compat. If compat set to 1.0, then $lastUpdateFld not used during MergeData. 1.0 Apr 2009 Added support for MFFA 0.9 ? 2008 First release Note: this code assumes that comments such as / * * / ar`e allowed which works with: Note: this code assumes that comments such as / * * / are allowed which works with: mssql, postgresql, oracle, mssql Replication engine to - copy table structures and data from different databases (e.g. mysql to oracle) for replication purposes - generate CREATE TABLE, CREATE INDEX, INSERT ... for installation scripts Table Structure copying includes - fields and limited subset of types - optional default values - indexes - but not constraints Two modes of data copy: ReplicateData - Copy from src to dest, with update of status of copy back to src, with configurable src SELECT where clause MergeData - Copy from src to dest based on last mod date field and/or copied flag field Default settings are - do not execute, generate sql ($rep->execute = false) - do not delete records in dest table first ($rep->deleteFirst = false). if $rep->deleteFirst is true and primary keys are defined, then no deletion will occur unless *INSERTONLY* is defined in pkey array - only commit once at the end of every ReplicateData ($rep->commitReplicate = true) - do not autocommit every x records processed ($rep->commitRecs = -1) - even if error occurs on one record, continue copying remaining records ($rep->neverAbort = true) - debugging turned off ($rep->debug = false) */ class ADODB_Replicate { var $connSrc; var $connDest; var $connSrc2 = false; var $connDest2 = false; var $ddSrc; var $ddDest; var $execute = false; var $debug = false; var $deleteFirst = false; var $commitReplicate = true; // commit at end of replicatedata var $commitRecs = -1; // only commit at end of ReplicateData() var $selFilter = false; var $fieldFilter = false; var $indexFilter = false; var $updateFilter = false; var $insertFilter = false; var $updateSrcFn = false; var $limitRecs = false; var $neverAbort = true; var $copyTableDefaults = false; // turn off because functions defined as defaults will not work when copied var $errHandler = false; // name of error handler function, if used. var $htmlSpecialChars = true; // if execute false, then output with htmlspecialchars enabled. // Will autoconfigure itself. No need to modify var $trgSuffix = '_mrgTr'; var $idxSuffix = '_mrgidx'; var $trLogic = '1 = 1'; var $datesAreTimeStamps = false; var $oracleSequence = false; var $readUncommitted = false; // read without obeying shared locks for fast select (mssql) var $compat = false; // connSrc2 and connDest2 are only required if the db driver // does not allow updates back to src db in first connection (the select connection), // so we need 2nd connection function __construct($connSrc, $connDest, $connSrc2=false, $connDest2=false) { if (strpos($connSrc->databaseType,'odbtp') !== false) { $connSrc->_bindInputArray = false; # bug in odbtp, binding fails } if (strpos($connDest->databaseType,'odbtp') !== false) { $connDest->_bindInputArray = false; # bug in odbtp, binding fails } $this->connSrc = $connSrc; $this->connDest = $connDest; $this->connSrc2 = ($connSrc2) ? $connSrc2 : $connSrc; $this->connDest2 = ($connDest2) ? $connDest2 : $connDest; $this->ddSrc = NewDataDictionary($connSrc); $this->ddDest = NewDataDictionary($connDest); $this->htmlSpecialChars = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']); } function ExecSQL($sql) { if (!is_array($sql)) $sql[] = $sql; $ret = true; foreach($sql as $s) if (!$this->execute) echo "
