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authorAnton Hvornum <>2019-11-13 22:20:38 +0000
committerAnton Hvornum <>2019-11-13 22:20:38 +0000
commit838f5958a7378f76c0d3b7ef3a5913ceb2a281d1 (patch)
parentb685f354500cec9101eeaf88f86a65557ea1fc9c (diff)
parenteb126150f07060a92d8c6b8a37bca14faefa396b (diff)
Merge branch 'master' of into aur-support
2 files changed, 70 insertions, 11 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index 44c41ffe..4d85c9ce 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ except:
## FIXME: dependency checks (fdisk, lsblk etc)
def sig_handler(signal, frame):
- print('Aborting further installation steps!')
+ print('\nAborting further installation steps!')
print(' Here\'s a summary of the commandline:')
print(f' {sys.argv}')
@@ -311,7 +311,7 @@ def get_drive_from_part_uuid(partuuid):
return None
-def update_git():
+def update_git(branch='master'):
default_gw = get_default_gateway_linux()
print('[N] Checking for updates...')
@@ -328,12 +328,16 @@ def update_git():
# b'From\n 339d687..80b97f3 master -> origin/master\nUpdating 339d687..80b97f3\nFast-forward\n | 2 +-\n 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)\n'
- if output != b'Already up to date':
+ if output != b'Already up to date' or branch != 'master':
#tmp = re.findall(b'[0-9]+ file changed', output)
#if len(tmp):
# num_changes = int(tmp[0].split(b' ',1)[0])
# if(num_changes):
+ if branch != 'master':
+ print(f'[N] Changing branch to {branch}')
+ output = simple_command(f'(cd /root/archinstall; git checkout {branch}; git pull)')
if not 'rebooted' in args:
## Reboot the script (in same context)
@@ -415,14 +419,22 @@ def grab_url_data(path):
def get_application_instructions(target):
instructions = {}
- instructions = grab_url_data('{}/applications/{}.json'.format(args['profiles-path'], target))
+ instructions = grab_url_data('{}/applications/{}.json'.format(args['profiles-path'], target)).decode('UTF-8')
+ print('[N] Found application instructions for: {}'.format(target))
except urllib.error.HTTPError:
print('[N] No instructions found for: {}'.format(target))
- return instructions
+ print('[N] Trying local instructions under ./deployments/applications')
+ local_path = './deployments/applications' if os.path.isfile('./') else './archinstall/deployments/applications' # Dangerous assumption
+ if os.path.isfile(f'{local_path}/{target}.json'):
+ with open(f'{local_path}/{target}.json', 'r') as fh:
+ instructions =
+ print('[N] Found local application instructions for: {}'.format(target))
+ else:
+ return instructions
- print('[N] Found application instructions for: {}'.format(target))
- instructions = json.loads(instructions.decode('UTF-8'), object_pairs_hook=oDict)
+ instructions = json.loads(instructions, object_pairs_hook=oDict)
print('[E] JSON syntax error in {}'.format('{}/applications/{}.json'.format(args['profiles-path'], target)))
@@ -433,14 +445,22 @@ def get_application_instructions(target):
def get_instructions(target):
instructions = {}
- instructions = grab_url_data('{}/{}.json'.format(args['profiles-path'], target))
+ instructions = grab_url_data('{}/{}.json'.format(args['profiles-path'], target)).decode('UTF-8')
+ print('[N] Found net-deploy instructions called: {}'.format(target))
except urllib.error.HTTPError:
print('[N] No instructions found called: {}'.format(target))
- return instructions
+ print('[N] Trying local instructions under ./deployments')
+ local_path = './deployments' if os.path.isfile('./') else './archinstall/deployments' # Dangerous assumption
+ if os.path.isfile(f'{local_path}/{target}.json'):
+ with open(f'{local_path}/{target}.json', 'r') as fh:
+ instructions =
+ print('[N] Found local instructions called: {}'.format(target))
+ else:
+ return instructions
- print('[N] Found net-deploy instructions called: {}'.format(target))
- instructions = json.loads(instructions.decode('UTF-8'), object_pairs_hook=oDict)
+ instructions = json.loads(instructions, object_pairs_hook=oDict)
print('[E] JSON syntax error in {}'.format('{}/{}.json'.format(args['profiles-path'], target)))
@@ -704,6 +724,9 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
elif 'prerequisits' in instructions:
pre_conf = instructions['prerequisits']
+ if 'git-branch' in pre_conf:
+ update_git(pre_conf['git-branch'])
## Prerequisit steps needs to NOT be executed in arch-chroot.
## Mainly because there's no root structure to chroot into.
## But partly because some configurations need to be done against the live CD.
@@ -805,6 +828,9 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
elif not 'args' in instructions and len(instructions):
conf = instructions
+ if 'git-branch' in conf:
+ update_git(pre_conf['git-branch'])
for title in conf:
if args['rerun'] and args['rerun'] != title and not rerun:
diff --git a/deployments/workstation_aur.json b/deployments/workstation_aur.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5cc59515
--- /dev/null
+++ b/deployments/workstation_aur.json
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+ "pre" : {
+ "git-branch" : "aur-support"
+ },
+ "args" : {
+ "password" : "<STDIN>",
+ "_keyboard_layout" : "sv-latin1",
+ "_editor" : "nano",
+ "_mediaplayer" : "lollypop gstreamer gst-plugins-good gnome-keyring",
+ "_filebrowser" : "nemo gpicview-gtk3",
+ "_webbrowser" : "chromium",
+ "_window_manager" : "awesome",
+ "_window_manager_dependencies" : "xorg-server xorg-xrandr xorg-xinit xterm",
+ "_window_manager_utilities" : "feh slock xscreensaver terminus-font-otb gnu-free-fonts ttf-liberation xsel",
+ "_virtulization" : "qemu ovmf",
+ "_utils" : "openssh sshfs git htop pkgfile scrot dhclient wget smbclient cifs-utils libu2f-host",
+ "_audio" : "pulseaudio pulseaudio-alsa pavucontrol",
+ "post" : "don't reboot"
+ },
+ "post" : {
+ "Install workstation packages": {
+ "pacman -Syy --noconfirm {_webbrowser} {_utils} {_mediaplayer} {_window_manager} {_window_manager_dependencies} {_window_manager_utilities} {_virtulization} {_filebrowser} {_editor}" : {"pass-args" : true}
+ },
+ "Setup virtulization" : {
+ "sh -c \"Description=\\\"Bridge for virtual machines\\\"\nInterface=br0\nConnection=bridge\nBindsToInterfaces=(eno1)\nIP=no\nExecUpPost=\\\"ip link set dev br0 address $(cat /sys/class/net/eno1/address); IP=dhcp; ip_set\\\"\nExecDownPre=\\\"IP=dhcp\\\"\n\n## Ignore (R)STP and immediately activate the bridge\nSkipForwardingDelay=yes\"" : null
+ },
+ "Setup loclization" : {
+ "sh -c \"echo 'setxkbmap se' >> /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc\"" : null,
+ "sh -c \"echo 'KEYMAP={_keyboard_layout}\nFONT=lat9w-16' >> /etc/vconsole.conf\"" : {"pass-args" : true}
+ },
+ "Configure desktop environment" : "awesome"
+ }