perms('is_admin')) { Flyspray::show_error(4); } $proj = new Project(0); #I $proj->setCookie(); $page->pushTpl(''); switch ($area = Req::val('area', 'prefs')) { case 'users': $id = Flyspray::usernameToId(Req::val('user_name')); if (!$id) { $id = is_numeric(Req::val('user_id')) ? Req::val('user_id') : 0; } $theuser = new User($id, $proj); if ($theuser->isAnon()) { Flyspray::show_error(5, true, null, $_SESSION['prev_page']); } $page->assign('theuser', $theuser); case 'cat': case 'editgroup': // yeah, utterly stupid, is changed in 1.0 already if (Req::val('area') == 'editgroup') { $group_details = Flyspray::getGroupDetails(Req::num('id')); if (!$group_details || $group_details['project_id'] != $proj->id) { Flyspray::show_error(L('groupnotexist')); Flyspray::redirect(createURL('pm', 'groups', $proj->id)); } $page->uses('group_details'); } case 'groups': case 'newuser': case 'newuserbulk': case 'editallusers': $page->assign('groups', Flyspray::listGroups()); case 'userrequest': $sql = $db->query("SELECT * FROM {admin_requests} WHERE request_type = 3 AND project_id = 0 AND resolved_by = 0 ORDER BY time_submitted ASC"); $page->assign('pendings', $db->fetchAllArray($sql)); case 'newproject': case 'os': case 'prefs': case 'resolution': case 'tasktype': case 'tag': case 'status': case 'version': case 'newgroup': $page->setTitle($fs->prefs['page_title'] . L('admintoolboxlong')); $page->pushTpl('admin.'.$area.'.tpl'); break; case 'translations': require_once(BASEDIR.'/scripts/langdiff.php'); break; case 'checks': $hashtypes=$db->query(' SELECT COUNT(*) c, LENGTH(user_pass) l, CASE WHEN SUBSTRING(user_pass FROM 1 FOR 1)=\'$\' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS s, SUM(CASE WHEN (SUBSTRING(user_pass FROM 1 FOR 2)=\'$2\' AND SUBSTRING(user_pass FROM 3 FOR 1)=\'$\' ) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) cr, SUM(CASE WHEN (SUBSTRING(user_pass FROM 1 FOR 2)=\'$2\' AND SUBSTRING(user_pass FROM 3 FOR 1) IN( \'a\', \'x\', \'y\' ) ) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) bcr, SUM(CASE WHEN SUBSTRING(user_pass FROM 1 FOR 3)=\'$1$\' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) md5crypt, SUM(CASE WHEN SUBSTRING(user_pass FROM 1 FOR 8)=\'$argon2i\' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) argon2i FROM {users} GROUP BY LENGTH(user_pass), CASE WHEN SUBSTRING(user_pass FROM 1 FOR 1)=\'$\' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ORDER BY l ASC, s ASC'); $hashlengths=''; $warnhash=0; $warnhash2=0; while ($r = $db->fetchRow($hashtypes)){ $alert=''; if( $r['l']==32 && $r['s']==0){ $maybe='md5'; $warnhash+=$r['c']; $alert=' style="background-color:#f99"';} elseif($r['l']==13 && $r['s']==0){ $maybe='CRYPT_STD_DES'; $r['s']=2; $warnhash2+=$r['c']; $alert=' style="background-color:#fc9"';} elseif($r['l']==40 && $r['s']==0){ $maybe='sha1'; $warnhash+=$r['c']; $alert=' style="background-color:#f99"';} elseif($r['l']==128 && $r['s']==0){ $maybe='sha512'; $warnhash+=$r['c']; $alert=' style="background-color:#f99"';} elseif($r['l']==34 && $r['s']==1){ $maybe='CRYPT_MD5';$warnhash2+=$r['c'];$alert=' style="background-color:#fc9"';} elseif($r['l']==60){$maybe='CRYPT_BLOWFISH';} elseif($r['s']==1){ $maybe='other pw hashes'; if($r['argon2i']>0){$maybe.=': '.$r['argon2i'].' argon2i'; } }else{$maybe='not detected';} $hashlengths.=''; } $hashlengths.='
strlencountsalted?optionshash algo
'.$r['l'].' '.$r['c'].''.$r['s'].''.$r['bcr'].' '.$r['cr'].' '.$r['md5crypt'].' '.$r['argon2i'].''.$maybe.'