"; else { $ok = $this->connDest->Execute($s); if (!$ok) if ($this->neverAbort) $ret = false; else return false; } return $ret; } /* We assume replication between $table and $desttable only works if the field names and types match for both tables. Also $table and desttable can have different names. */ function CopyTableStruct($table,$desttable='') { $sql = $this->CopyTableStructSQL($table,$desttable); if (empty($sql)) return false; return $this->ExecSQL($sql); } function RunFieldFilter(&$fld, $mode = '') { if ($this->fieldFilter) { $fn = $this->fieldFilter; return $fn($fld, $mode); } else return $fld; } function RunUpdateFilter($table, $fld, $val) { if ($this->updateFilter) { $fn = $this->updateFilter; return $fn($table, $fld, $val); } else return $val; } function RunInsertFilter($table, $fld, &$val) { if ($this->insertFilter) { $fn = $this->insertFilter; return $fn($table, $fld, $val); } else return $fld; } /* $mode = INS or UPD The lastUpdateFld holds the field that counts the number of updates or the date of last mod. This ensures that if the rec was modified after replicatedata retrieves the data but before we update back the src record, we don't set the copiedflag='Y' yet. */ function RunUpdateSrcFn($srcdb, $table, $fldoffsets, $row, $where, $mode, $dest_insertid=null, $lastUpdateFld='') { if (!$this->updateSrcFn) return; $bindarr = array(); foreach($fldoffsets as $k) { $bindarr[$k] = $row[$k]; } $last = sizeof($row); if ($lastUpdateFld && $row[$last-1]) { $ds = $row[$last-1]; if (strpos($ds,':') !== false) $s = $srcdb->DBTimeStamp($ds); else $s = $srcdb->qstr($ds); $where = "WHERE $lastUpdateFld = $s and $where"; } else $where = "WHERE $where"; $fn = $this->updateSrcFn; if (is_array($fn)) { if (sizeof($fn) == 1) $set = reset($fn); else $set = @$fn[$mode]; if ($set) { if (strlen($dest_insertid) == 0) $dest_insertid = 'null'; $set = str_replace('$INSERT_ID',$dest_insertid,$set); $sql = "UPDATE $table SET $set $where "; $ok = $srcdb->Execute($sql,$bindarr); if (!$ok) { echo $srcdb->ErrorMsg(),"
\n"; die(); } } } else $fn($srcdb, $table, $row, $where, $bindarr, $mode, $dest_insertid); } function CopyTableStructSQL($table, $desttable='',$dropdest =false) { if (!$desttable) { $desttable = $table; $prefixidx = ''; } else $prefixidx = $desttable; $conn = $this->connSrc; $types = $conn->MetaColumns($table); if (!$types) { echo "$table does not exist in source db
\n"; return array(); } if (!$dropdest && $this->connDest->MetaColumns($desttable)) { echo "$desttable already exists in dest db
\n"; return array(); } if ($this->debug) var_dump($types); $sa = array(); $idxcols = array(); foreach($types as $name => $t) { $s = ''; $mt = $this->ddSrc->MetaType($t->type); $len = $t->max_length; $fldname = $this->RunFieldFilter($t->name,'TABLE'); if (!$fldname) continue; $s .= $fldname . ' '.$mt; if (isset($t->scale)) $precision = '.'.$t->scale; else $precision = ''; if ($mt == 'C' or $mt == 'X') $s .= "($len)"; else if ($mt == 'N' && $precision) $s .= "($len$precision)"; if ($mt == 'R') $idxcols[] = $fldname; if ($this->copyTableDefaults) { if (isset($t->default_value)) { $v = $t->default_value; if ($mt == 'C' or $mt == 'X') $v = $this->connDest->qstr($v); // might not work as this could be function $s .= ' DEFAULT '.$v; } } $sa[] = $s; } $s = implode(",\n",$sa); // dump adodb intermediate data dictionary format if ($this->debug) echo '
'; $sqla = $this->ddDest->CreateTableSQL($desttable,$s); /* if ($idxcols) { $idxoptions = array('UNIQUE'=>1); $sqla2 = $this->ddDest->_IndexSQL($table.'_'.$fldname.'_SERIAL', $desttable, $idxcols,$idxoptions); $sqla = array_merge($sqla,$sqla2); }*/ $idxs = $conn->MetaIndexes($table); if ($idxs) foreach($idxs as $name => $iarr) { $idxoptions = array(); $fldnames = array(); if(!empty($iarr['unique'])) { $idxoptions['UNIQUE'] = 1; } foreach($iarr['columns'] as $fld) { $fldnames[] = $this->RunFieldFilter($fld,'TABLE'); } $idxname = $prefixidx.str_replace($table,$desttable,$name); if (!empty($this->indexFilter)) { $fn = $this->indexFilter; $idxname = $fn($desttable,$idxname,$fldnames,$idxoptions); } $sqla2 = $this->ddDest->_IndexSQL($idxname, $desttable, $fldnames,$idxoptions); $sqla = array_merge($sqla,$sqla2); } return $sqla; } function _clearcache() { } function _concat($v) { return $this->connDest->concat("' ","chr(".ord($v).")","'"); } function fixupbinary($v) { return str_replace( array("\r","\n"), array($this->_concat("\r"),$this->_concat("\n")), $v ); } function SwapDBs() { $o = $this->connSrc; $this->connSrc = $this->connDest; $this->connDest = $o; $o = $this->connSrc2; $this->connSrc2 = $this->connDest2; $this->connDest2 = $o; $o = $this->ddSrc; $this->ddSrc = $this->ddDest; $this->ddDest = $o; } /* // if no uniqflds defined, then all desttable recs will be deleted before insert // $where clause must include the WHERE word if used // if $this->commitRecs is set to a +ve value, then it will autocommit every $this->commitRecs records // -- this should never be done with 7x24 db's Returns an array: $arr[0] = true if no error, false if error $arr[1] = number of recs processed $arr[2] = number of successful inserts $arr[3] = number of successful updates ReplicateData() params: $table = src table name $desttable = dest table name, leave blank to use src table name $uniqflds = array() = an array. If set, then inserts and updates will occur. eg. array('PK1', 'PK2'); To prevent updates to desttable (allow only to src table), add '*INSERTONLY*' or '*ONLYINSERT*' to array. Sometimes you are replicating a src table with an autoinc primary key. You sometimes create recs in the dest table. The dest table has to retrieve the src table's autoinc key (stored in a 2nd field) so you can match the two tables. To define this, and the uniqflds contains nested arrays. Copying from autoinc table to other table: array(array($destpkey), array($destfld_holds_src_autoinc_pkey)) Copying from normal table to autoinc table: array(array($destpkey), array(), array($srcfld_holds_dest_autoinc_pkey)) $where = where clause for SELECT from $table $where. Include the WHERE reserved word in beginning. You can put ORDER BY at the end also $ignoreflds = array(), list of fields to ignore. e.g. array('FLD1',FLD2'); $dstCopyDateFld = date field on $desttable to update with current date $extraflds allows you to add additional flds to insert/update. Format array(fldname => $fldval) $fldval itself can be an array or a string. If an array, then $extraflds = array($fldname => array($insertval, $updateval)) Thus we have the following behaviours: a. Delete all data in $desttable then insert from src $table $rep->execute = true; $rep->ReplicateData($table, $desttable) b. Update $desttable if record exists (based on $uniqflds), otherwise insert. $rep->execute = true; $rep->ReplicateData($table, $desttable, $array($pkey1, $pkey2)) c. Select from src $table all data modified since a date. Then update $desttable if record exists (based on $uniqflds), otherwise insert $rep->execute = true; $rep->ReplicateData($table, $desttable, array($pkey1, $pkey2), "WHERE update_datetime_fld > $LAST_REFRESH") d. Insert all records into $desttable modified after a certain id (or time) in src $table: $rep->execute = true; $rep->ReplicateData($table, $desttable, false, "WHERE id_fld > $LAST_ID_SAVED", true); For (a) to (d), returns array: array($boolean_ok_fail, $no_recs_selected_from_src_db, $no_recs_inserted, $no_recs_updated); e. Generate sample SQL: $rep->execute = false; $rep->ReplicateData(....); This returns $array, which contains: $array['SEL'] = select stmt from src db $array['UPD'] = update stmt to dest db $array['INS'] = insert stmt to dest db Error-handling ============== Default is never abort if error occurs. You can set $rep->neverAbort = false; to force replication to abort if an error occurs. Value Filtering ======== Sometimes you might need to modify/massage the data before the code works. Assume that the value used for True and False is 'T' and 'F' in src DB, but is 'Y' and 'N' in dest DB for field[2] in select stmt. You can do this by $rep->filterSelect = 'filter'; $rep->ReplicateData(...); function filter($table,& $fields, $deleteFirst) { if ($table == 'SOMETABLE') { if ($fields[2] == 'T') $fields[2] = 'Y'; else if ($fields[2] == 'F') $fields[2] = 'N'; } } We pass in $deleteFirst as that determines the order of the fields (which are numeric-based): TRUE: the order of fields matches the src table order FALSE: the order of fields is all non-primary key fields first, followed by primary key fields. This is because it needs to match the UPDATE statement, which is UPDATE $table SET f2 = ?, f3 = ? ... WHERE f1 = ? Name Filtering ========= Sometimes field names that are legal in one RDBMS can be illegal in another. We allow you to handle this using a field filter. Also if you don't want to replicate certain fields, just return false. $rep->fieldFilter = 'ffilter'; function ffilter(&$fld,$mode) { $uf = strtoupper($fld); switch($uf) { case 'GROUP': if ($mode == 'SELECT') $fld = '"Group"'; return 'GroupFld'; case 'PRIVATEFLD': # do not replicate return false; } return $fld; } UPDATE FILTERING ================ Sometimes, when we want to update UPDATE table SET fld = val WHERE .... we want to modify val. To do so, define $rep->updateFilter = 'ufilter'; function ufilter($table, $fld, $val) { return "nvl($fld, $val)"; } Sending back audit info back to src Table ========================================= Use $rep->updateSrcFn. This can be an array of strings, or the name of a php function to call. If an array of strings is defined, then it will perform an update statement... UPDATE srctable SET $string WHERE .... With $string set to the array you define. If a new record was inserted into desttable, then the 'INS' string is used ($INSERT_ID will be replaced with the real INSERT_ID, if any), and if an update then use the 'UPD' string. array( 'INS' => 'insertid = $INSERT_ID, copieddate=getdate(), copied = 1', 'UPD' => 'copieddate=getdate(), copied = 1' ) If a single string array is defined, then it will be used for both insert and update. array('copieddate=getdate(), copied = 1') Note that the where clause is automatically defined by the system. If $rep->updateSrcFn is a PHP function name, then it will be called with the following params: $fn($srcConnection, $tableName, $row, $where, $bindarr, $mode, $dest_insertid) $srcConnection - source db connection $tableName - source tablename $row - array holding records updated into dest $where - where clause to be used (uses bind vars) $bindarr - array holding bind variables for where clause $mode - INS or UPD $dest_insertid - when mode=INS, then the insert_id is stored here. oracle mssql ---> insert mssqlid <--- insert_id ----> update with mssqlid <---- update with mssqlid TODO: add src pkey and dest pkey for updates. Also sql stmt needs to be tuned, so dest pkey, src pkey */ function ReplicateData($table, $desttable = '', $uniqflds = array(), $where = '',$ignore_flds = array(), $dstCopyDateFld='', $extraflds = array(), $lastUpdateFld = '') { if (is_array($where)) { $wheresrc = $where[0]; $wheredest = $where[1]; } else { $wheresrc = $wheredest = $where; } $dstCopyDateName = $dstCopyDateFld; $dstCopyDateFld = strtoupper($dstCopyDateFld); $this->_clearcache(); if (is_string($uniqflds) && strlen($uniqflds)) $uniqflds = array($uniqflds); if (!$desttable) $desttable = $table; $uniq = array(); if ($uniqflds) { if (is_array(reset($uniqflds))) { /* primary key of src and dest tables differ. This means when we perform the select stmts we retrieve both keys. Then any insert statement will have to ignore one array element. Any update statement will need to use a different where clause */ $destuniqflds = $uniqflds[0]; if (sizeof($uniqflds)>1 && $uniqflds[1]) // srckey field name in dest table $srcuniqflds = $uniqflds[1]; else $srcuniqflds = array(); if (sizeof($uniqflds)>2) $srcPKDest = reset($uniqflds[2]); } else { $destuniqflds = $uniqflds; $srcuniqflds = array(); } $onlyInsert = false; foreach($destuniqflds as $k => $u) { if ($u == '*INSERTONLY*' || $u == '*ONLYINSERT*') { $onlyInsert = true; continue; } $uniq[strtoupper($u)] = $k; } $deleteFirst = $this->deleteFirst; } else { $deleteFirst = true; } if ($deleteFirst) $onlyInsert = true; if ($ignore_flds) { foreach($ignore_flds as $u) { $ignoreflds[strtoupper($u)] = 1; } } else $ignoreflds = array(); $src = $this->connSrc; $dest = $this->connDest; $src2 = $this->connSrc2; $dest->noNullStrings = false; $src->noNullStrings = false; $src2->noNullStrings = false; if ($src === $dest) $this->execute = false; $types = $src->MetaColumns($table); if (!$types) { echo "Source $table does not exist
\n"; return array(); } $dtypes = $dest->MetaColumns($desttable); if (!$dtypes) { echo "Destination $desttable does not exist
\n"; return array(); } $sa = array(); $selflds = array(); $wheref = array(); $wheres = array(); $srcwheref = array(); $fldoffsets = array(); $k = 0; foreach($types as $name => $t) { $name2 = strtoupper($this->RunFieldFilter($name,'SELECT')); // handle quotes if ($name2 && $name2[0] == '"' && $name2[strlen($name2)-1] == '"') $name22 = substr($name2,1,strlen($name2)-2); elseif ($name2 && $name2[0] == '`' && $name2[strlen($name2)-1] == '`') $name22 = substr($name2,1,strlen($name2)-2); else $name22 = $name2; //else $name22 = $name2; // this causes problem for quotes strip above if (!isset($dtypes[($name22)]) || !$name2) { if ($this->debug) echo " Skipping $name ==> $name2 as not in destination $desttable
"; continue; } if ($name2 == $dstCopyDateFld) { $dstCopyDateName = $t->name; continue; } $fld = $t->name; $fldval = $t->name; $mt = $src->MetaType($t->type); if ($this->datesAreTimeStamps && $mt == 'D') $mt = 'T'; if ($mt == 'D') $fldval = $dest->DBDate($fldval); elseif ($mt == 'T') $fldval = $dest->DBTimeStamp($fldval); $ufld = strtoupper($fld); if (isset($ignoreflds[($name2)]) && !isset($uniq[$ufld])) { continue; } if ($this->debug) echo " field=$fld type=$mt fldval=$fldval
"; if (!isset($uniq[$ufld])) { $selfld = $fld; $fld = $this->RunFieldFilter($selfld,'SELECT'); $selflds[] = $selfld; $p = $dest->Param($k); if ($mt == 'D') $p = $dest->DBDate($p, true); else if ($mt == 'T') $p = $dest->DBTimeStamp($p, true); # UPDATES $sets[] = "$fld = ".$this->RunUpdateFilter($desttable, $fld, $p); # INSERTS $insflds[] = $this->RunInsertFilter($desttable,$fld, $p); $params[] = $p; $k++; } else { $fld = $this->RunFieldFilter($fld); $wheref[] = $fld; if (!empty($srcuniqflds)) $srcwheref[] = $srcuniqflds[$uniq[$ufld]]; if ($mt == 'C') { # normally we don't include the primary key in the insert if it is numeric, but ok if varchar $insertpkey = true; } } } foreach($extraflds as $fld => $evals) { if (!is_array($evals)) $evals = array($evals, $evals); $insflds[] = $this->RunInsertFilter($desttable,$fld, $p); $params[] = $evals[0]; $sets[] = "$fld = ".$evals[1]; } if ($dstCopyDateFld) { $sets[] = "$dstCopyDateName = ".$dest->sysTimeStamp; $insflds[] = $this->RunInsertFilter($desttable,$dstCopyDateName, $p); $params[] = $dest->sysTimeStamp; } if (!empty($srcPKDest)) { $selflds[] = $srcPKDest; $fldoffsets = array($k+1); } foreach($wheref as $uu => $fld) { $p = $dest->Param($k); $sp = $src->Param($k); if (!empty($srcuniqflds)) { if ($uu > 1) die("Only one primary key for srcuniqflds allowed currently"); $destsrckey = reset($srcuniqflds); $wheres[] = reset($srcuniqflds).' = '.$p; $insflds[] = $this->RunInsertFilter($desttable,$destsrckey, $p); $params[] = $p; } else { $wheres[] = $fld.' = '.$p; if (!isset($ignoreflds[strtoupper($fld)]) || !empty($insertpkey)) { $insflds[] = $this->RunInsertFilter($desttable,$fld, $p); $params[] = $p; } } $selflds[] = $fld; $srcwheres[] = $fld.' = '.$sp; $fldoffsets[] = $k; $k++; } if (!empty($srcPKDest)) { $fldoffsets = array($k); $srcwheres = array($fld.'='.$src->Param($k)); $k++; } if ($lastUpdateFld) { $selflds[] = $lastUpdateFld; } else $selflds[] = 'null as Z55_DUMMY_LA5TUPD'; $insfldss = implode(', ', $insflds); $fldss = implode(', ', $selflds); $setss = implode(', ', $sets); $paramss = implode(', ', $params); $wheress = implode(' AND ', $wheres); if (isset($srcwheres)) $srcwheress = implode(' AND ',$srcwheres); $seltable = $table; if ($this->readUncommitted && strpos($src->databaseType,'mssql')) $seltable .= ' with (NOLOCK)'; $sa['SEL'] = "SELECT $fldss FROM $seltable $wheresrc"; $sa['INS'] = "INSERT INTO $desttable ($insfldss) VALUES ($paramss) /**INS**/"; $sa['UPD'] = "UPDATE $desttable SET $setss WHERE $wheress /**UPD**/"; $DB1 = "/* Source DB - sample sql in case you need to adapt code\n\n"; $DB2 = "/* Dest DB - sample sql in case you need to adapt code\n\n"; if (!$this->execute) echo '/*
		if ($deleteFirst && $this->deleteFirst) {
			$where = preg_replace('/[ \n\r\t]+order[ \n\r\t]+by.*$/i', '', $where);
			$sql = "DELETE FROM $desttable $wheredest\n";
			if (!$this->execute) echo $DB2,'*/',$sql,"\n";
			else $dest->Execute($sql);

		$err = false;
		$savemode = $src->setFetchMode(ADODB_FETCH_NUM);

		if (!$this->execute) {
			echo $DB1,$sa['SEL'],"\n*/\n\n";
			echo $DB2,$sa['INS'],"\n*/\n\n";
			$suffix = ($onlyInsert) ? ' PRIMKEY=?' : '';
			echo $DB2,$sa['UPD'],"$suffix\n*/\n\n";

			$rs = $src->Execute($sa['SEL']);
			$cnt = 1;
			$upd = 0;
			$ins = 0;

			$sqlarr = explode('?',$sa['INS']);
			$nparams = sizeof($sqlarr)-1;

			$useQmark = $dest && ($dest->dataProvider != 'oci8');

			while ($rs && !$rs->EOF) {
				if ($useQmark) {
					$sql = ''; $i = 0;
					$arr = array_reverse($rs->fields);
					foreach ($arr as $v) {
						$sql .= $sqlarr[$i];
						// from Ron Baldwin 
						// Only quote string types
						$typ = gettype($v);
						if ($typ == 'string')
							//New memory copy of input created here -mikefedyk
							$sql .= $dest->qstr($v);
						else if ($typ == 'double')
							$sql .= str_replace(',','.',$v); // locales fix so 1.1 does not get converted to 1,1
						else if ($typ == 'boolean')
							$sql .= $v ? $dest->true : $dest->false;
						else if ($typ == 'object') {
							if (method_exists($v, '__toString')) $sql .= $dest->qstr($v->__toString());
							else $sql .= $dest->qstr((string) $v);
						} else if ($v === null)
							$sql .= 'NULL';
							$sql .= $v;
						$i += 1;

						if ($i == $nparams) break;
					} // while

					if (isset($sqlarr[$i])) {
						$sql .= $sqlarr[$i];
					$INS = $sql;
				} else {
					$INS = $sa['INS'];
					$arr = array_reverse($rs->fields);
					foreach($arr as $k => $v) { // only works on oracle currently
						$k = sizeof($arr)-$k-1;
						$v = str_replace(":","%~%COLON%!%",$v);
						$INS = str_replace(':'.$k,$this->fixupbinary($dest->qstr($v)),$INS);
					$INS = str_replace("%~%COLON%!%",":",$INS);
					if ($this->htmlSpecialChars) $INS = htmlspecialchars($INS);
				echo "-- $cnt\n",$INS,";\n\n";
				$cnt += 1;
				$ins += 1;
			return $sa;
		} else {
			$saved = $src->debug;
			if ($this->limitRecs>100)
				$rs = $src->SelectLimit($sa['SEL'],$this->limitRecs);
				$rs = $src->Execute($sa['SEL']);
			$src->debug = $saved;
			if (!$rs) {
				if ($this->errHandler) $this->_doerr('SEL',array());
				return array(0,0,0,0);

			if ($this->commitReplicate || $commitRecs > 0) {
				if ($this->updateSrcFn) $src2->BeginTrans();

			if ($this->updateSrcFn && strpos($src2->databaseType,'mssql') !== false) {
				# problem is writers interfere with readers in mssql
				$rs = $src->_rs2rs($rs);
			$cnt = 0;
			$upd = 0;
			$ins = 0;

			$sizeofrow = sizeof($selflds);

			$fn = $this->selFilter;
			$commitRecs = $this->commitRecs;

			$saved = $dest->debug;

			if ($this->deleteFirst) $onlyInsert = true;
			while ($origrow = $rs->FetchRow()) {

				if ($dest->debug) {flush(); @ob_flush();}

				if ($fn) {
					if (!$fn($desttable, $origrow, $deleteFirst, $this, $selflds)) continue;
				$doinsert = true;
				$row = array_slice($origrow,0,$sizeofrow-1);

				if (!$onlyInsert) {
					$doinsert = false;
					$upderr = false;

					if (isset($srcPKDest)) {
						if (is_null($origrow[$sizeofrow-3])) {
							$doinsert = true;
							$upderr = true;
					if (!$upderr && !$dest->Execute($sa['UPD'],$row)) {
						$err = true;
						$upderr = true;
						if ($this->errHandler) $this->_doerr('UPD',$row);
						if (!$this->neverAbort) break;

				 	if ($upderr || $dest->Affected_Rows() == 0) {
						$doinsert = true;
					} else {
						if (!empty($uniqflds)) $this->RunUpdateSrcFn($src2, $table, $fldoffsets, $origrow, $srcwheress, 'UPD', null, $lastUpdateFld);
						$upd += 1;

				if ($doinsert) {
					$inserr = false;
					if (isset($srcPKDest)) {
						$row = array_slice($origrow,0,$sizeofrow-2);

					if (! $dest->Execute($sa['INS'],$row)) {
						$err = true;
						$inserr = true;
						if ($this->errHandler) $this->_doerr('INS',$row);
						if ($this->neverAbort) continue;
						else break;
					} else {
						if ($dest->dataProvider == 'oci8') {
							if ($this->oracleSequence) $lastid = $dest->GetOne("select ".$this->oracleSequence.".currVal from dual");
						 	else $lastid = 'null';
						} else {
							$lastid = $dest->Insert_ID();

						if (!$inserr && !empty($uniqflds)) {
							$this->RunUpdateSrcFn($src2, $table, $fldoffsets, $origrow, $srcwheress, 'INS', $lastid,$lastUpdateFld);
						$ins += 1;
				$cnt += 1;

				if ($commitRecs > 0 && ($cnt % $commitRecs) == 0) {

					if ($this->updateSrcFn) {

			} // while

			if ($this->commitReplicate || $commitRecs > 0) {
				if (!$this->neverAbort && $err) {
					if ($this->updateSrcFn) $src2->RollbackTrans();
				} else {
					if ($this->updateSrcFn) $src2->CommitTrans();
		if ($cnt != $ins + $upd) echo "

