array( "title" => "server", "label" => "Server", "mysql" => "`url`" ), "country" => array( "title" => "country", "label" => "Country", "mysql" => "`l_ms`.`country_code`" ), "isos" => array( "title" => "wether isos are available", "label" => "ISOs", "mysql" => "`l_ms`.`isos`" ), "protocols" => array( "title" => "available protocols", "label" => "Protocols", "mysql" => "`protocols`" ) ); $query = "SELECT " . "GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT `l_ms`.`protocol`) AS `protocols`," . "SUBSTRING(`l_ms`.`url`,LENGTH(`l_ms`.`protocol`)+4) AS `url`," . "`l_ms`.`country`," . "`l_ms`.`country_code`," . "`l_ms`.`isos`," . "`l_ms`.`ipv4`," . "`l_ms`.`ipv6`" . " FROM (" . "SELECT " . "`mirror_statuses`.`url`," . "MAX(`mirror_statuses`.`start`) AS `start`" . " FROM `mirror_statuses`" . " WHERE `mirror_statuses`.`start` > UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW())-" . $cutoff . " GROUP BY `mirror_statuses`.`url`" . ") AS `ls`" . " JOIN `mirror_statuses` AS `l_ms`" . " ON `ls`.`url`=`l_ms`.`url`" . " AND `ls`.`start`=`l_ms`.`start`" . " GROUP BY `url`" . " ORDER BY "; if (array_key_exists("sort", $_GET)) { if (isset($sorts[$_GET["sort"]]["mysql"])) $query .= $sorts[$_GET["sort"]]["mysql"] . ","; elseif (isset($sorts[substr($_GET["sort"],1)]["mysql"])) $query .= $sorts[substr($_GET["sort"],1)]["mysql"] . " DESC,"; } $query .= "`url`"; $result = mysql_run_query( $query ); $last_check = 0; $max_count = 0; while($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) $rows[] = $row; print_header("Mirror Overview"); ?>

Mirror Overview

$sort) { print " \n"; } ?> \n"; print " \n"; print " \n"; print " \n"; print " \n"; print " \n"; if ($oddity == "odd") $oddity = "even"; else $oddity = "odd"; } } else { print "There is no data, as no mirror checks run in the last " . $cutoff . " seconds."; } ?>
\n"; print " ".$sort["label"]."\n"; print "
\n"; print " " . $row["url"] . "\n"; print " \n"; print " \n"; print " \n"; print " " . $row["country"] . "\n"; print " \n"; if ($row["isos"]) print " Yes\n"; else print " No\n"; print " \n"; print " " . $row["protocols"] . "\n"; print "
UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW()) - 3600)) AS `recently_active`," . "AVG(IF(`a_ms`.`active`,1,0)) AS `completion_pct`," . "COUNT(1) AS `count`" . " FROM (" . "SELECT " . "`mirror_statuses`.`url`," . "MAX(`mirror_statuses`.`start`) AS `start`" . " FROM `mirror_statuses`" . " WHERE `mirror_statuses`.`start` > UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW())-" . $cutoff . " GROUP BY `mirror_statuses`.`url`" . ") AS `ls`" . " JOIN `mirror_statuses` AS `l_ms`" . " ON `ls`.`url`=`l_ms`.`url`" . " AND `ls`.`start`=`l_ms`.`start`" . " JOIN `mirror_statuses` AS `a_ms`" . " ON `a_ms`.`url`=`l_ms`.`url`" . " AND `a_ms`.`start` > UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW())-" . $cutoff . " GROUP BY `l_ms`.`id`" ); $last_check = 0; $max_count = 0; while($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) { foreach (array( "start", "delay", "duration_avg", "duration_stddev", "completion_pct", "count", "isos", "ipv4", "ipv6", "active", "recently_active" ) as $key) $row[$key] = floatval($row[$key]); $row["last_sync"] = gmdate("Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z", $row["last_sync"]); if ($row["completion_pct"] == 0) $row["score"] = 0; else $row["score"] = ($row["delay"] + $row["duration_avg"] + $row["duration_stddev"]) / $row["completion_pct"]; $urls[] = $row; $last_check = max ($row["start"], $last_check); $max_count = max ($row["count"], $max_count); } $content = array( "cutoff" => $cutoff, "check_frequency" => (($max_count!=0)?($cutoff/$max_count):0), "num_checks" => $max_count, "last_check" => gmdate("Y-m-d\TH:i:s.v\Z",$last_check), //"2018-06-15T07:25:06.741Z", // "version" => 3, "urls" => (isset($urls)?$urls:[]) ); if (count($uri_parts) == 1) { // human readable print_header("Mirror Status"); print <<

Mirror Status

EOF; if ($max_count==0) { print "No results as there was no mirror check running in the last " . $cutoff . " seconds."; } else { print << This page reports the status of all known, public, and active ArchLinux32 mirrors. All data on this page reflects the status of the mirrors within the last $cutoff seconds. All listed times are UTC. The check script runs on a regular basis and polls for the lastsync file in the root of our repository layout. This file is regularly updated on the central repository, so checking the value within allows one to see if the mirror has synced recently. This page contains several pieces of information about each mirror.

The last mirror check ran at ${content['last_check']} UTC. Checks have ran ${content['num_checks']} times in the last $cutoff seconds at an average interval of ${content['check_frequency']} seconds.

This data is also available in JSON or TSV format. The units of all time/duration values are in seconds; date/time values are UTC.

Successfully Syncing Mirrors

protocol url country country_code last_sync start delay duration_avg duration_stddev isos ipv4 ipv6 active recently_active completion_pct count score EOF; print <<
EOF; print <<
    print json_encode($content, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);
    print <<
    exit( );
  } // human readable

  if (!export_as_requested(
      "json" => $content,
      "tsv" => $urls
  )) {
      'Not Acceptable',
\n", array_merge( array( 'Unknown output format.', 'Accepted:' ), array_map( function($type){ return '' . $type . ''; }, array('json', 'tsv') ) ) ) ); } die(); } // status throw_http_error(501, "Not Implemented");