'; if($warnhash>0){ $hashlengths.='
'.$warnhash." users with unsalted password hashes.
"; } if($warnhash2>0){ $hashlengths.='
'.$warnhash2." users with salted password hashes, but considered bad algorithms for password hashing.
"; } $page->assign('passwdcrypt', $conf['general']['passwdcrypt']); $page->assign('hashlengths', $hashlengths); # info of old temporary unfinished user registration entries, for insights into register bot pattern or for cleanup old entries to free unused usernames as available again. $statregistrations=$db->query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {registrations}'); $regcount=$db->fetchOne($statregistrations); $page->assign('regcount', $regcount); # show oldest unfinished user registrations $registrations=$db->query('SELECT reg_time, user_name, email_address FROM {registrations} ORDER BY reg_time ASC LIMIT 50'); $page->assign('registrations', $db->fetchAllArray($registrations)); $sinfo=$db->dblink->serverInfo(); if( ($db->dbtype=='mysqli' || $db->dbtype=='mysql') && isset($sinfo['version'])){ $fsdb=$db->query("SELECT default_character_set_name, default_collation_name FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.SCHEMATA WHERE SCHEMA_NAME=?", array($db->dblink->database) ); $page->assign('fsdb', $db->fetchRow($fsdb)); # TODO Test if Flyspray tables really have default charset utf8mb4 and default collation utf8mb4_unicode_ci. # TODO Test if the TEXT/CHAR/VARCHAR fields that should have utf8mb_unicode_ci really have it. # TODO Test if the TEXT/CHAR/VARCHAR fields that should have other collations really have that other collation. # utf8mb4_unicode_ci may be not optimal for every TEXT/CHAR/VARCHAR field of Flyspray. # Must be defined explicit for fields that differs from the default in the xmlschemas in the setup/upgrade/* files. # At the moment (in 2019) the current ADODB 5.20.14 release does not handle that stuff yet. if(version_compare($sinfo['version'], '5.5.3')>=0 ){ $page->assign('utf8mb4upgradable', "Your MySQL supports full utf-8 since 5.5.3. You are using ".$sinfo['version']." and Flyspray tables could be upgraded."); } else{ $page->assign('oldmysqlversion', "Your MySQL version ".$sinfo['version']." does not support full utf-8, only up to 3 Byte chars. No emojis for instance. Consider upgrading your MySQL server version."); } $fstables=$db->query("SELECT table_name, table_collation, engine as table_type, create_options, table_comment FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.tables WHERE table_schema=? AND table_name LIKE '".$db->dbprefix."%' ORDER BY table_name ASC", array($db->dblink->database) ); $page->assign('fstables', $db->fetchAllArray($fstables)); $fsfields=$db->query(" SELECT table_name, column_name, column_default, data_type, character_set_name, collation_name, column_type, column_comment FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.columns WHERE table_schema=? AND table_name LIKE '".$db->dbprefix."%' ORDER BY table_name ASC, ordinal_position ASC", array($db->dblink->database) ); $page->assign('fsfields', $db->fetchAllArray($fsfields)); } elseif($db->dbtype=='pgsql'){ $fstables=$db->query("SELECT table_name, '' AS table_collation, table_type, '' AS create_options, '-' AS table_comment FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.tables WHERE table_catalog=? AND table_name LIKE '".$db->dbprefix."%' ORDER BY table_name ASC", array($db->dblink->database) ); $page->assign('fstables', $db->fetchAllArray($fstables)); $fsfields=$db->query(" SELECT table_name, column_name, column_default, data_type as column_type, character_set_name, collation_name, '-' AS column_comment FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.columns WHERE table_catalog=? AND table_name LIKE '".$db->dbprefix."%' ORDER BY table_name ASC, ordinal_position ASC", array($db->dblink->database) ); $page->assign('fsfields', $db->fetchAllArray($fsfields)); } $page->assign('adodbversion', $db->dblink->version()); $page->assign('htmlpurifierversion', HTMLPurifier::VERSION); $page->pushTpl('admin.'.$area.'.tpl'); break; default: Flyspray::show_error(6); } ?>