ERROR: $cnt != INS $ins + UPD $upd

"; $src->setFetchMode($savemode); return array(!$err, $cnt, $ins, $upd); } // trigger support only for sql server and oracle // need to add function MergeSrcSetup($srcTable, $pkeys, $srcUpdateDateFld, $srcCopyDateFld, $srcCopyFlagFld, $srcCopyFlagType='C(1)', $srcCopyFlagVals = array('Y','N','P','=')) { $sqla = array(); $src = $this->connSrc; $idx = $srcTable.'_mrgIdx'; $cols = $src->MetaColumns($srcTable); #adodb_pr($cols); if (!isset($cols[strtoupper($srcUpdateDateFld)])) { $sqla = $this->ddSrc->AddColumnSQL($srcTable, "$srcUpdateDateFld TS DEFTIMESTAMP"); foreach($sqla as $sql) $src->Execute($sql); } if ($srcCopyDateFld && !isset($cols[strtoupper($srcCopyDateFld)])) { $sqla = $this->ddSrc->AddColumnSQL($srcTable, "$srcCopyDateFld TS DEFTIMESTAMP"); foreach($sqla as $sql) $src->Execute($sql); } $sysdate = $src->sysTimeStamp; $arrv0 = $src->qstr($srcCopyFlagVals[0]); $arrv1 = $src->qstr($srcCopyFlagVals[1]); $arrv2 = $src->qstr($srcCopyFlagVals[2]); $arrv3 = $src->qstr($srcCopyFlagVals[3]); if ($srcCopyFlagFld && !isset($cols[strtoupper($srcCopyFlagFld)])) { $sqla = $this->ddSrc->AddColumnSQL($srcTable, "$srcCopyFlagFld $srcCopyFlagType DEFAULT $arrv1"); foreach($sqla as $sql) $src->Execute($sql); } $sqla = array(); $name = "{$srcTable}_mrgTr"; if (is_array($pkeys) && strpos($src->databaseType,'mssql') !== false) { $pk = reset($pkeys); #$sqla[] = "DROP TRIGGER $name"; $sqltr = " TRIGGER $name ON $srcTable /* for data replication and merge */ AFTER UPDATE AS UPDATE $srcTable SET $srcUpdateDateFld = case when I.$srcCopyFlagFld = $arrv2 or I.$srcCopyFlagFld = $arrv3 then I.$srcUpdateDateFld else $sysdate end, $srcCopyFlagFld = case when I.$srcCopyFlagFld = $arrv2 then $arrv0 when I.$srcCopyFlagFld = $arrv3 then D.$srcCopyFlagFld else $arrv1 end FROM $srcTable S Join Inserted AS I on I.$pk = S.$pk JOIN Deleted as D ON I.$pk = D.$pk WHERE I.$srcCopyFlagFld = D.$srcCopyFlagFld or I.$srcCopyFlagFld = $arrv2 or I.$srcCopyFlagFld = $arrv3 or I.$srcCopyFlagFld is null "; $sqla[] = 'CREATE '.$sqltr; // first if does not exists $sqla[] = 'ALTER '.$sqltr; // second if it already exists } else if (strpos($src->databaseType,'oci') !== false) { if (strlen($srcTable)>22) $tableidx = substr($srcTable,0,16).substr(crc32($srcTable),6); else $tableidx = $srcTable; $name = $tableidx.$this->trgSuffix; $idx = $tableidx.$this->idxSuffix; $sqla[] = " CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER $name /* for data replication and merge */ BEFORE UPDATE ON $srcTable REFERENCING NEW AS NEW OLD AS OLD FOR EACH ROW BEGIN if :new.$srcCopyFlagFld = $arrv2 then :new.$srcCopyFlagFld := $arrv0; elsif :new.$srcCopyFlagFld = $arrv3 then :new.$srcCopyFlagFld := :old.$srcCopyFlagFld; elsif :old.$srcCopyFlagFld = :new.$srcCopyFlagFld or :new.$srcCopyFlagFld is null then if $this->trLogic then :new.$srcUpdateDateFld := $sysdate; :new.$srcCopyFlagFld := $arrv1; end if; end if; END; "; } foreach($sqla as $sql) $src->Execute($sql); if ($srcCopyFlagFld) $srcCopyFlagFld .