
source "$(dirname "$0")"/../tap.sh || exit 1

# source the library function
if [[ -z $lib || ! -f $lib ]]; then
	tap_bail "human_to_size library (%s) could not be located" "${lib}"
	exit 1
. "$lib"

if ! type -t human_to_size &>/dev/null; then
	tap_bail "human_to_size function not found"
	exit 1

tap_parse_hts() {
	local input=$1 expected=$2
	tap_is_str "$(human_to_size "$input")" "$expected" "$input"

tap_plan 15

# tap_parse_hts <input> <expected output>

tap_parse_hts '1MiB' 1048576

tap_parse_hts '10XiB' ''

tap_parse_hts '10 MiB' 10485760

tap_parse_hts '10 XiB' ''

tap_parse_hts '.1 TiB' 109951162778

tap_parse_hts '  -3    KiB   ' -3072

tap_parse_hts 'foo3KiB' ''

tap_parse_hts '3KiBfoo' ''

tap_parse_hts '3kib' ''

tap_parse_hts '+1KiB' 1024

tap_parse_hts '+1.0 KiB' 1024

tap_parse_hts '1MB' 1000000

tap_parse_hts '1M' 1048576

tap_parse_hts ' 1 G ' 1073741824

tap_parse_hts '1Q' ''

# vim: set noet: