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authorLord Anton Hvornum <>2018-05-06 23:07:41 +0200
committerLord Anton Hvornum <>2018-05-06 23:07:41 +0200
commitd58bc3604933e3667b881ce95c9bfc89929ac606 (patch)
parent97248e5c4ca2f46f4624324d4accaa7d092b54d7 (diff)
parenta584d33c2a8bb2c1f44e3bdab28ff22141e01e10 (diff)
Merge branch 'master' into net-deploy
1 files changed, 69 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/make_offline b/make_offline
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..225dec25
--- /dev/null
+++ b/make_offline
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+# A func to download, build ...
+build_aur () {
+ old_dir=`pwd`
+ package=$1
+ # Prep with a build-user:
+ useradd -m -G wheel builder
+ sed -i 's/# %wheel ALL=(ALL) NO/%wheel ALL=(ALL) NO/' /etc/sudoers
+ cd /tmp
+ rm -rf ${package} ${package}.tar.gz
+ wget "${package}.tar.gz"
+ tar xvzf "${package}.tar.gz"
+ cd ${package}
+ build_dir=$(pwd)
+ chown -R builder.builder /tmp/${package}
+ echo " => Buiilding ${package}"
+ su - builder -c "(cd ${build_dir}; makepkg -s --noconfirm)" >/dev/null 2>&1
+ echo " => Adding ${package} to local AUR mirror"
+ mkdir -p ${offline_mirror_path}
+ sh -c "cp *.xz ${offline_mirror_path}/"
+ sh -c "repo-add ${offline_mirror_path}/aur_offline.db.tar.gz ${offline_mirror_path}/*.xz"
+ if [[ -z $(cat ${old_dir}/packages.both | grep ${package}) ]]; then
+ # TODO: save a copy of ${old_dir}/packages.both ONCE, if it doesn't excist already.
+ # This in order to revert our AUR changes which will affect a re-build.
+ echo " => Adding ${package} to packages.both (from AUR)"
+ echo "${package}" >> ${old_dir}/packages.both
+ fi
+ ## Long term storage inside the ISO? (if we want to install to disk, we need to pass this along)
+ # sh -c "mv *.xz ${old_dir}/$2/$1.pkg.tar.xz"
+ cd ${old_dir}
+ userdel builder
+ rm -rf /home/builder
+ rm -rf /tmp/${package}
+ rm /tmp/${package}.tar.gz
+echo "Starting to sync upstream changes to offline mirror."
+rm -rf /tmp/sync /tmp/local
+echo " => Building AUR (Adding packages to packages.both as we go along)"
+build_aur "lighttpd2-git"
+if [[ -z $(cat ${work_dir}/pacman.conf | grep '\[aur_offline\]') ]]; then
+ echo " => Adding offline mirror to the chroot environment"
+ echo "[aur_offline]" >> ${work_dir}/pacman.conf
+ echo "Server = file:///tmp/aur_offline" >> ${work_dir}/pacman.conf
+ echo "SigLevel = Optional TrustAll" >> ${work_dir}/pacman.conf
+## Long term storage, if we want to be able to index our newly build files
+## while installing down to disk later, we need to index the AUR packages.
+#echo " => Adding packages to offline database"
+#sh -c "repo-add --new ${work_dir}/${arch}/airootfs/srv/http/archlinux/arch_offline/os/${arch}/arch_offline.db.tar.gz ${work_dir}/${arch}/airootfs/srv/http/archlinux/arch_offline/os/${arch}/*.pkg.tar.xz" >/dev/null 2>&1
+pacman --config ${work_dir}/pacman.conf -Sy
+pacman -Sy
+echo "Done syncing offline mirror."