= ', '; $src->Execute("CREATE INDEX {$idx} on $srcTable ($srcCopyFlagFld$srcUpdateDateFld)"); } /* Perform Merge by copying all data modified from src to dest then update src copied flag if present. Returns array taken from ReplicateData: Returns an array: $arr[0] = true if no error, false if error $arr[1] = number of recs processed $arr[2] = number of successful inserts $arr[3] = number of successful updates $srcTable = src table $dstTable = dest table $pkeys = primary keys array. if empty, then only inserts will occur $srcignoreflds = ignore these flds (must be upper cased) $setsrc = updateSrcFn string $srcUpdateDateFld = field in src with the last update date $srcCopyFlagFld = false = optional field that holds the copied indicator $flagvals=array('Y','N','P','=') = array of values indicating array(copied, not copied). Null is assumed to mean not copied. The 3rd value 'P' indicates that we want to force 'Y', bypassing default trigger behaviour to reset the COPIED='N' when the record is replicated from other side. The last value '=' is don't change copyflag. $srcCopyDateFld = field that holds last copy date in src table, which will be updated on Merge() $dstCopyDateFld = field that holds last copy date in dst table, which will be updated on Merge() $defaultDestRaiseErrorFn = The adodb raiseErrorFn handler. Default is to not raise an error. Just output error message to stdout */ function Merge($srcTable, $dstTable, $pkeys, $srcignoreflds, $setsrc, $srcUpdateDateFld, $srcCopyFlagFld, $flagvals=array('Y','N','P','='), $srcCopyDateFld = false, $dstCopyDateFld = false, $whereClauses = '', $orderBy = '', # MUST INCLUDE THE "ORDER BY" suffix $copyDoneFlagIdx = 3, $defaultDestRaiseErrorFn = '') { $src = $this->connSrc; $dest = $this->connDest; $time = $src->Time(); $delfirst = $this->deleteFirst; $upd = $this->updateSrcFn; $this->deleteFirst = false; //$this->updateFirst = true; $srcignoreflds[] = $srcUpdateDateFld; $srcignoreflds[] = $srcCopyFlagFld; $srcignoreflds[] = $srcCopyDateFld; if (empty($whereClauses)) $whereClauses = '1=1'; $where = " WHERE ($whereClauses) and ($srcCopyFlagFld = ".$src->qstr($flagvals[1]).')'; if ($orderBy) $where .= ' '.$orderBy; else $where .= ' ORDER BY '.$srcUpdateDateFld; if ($setsrc) $set[] = $setsrc; else $set = array(); if ($srcCopyFlagFld) $set[] = "$srcCopyFlagFld = ".$src->qstr($flagvals[2]); if ($srcCopyDateFld) $set[]= "$srcCopyDateFld = ".$src->sysTimeStamp; if ($set) $this->updateSrcFn = array(implode(', ',$set)); else $this->updateSrcFn = ''; $extra[$srcCopyFlagFld] = array($dest->qstr($flagvals[0]),$dest->qstr($flagvals[$copyDoneFlagIdx])); $saveraise = $dest->raiseErrorFn; $dest->raiseErrorFn = ''; if ($this->compat && $this->compat == 1.0) $srcUpdateDateFld = ''; $arr = $this->ReplicateData($srcTable, $dstTable, $pkeys, $where, $srcignoreflds, $dstCopyDateFld,$extra,$srcUpdateDateFld); $dest->raiseErrorFn = $saveraise; $this->updateSrcFn = $upd; $this->deleteFirst = $delfirst; return $arr; } /* If doing a 2 way merge, then call $rep->Merge() to save without modifying the COPIEDFLAG ('='). Then can the following to set the COPIEDFLAG to 'P' which forces the COPIEDFLAG = 'Y' $rep->MergeDone() */ function MergeDone($srcTable, $dstTable, $pkeys, $srcignoreflds, $setsrc, $srcUpdateDateFld, $srcCopyFlagFld, $flagvals=array('Y','N','P','='), $srcCopyDateFld = false, $dstCopyDateFld = false, $whereClauses = '', $orderBy = '', # MUST INCLUDE THE "ORDER BY" suffix $copyDoneFlagIdx = 2, $defaultDestRaiseErrorFn = '') { return $this->Merge($srcTable, $dstTable, $pkeys, $srcignoreflds, $setsrc, $srcUpdateDateFld, $srcCopyFlagFld, $flagvals, $srcCopyDateFld, $dstCopyDateFld, $whereClauses, $orderBy, # MUST INCLUDE THE "ORDER BY" suffix $copyDoneFlagIdx, $defaultDestRaiseErrorFn); } function _doerr($reason, $selflds) { $fn = $this->errHandler; if ($fn) $fn($this, $reason, $selflds); // set $this->neverAbort to true or false as required inside $fn } }