Step 1: Trying to download Composer

'; $argv = array('--disable-tls'); # just for avoiding warnings ?>

Step 2: Trying to load composerinstaller into the running php script

Wait a few seconds until composerinstaller put his output under the button. Once the output looks good, try installing the dependencies using the button.

Install dependencies
		} else {
			# TODO: autodetect the matching commandline php on the host matching the php version of the webserver
			# Any idea? Using $_SERVER['PHP_PEAR_SYSCONF_DIR'] or $_SERVER['PHPRC'] for detecting can help a bit, but weak hints..
			# This is just a temp hack for installing flyspray on xampp on Windows
			if (getenv('OS') == 'Windows_NT' && isset($_SERVER['PHPRC']) && strstr($_SERVER['PHPRC'], 'xampp')) {
			shell_exec($phpexe.' -r "readfile(\'\');" | '.$phpexe);
			if (!is_readable('composer.phar')) {
				die('Composer installer download failed! Please consider downloading vendors directly from Flyspray support website');
			echo 'Successfully downloaded Composer.

'; echo 'Try to install dependencies'; } ?>