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path: root/contrib/
diff options
authorAllan McRae <>2016-10-09 22:52:27 +1000
committerAllan McRae <>2016-10-10 10:38:05 +1000
commit0c99eabd50752310f42ec808c8734a338122ec86 (patch)
tree499801a8c046001ddab0b11439e9e948b257d726 /contrib/
parent2e76c184aac74c4848fa5ee092fe54c9954c4054 (diff)
Remove contrib
The contrib directory takes too much of the pacman developer's limited time, which could be better spent developing and reviewing patches for the primary projects. The community can pick this up in a separate repository if wanted. Signed-off-by: Allan McRae <>
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 366 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/ b/contrib/
deleted file mode 100644
index 02fae527..00000000
--- a/contrib/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,366 +0,0 @@
-# pacache - flexible pacman cache cleaning
-# Copyright (C) 2011 Dave Reisner <>
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
-# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program. If not, see <>.
-shopt -s extglob
-declare -r myname='paccache'
-declare -r myver='@PACKAGE_VERSION@'
-declare -a cachedirs=() candidates=() cmdopts=() whitelist=() blacklist=()
-declare -i delete=0 dryrun=0 filecount=0 move=0 needsroot=0 totalsaved=0 verbose=0
-declare delim=$'\n' keep=3 movedir= scanarch=
-die() {
- error "$@"
- exit 1
-get_cachedir_from_config() {
- local key value
- while IFS=$'= \t' read -r key value _; do
- if [[ $key = CacheDir ]]; then
- echo "$value"
- return 0
- fi
- done <"$1"
- return 1
-# reads a list of files on stdin and prints out deletion candidates
-pkgfilter() {
- # there's whitelist and blacklist parameters passed to this
- # script after the block of awk.
- awk -v keep="$1" -v scanarch="$2" '
- function basename(str) {
- sub(".*/", "", str);
- return str;
- }
- function parse_filename(filename, parts, count, i, pkgname, arch) {
- count = split(basename(filename), parts, "-")
- i = 1
- pkgname = parts[i++]
- while (i <= count - 3) {
- pkgname = pkgname "-" parts[i++]
- }
- arch = substr(parts[count], 1, index(parts[count], ".") - 1)
- # filter on whitelist or blacklist
- if (wlen && !whitelist[pkgname]) return
- if (blen && blacklist[pkgname]) return
- if ("" == packages[pkgname,arch]) {
- packages[pkgname,arch] = filename
- } else {
- packages[pkgname,arch] = packages[pkgname,arch] SUBSEP filename
- }
- }
- # create whitelist
- wlen = ARGV[1]; delete ARGV[1]
- for (i = 2; i < 2 + wlen; i++) {
- whitelist[ARGV[i]] = 1
- delete ARGV[i]
- }
- # create blacklist
- blen = ARGV[i]; delete ARGV[i]
- while (i++ < ARGC) {
- blacklist[ARGV[i]] = 1
- delete ARGV[i]
- }
- # read package filenames
- while (getline < "/dev/stdin") {
- parse_filename($0)
- }
- for (pkglist in packages) {
- # idx[1,2] = idx[pkgname,arch]
- split(pkglist, idx, SUBSEP)
- # enforce architecture match if specified
- if (!scanarch || scanarch == idx[2]) {
- count = split(packages[idx[1], idx[2]], pkgs, SUBSEP)
- for(i = 1; i <= count - keep; i++) {
- print pkgs[i]
- }
- }
- }
- }' "${@:3}"
-runcmd() {
- if (( needsroot && EUID != 0 )); then
- msg "Privilege escalation required"
- if sudo -v &>/dev/null && sudo -l &>/dev/null; then
- sudo "$@"
- else
- die 'Unable to escalate privileges using sudo'
- fi
- else
- "$@"
- fi
-summarize() {
- (( QUIET )) && return
- local -i filecount=$1; shift
- local seenarch= seen= arch= name=
- local -r pkg_re='(.+)-[^-]+-[0-9]+-([^.]+)\.pkg.*'
- if (( delete )); then
- printf -v output 'finished: %d packages removed' "$filecount"
- elif (( move )); then
- printf -v output "finished: %d packages moved to '%s'" "$filecount" "$movedir"
- elif (( dryrun )); then
- if (( verbose )); then
- msg "Candidate packages:"
- while read -r pkg; do
- if (( verbose >= 3 )); then
- [[ $pkg =~ $pkg_re ]] && name=${BASH_REMATCH[1]} arch=${BASH_REMATCH[2]}
- if [[ -z $seen || $seenarch != "$arch" || $seen != "$name" ]]; then
- seen=$name seenarch=$arch
- printf '%s (%s):\n' "${name##*/}" "$arch"
- fi
- printf ' %s\n' "${pkg##*/}"
- elif (( verbose >= 2 )); then
- printf "%s$delim" "$pkg"
- else
- printf "%s$delim" "${pkg##*/}"
- fi
- done < <(printf '%s\n' "$@" | pacsort --files)
- fi
- printf -v output 'finished dry run: %d candidates' "$filecount"
- fi
- echo
- msg "$output (disk space saved: %s)" "$(size_to_human "$totalsaved")"
-usage() {
- cat <<EOF
-${myname} (pacman) v${myver}
-A flexible pacman cache cleaning utility.
-Usage: ${myname} <operation> [options] [targets...]
- Operations:
- -d, --dryrun perform a dry run, only finding candidate packages.
- -m, --move <dir> move candidate packages to "dir".
- -r, --remove remove candidate packages.
- Options:
- -a, --arch <arch> scan for "arch" (default: all architectures).
- -c, --cachedir <dir> scan "dir" for packages. can be used more than once.
