#!/usr/bin/env python """ LogBot A minimal IRC log bot Written by Chris Oliver Includes python-irclib from http://python-irclib.sourceforge.net/ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. """ __author__ = "Chris Oliver " __version__ = "0.3.0" __date__ = "08/11/2009" __copyright__ = "Copyright (c) Chris Oliver" __license__ = "GPL2" import os import os.path import shutil from ConfigParser import ConfigParser from ftplib import FTP from optparse import OptionParser from time import strftime from irclib import nm_to_n from ircbot import SingleServerIRCBot html_header = """ %s """ index_header = """


""" class LogBot(SingleServerIRCBot): def __init__(self, server, port, channels, owners, nickname, password): """Initialize this badboy""" SingleServerIRCBot.__init__(self, [(server, port, password)], nickname, nickname) self.chans = channels def set_format(self, folder, format, stylesheet): self.folder = folder self.format = format self.stylesheet = stylesheet def on_nicknameinuse(self, c, e): """Append an underscore to the nick if it's already in use""" c.nick(c.get_nickname() + "_") def on_welcome(self, c, e): """Join the channels once we have made a successful connection""" for channel in self.chans: c.join(channel) def on_pubmsg(self, c, e): user = nm_to_n(e.source()) message = e.arguments()[0] channel = e.target() self.write(channel, self.format["pubmsg"].replace("%user%", user) \ .replace("%message%", message)) def on_invite(self, c, e): pass def on_join(self, c, e): user = nm_to_n(e.source()) host = e.source() channel = e.target() self.write(channel, self.format["join"].replace("%user%", user) \ .replace("%host%", host) \ .replace("%channel%", channel)) def on_kick(self, c, e): kicker = e.source() channel = e.target() user, reason = e.arguments() self.write(channel, self.format["kick"].replace("%kicker%", kicker) \ .replace("%channel%", channel) \ .replace("%user%", user) \ .replace("%reason%", reason)) def on_mode(self, c, e): modes, person = e.arguments()[:2] channel = e.target() giver = nm_to_n(e.source()) self.write(channel, self.format["mode"].replace("%channel%", channel) \ .replace("%modes%", modes) \ .replace("%person%", person) \ .replace("%giver%", giver)) def on_part(self, c, e): user = nm_to_n(e.source()) channel = e.target() self.write(channel, self.format["part"].replace("%user%", user) \ .replace("%channel%", channel)) def on_privmsg(self, c, e): pass def on_topic(self, c, e): user = nm_to_n(e.source()) channel = e.target() topic = e.arguments()[0] self.write(channel, self.format["topic"].replace("%user%", user) \ .replace("%channel%", channel) \ .replace("%topic%", topic)) def on_nick(self, c, e): new = nm_to_n(e.source()) old = e.target() self.write(None, self.format["nick"].replace("%old%", old) \ .replace("%new%", new)) def on_pubnotice(self, c, e): user = nm_to_n(e.source()) channel = e.target() message = e.arguments()[0] self.write(channel, self.format["pubnotice"].replace("%user%", user) \ .replace("%channel%", channel) \ .replace("%message%", message)) def on_quit(self, c, e): user = nm_to_n(e.source()) reason = e.arguments()[0] channel = e.target() self.write(channel, self.format["quit"].replace("%user%", user) \ .replace("%reason%", reason)) def write(self, channel, message): time = strftime("%H:%M:%S") date = strftime("%d-%m-%Y") if channel: print "%s> %s %s" % (channel, time, message) channels = [channel] else: # Quit/nick don't have channels print "%s %s" % (time, message) channels = self.chans index = os.path.join(self.folder, "index.html") if not os.path.exists(self.folder): # Create the log folder if we need to os.mkdir(self.folder) if not os.path.exists(index): create_html_file(index, "Logged Channels") append_to_index(index, index_header % "Logged Channels") shutil.copy2(self.stylesheet, self.folder) for channel in channels: path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.folder, channel)) if not os.path.exists(path): os.mkdir(path) if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, "stylesheet.css")): shutil.copy2(self.stylesheet, path) chan_index = os.path.join(path, "index.html") path = os.path.join(path, date+".html") if not os.path.exists(path): create_html_file(chan_index, "%s | Logs" % channel) append_to_index(chan_index, index_header % "%s | Logs" % channel) append_to_index(index, "%s" % \ (channel[1:]+"/index.html", channel)) create_html_file(path, "%s | Logs for %s" % (channel, date)) append_to_index(chan_index, "%s" % \ (date+".html", date)) str = "[%s] %s" % \ (time, time, time, message) append_to_index(path, str, True) def create_html_file(path, title): f = open(path, "wb") f.write(html_header % title) f.close() def append_to_index(path, line, br=False, back=-2): data = open(path, "rb").readlines()[:back] if br: data += [line + "
\n"] else: data += [line + "\n"] data += [" \n", "\n"] f = open(path, "wb") f.writelines(data) f.close() def main(conf): """ Start the bot using a config file. :Parameters: - `conf`: config file location """ CONFIG = ConfigParser() CONFIG.read(conf) # Get the irc network configuration server = CONFIG.get("irc", "server") port = CONFIG.getint("irc", "port") channels = CONFIG.get("irc", "channels").split(",") nick = CONFIG.get("irc", "nick") try: password = CONFIG.get("irc", "password") except: password = None owner = CONFIG.get("irc", "owners").split(",") # Get the log section folder = CONFIG.get("log", "folder") stylesheet = CONFIG.get("log", "stylesheet") # Get the formation information types = ["join", "kick", "mode", "nick", "part", "pubmsg", "pubnotice", "quit", "topic"] format = {} for type in types: format[type] = CONFIG.get("format", type) bot = LogBot(server, port, channels, owner, nick, password) bot.set_format(folder, format, stylesheet) bot.start() if __name__ == "__main__": # Require a config parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option("-c", "--config", dest="conf", help="Config to use") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if not options.conf or not os.access(options.conf, os.R_OK): parser.print_help() raise SystemExit(1) main(options.conf)