiB').format(desired_root_partition_size.format_size(disk.Unit.GiB))
+ Menu(str(text), [str(_('Continue'))], skip=False).run()
+ return []
+ if filesystem_type == disk.FilesystemType.Btrfs:
+ mount_options = select_mount_options()
+ device_paths = ', '.join([str(d.device_info.path) for d in devices])
+ debug(f'Suggesting multi-disk-layout for devices: {device_paths}')
+ debug(f'/root: {root_device.device_info.path}')
+ debug(f'/home: {home_device.device_info.path}')
+ root_device_modification = disk.DeviceModification(root_device, wipe=True)
+ home_device_modification = disk.DeviceModification(home_device, wipe=True)
+ root_device_sector_size = root_device_modification.device.device_info.sector_size
+ home_device_sector_size = home_device_modification.device.device_info.sector_size
+ root_align_buffer = disk.Size(1, disk.Unit.MiB, root_device_sector_size)
+ home_align_buffer = disk.Size(1, disk.Unit.MiB, home_device_sector_size)
+ using_gpt = SysInfo.has_uefi()
+ # add boot partition to the root device
+ boot_partition = _boot_partition(root_device_sector_size, using_gpt)
+ root_device_modification.add_partition(boot_partition)
+ root_start = boot_partition.start + boot_partition.length
+ root_length = root_device.device_info.total_size - root_start
+ if using_gpt:
+ root_length -= root_align_buffer
+ # add root partition to the root device
+ root_partition = disk.PartitionModification(
+ status=disk.ModificationStatus.Create,
+ type=disk.PartitionType.Primary,
+ start=root_start,
+ length=root_length,
+ mountpoint=Path('/'),
+ mount_options=mount_options,
+ fs_type=filesystem_type
+ )
+ root_device_modification.add_partition(root_partition)
+ home_start = home_align_buffer
+ home_length = home_device.device_info.total_size - home_start
+ if using_gpt:
+ home_length -= home_align_buffer
+ # add home partition to home device
+ home_partition = disk.PartitionModification(
+ status=disk.ModificationStatus.Create,
+ type=disk.PartitionType.Primary,
+ start=home_start,
+ length=home_length,
+ mountpoint=Path('/home'),
+ mount_options=mount_options,
+ fs_type=filesystem_type,
+ )
+ home_device_modification.add_partition(home_partition)
+ return [root_device_modification, home_device_modification]
+def suggest_lvm_layout(
+ disk_config: disk.DiskLayoutConfiguration,
+ filesystem_type: Optional[disk.FilesystemType] = None,
+ vg_grp_name: str = 'ArchinstallVg',
+) -> disk.LvmConfiguration:
+ if disk_config.config_type != disk.DiskLayoutType.Default:
+ raise ValueError('LVM suggested volumes are only available for default partitioning')
+ using_subvolumes = False
+ btrfs_subvols = []
+ home_volume = True
+ mount_options = []
+ if not filesystem_type:
+ filesystem_type = select_main_filesystem_format()
+ if filesystem_type == disk.FilesystemType.Btrfs:
+ prompt = str(_('Would you like to use BTRFS subvolumes with a default structure?'))
+ choice = Menu(prompt, Menu.yes_no(), skip=False, default_option=Menu.yes()).run()
+ using_subvolumes = choice.value == Menu.yes()
+ mount_options = select_mount_options()
+ if using_subvolumes:
+ btrfs_subvols = [
+ disk.SubvolumeModification(Path('@'), Path('/')),
+ disk.SubvolumeModification(Path('@home'), Path('/home')),
+ disk.SubvolumeModification(Path('@log'), Path('/var/log')),
+ disk.SubvolumeModification(Path('@pkg'), Path('/var/cache/pacman/pkg')),
+ disk.SubvolumeModification(Path('@.snapshots'), Path('/.snapshots')),
+ ]
+ home_volume = False
+ boot_part: Optional[disk.PartitionModification] = None
+ other_part: List[disk.PartitionModification] = []
+ for mod in disk_config.device_modifications:
+ for part in mod.partitions:
+ if part.is_boot():
+ boot_part = part
+ else:
+ other_part.append(part)
+ if not boot_part:
+ raise ValueError('Unable to find boot partition in partition modifications')
+ total_vol_available = sum(
+ [p.length for p in other_part],
+ disk.Size(0, disk.Unit.B, disk.SectorSize.default()),
+ )
+ root_vol_size = disk.Size(20, disk.Unit.GiB, disk.SectorSize.default())
+ home_vol_size = total_vol_available - root_vol_size
+ lvm_vol_group = disk.LvmVolumeGroup(vg_grp_name, pvs=other_part, )
+ root_vol = disk.LvmVolume(
+ status=disk.LvmVolumeStatus.Create,
+ name='root',
+ fs_type=filesystem_type,
+ length=root_vol_size,
+ mountpoint=Path('/'),
+ btrfs_subvols=btrfs_subvols,
+ mount_options=mount_options
+ )
+ lvm_vol_group.volumes.append(root_vol)
+ if home_volume:
+ home_vol = disk.LvmVolume(
+ status=disk.LvmVolumeStatus.Create,
+ name='home',
+ fs_type=filesystem_type,
+ length=home_vol_size,
+ mountpoint=Path('/home'),
+ )
+ lvm_vol_group.volumes.append(home_vol)
+ return disk.LvmConfiguration(disk.LvmLayoutType.Default, [lvm_vol_group])