- (default: read from @sysconfdir@/pacman.conf).
- -f, --force apply force to mv(1) and rm(1) operations.
- -h, --help display this help message and exit.
- -i, --ignore <pkgs> ignore "pkgs", comma-separated. Alternatively, specify
- "-" to read package names from stdin, newline-
- delimited.
- -k, --keep <num> keep "num" of each package in the cache (default: 3).
- --nocolor remove color from output.
- -q, --quiet minimize output
- -u, --uninstalled target uninstalled packages.
- -v, --verbose increase verbosity. specify up to 3 times.
- -z, --null use null delimiters for candidate names (only with -v
- and -vv).
-version() {
- printf "%s %s\n" "$myname" "$myver"
- echo 'Copyright (C) 2011 Dave Reisner <>'
-OPT_LONG=('arch:' 'cachedir:' 'dryrun' 'force' 'help' 'ignore:' 'keep:' 'move'
- 'nocolor' 'quiet' 'remove' 'uninstalled' 'version' 'verbose' 'null')
-if ! parseopts "$OPT_SHORT" "${OPT_LONG[@]}" -- "$@"; then
- exit 1
-set -- "${OPTRET[@]}"
-while :; do
- case $1 in
- -a|--arch)
- scanarch=$2
- shift ;;
- -c|--cachedir)
- cachedirs+=("$2")
- shift ;;
- -d|--dryrun)
- dryrun=1 ;;
- -f|--force)
- cmdopts=(-f) ;;
- -h|--help)
- usage
- exit 0 ;;
- -i|--ignore)
- if [[ $2 = '-' ]]; then
- [[ ! -t 0 ]] && IFS=$'\n' read -r -d '' -a ign
- else
- IFS=',' read -r -a ign <<< "$2"
- fi
- blacklist+=("${ign[@]}")
- unset i ign
- shift ;;
- -k|--keep)
- keep=$2
- if [[ -z $keep || -n ${keep//[0-9]/} ]]; then
- die 'argument to option -k must be a non-negative integer'
- else
- keep=$(( 10#$keep ))
- fi
- shift ;;
- -m|--move)
- move=1 movedir=$2
- shift ;;
- --nocolor)
- USE_COLOR='n' ;;
- -q|--quiet)
- QUIET=1 ;;
- -r|--remove)
- delete=1 ;;
- -u|--uninstalled)
- IFS=$'\n' read -r -d '' -a ign < <(pacman -Qq)
- # pacman -Qq may exit with an error, thus making ign an empty array
- (( ${#ign[@]} )) || die 'failed to retrieve the list of installed packages'
- blacklist+=("${ign[@]}")
- unset ign ;;
- -V|--version)
- version
- exit 0 ;;
- -v|--verbose)
- (( ++verbose )) ;;
- -z|--null)
- delim='\0' ;;
- --)
- shift
- break 2 ;;
- esac
- shift
-# setting default cachedir
-if [[ -z $cachedirs ]]; then
- if cachedir=$(get_cachedir_from_config "@sysconfdir@/pacman.conf"); then
- cachedirs=("$cachedir")
- else
- cachedirs=("${cachedirs[@]:-@localstatedir@/cache/pacman/pkg}")
- fi
-# remaining args are a whitelist
-# sanity checks
-case $(( dryrun+delete+move )) in
- 0) die "no operation specified (use -h for help)" ;;
- [^1]) die "only one operation may be used at a time" ;;
-[[ $movedir && ! -d $movedir ]] &&
- die "destination directory '%s' does not exist or is not a directory" "$movedir"
-if (( move || delete )); then
- # make it an absolute path since we're about to chdir
- [[ $movedir && ${movedir:0:1} != '/' ]] && movedir=$PWD/$movedir
- [[ $movedir && ! -w $movedir ]] && needsroot=1
-for cachedir in "${cachedirs[@]}"; do
- [[ -d $cachedir ]] ||
- die "cachedir '%s' does not exist or is not a directory" "$cachedir"
- if (( move || delete )); then
- [[ ! -w $cachedir ]] && needsroot=1
- fi
- # unlikely that this will fail, but better make sure
- pushd "$cachedir" &>/dev/null || die "failed to chdir to '%s'" "$cachedir"
- # note that these results are returned in an arbitrary order from awk, but
- # they'll be resorted (in summarize) iff we have a verbosity level set.
- IFS=$'\n' read -r -d '' -a cand < \
- <(printf '%s\n' "$PWD"/*.pkg.tar?(.+([^.])) | pacsort --files |
- pkgfilter "$keep" "$scanarch" \
- "${#whitelist[*]}" "${whitelist[@]}" \
- "${#blacklist[*]}" "${blacklist[@]}")
- candidates+=("${cand[@]}")
- unset cand
- popd &>/dev/null
-if (( ! ${#candidates[*]} )); then
- msg 'no candidate packages found for pruning'
- exit 0
-# grab this prior to signature scavenging
-# copy the list, merging in any found sigs
-for cand in "${candidates[@]}"; do
- candtemp+=("$cand")
- [[ -f $cand.sig ]] && candtemp+=("$cand.sig")
-unset candtemp
-# do this before we destroy anything
-totalsaved=$(@SIZECMD@ "${candidates[@]}" | awk '{ sum += $1 } END { print sum }')
-# crush. kill. destroy.
-(( verbose )) && cmdopts+=(-v)
-if (( delete )); then
- printf '%s\0' "${candidates[@]}" | runcmd xargs -0 rm "${cmdopts[@]}"
-elif (( move )); then
- printf '%s\0' "${candidates[@]}" | runcmd xargs -0 mv "${cmdopts[@]}" -t "$movedir"
-summarize "$pkgcount" "${candidates[@]}"
-# vim: set noet: