"", "broken" => " WHERE (`ba_q`.`is_broken` OR `ba_q`.`is_blocked` IS NOT NULL)", "next" => " WHERE (`loops` IS NOT NULL OR `dependencies_pending` IS NULL)" ); $columns = array( "deps" => array( "label" => "Deps", "mysql_name" => "dependencies_pending", "mysql_query" => "IFNULL(`d_q`.`dependencies_pending`,0)", "sort" => "deps", "title" => "number of dependencies on the build-list" ), "pkgbase" => array( "label" => "Package", "mysql_name" => "pkgbase_print", "mysql_query" => "CONCAT(" . "\"\"," . "`ba_q`.`pkgbase`," . "\"\"" . ")", "sort" => "pkgbase", "title" => "package" ), "git_rev" => array( "label" => "Git Revision", "mysql_name" => "git_revision_print", "mysql_query" => "IF(`ba_q`.`uses_upstream`," . "CONCAT(" . "\"\"," . "`ba_q`.`git_revision`," . "\"\"" . ")," . "`ba_q`.`git_revision`" . ")", "sort" => "git_rev", "title" => "revision hash of upstream git repository" ), "mod_git_rev" => array( "label" => "Modification Git Revision", "mysql_name" => "mod_git_revision_print", "mysql_query" => "IF(`ba_q`.`uses_modification`," . "CONCAT(" . "\"\"," . "`ba_q`.`mod_git_revision`," . "\"\"" . ")," . "`ba_q`.`mod_git_revision`" . ")" , "sort" => "mod_git_rev", "title" => "revision hash of modification git repository" ), "repo" => array( "label" => "Repository", "mysql_name" => "package_repository", "mysql_query" => "`ba_q`.`package_repository`", "sort" => "repo", "title" => "package repository" ), "commit_time" => array( "label" => "Commit Time", "mysql_name" => "commit_time", "mysql_query" => "`ba_q`.`commit_time`", "sort" => "commit_time", "title" => "commit time of the source" ), "trials" => array( "label" => "Compilations", "mysql_name" => "trials", "mysql_query" => "IFNULL(`t_q`.`trials`,0)", "sort" => "trials", "title" => "number of compilations" ), "loops" => array( "label" => "Loops", "mysql_name" => "loops", "mysql_query" => "IFNULL(`l_q`.`loops`,0)", "sort" => "loops", "title" => "number of loops" ), "failure" => array( "label" => "Failures", "mysql_name" => "fail_reasons", "mysql_query" => "`fr_q`.`fail_reasons`", "sort" => "failure", "title" => "reason of build failure" ), "blocked" => array( "label" => "Blocked", "mysql_name" => "is_blocked", "mysql_query" => "`ba_q`.`is_blocked`", "sort" => "blocked", "title" => "block reason" ), "build_slave" => array( "label" => "Build Slave", "mysql_name" => "build_slave", "mysql_query" => "`bs_q`.`build_slave`", "sort" => "build_slave", "title" => "whom it is handed out to" ) ); $match = $to_shows[$to_show]; if (!isset($_GET["sort"])) $_GET["sort"]="trials"; if (substr($_GET["sort"],0,1) == "-") { $direction = " DESC"; $sort = substr($_GET["sort"],1); } else $sort = $_GET["sort"]; if (isset($columns[$sort])) $order = "IFNULL(" . $columns[$sort]["mysql_name"] . ",0) " . $direction . ","; else $order = ""; function combine_fields($cln) { return $cln["mysql_query"] . " AS `" . $cln["mysql_name"] . "`"; } $result = mysql_run_query( "SELECT " . implode(",",array_map("combine_fields",$columns)) . " FROM" . " (" . "SELECT DISTINCT " . "`build_assignments`.`id`," . "`build_assignments`.`is_blocked`," . "`build_assignments`.`is_broken`," . "`package_sources`.`pkgbase`," . "`package_sources`.`git_revision`," . "`package_sources`.`mod_git_revision`," . "`package_sources`.`uses_upstream`," . "`package_sources`.`uses_modification`," . "`package_sources`.`commit_time`," . "`upstream_repositories`.`name` AS `package_repository`," . "`git_repositories`.`name` AS `git_repository`," . "`architectures`.`name` AS `arch`" . " FROM `build_assignments`" . " JOIN `architectures` ON `build_assignments`.`architecture` = `architectures`.`id`" . " JOIN `package_sources` ON `build_assignments`.`package_source` = `package_sources`.`id`" . " JOIN `upstream_repositories` ON `package_sources`.`upstream_package_repository` = `upstream_repositories`.`id`" . " JOIN `git_repositories` ON `upstream_repositories`.`git_repository`=`git_repositories`.`id`" . " JOIN `binary_packages` ON `binary_packages`.`build_assignment` = `build_assignments`.`id`" . " JOIN `repositories` ON `binary_packages`.`repository` = `repositories`.`id`" . " WHERE `repositories`.`name`=\"build-list\"" . ") AS `ba_q`". " LEFT JOIN" . " (" . "SELECT " . "`dependent_bp`.`build_assignment`," . "COUNT(DISTINCT `dependency_bp`.`build_assignment`) AS `dependencies_pending`" . " FROM `binary_packages` AS `dependent_bp`" . " JOIN `dependencies` ON `dependencies`.`dependent` = `dependent_bp`.`id` " . " JOIN `dependency_types` ON `dependencies`.`dependency_type` = `dependency_types`.`id`" . " JOIN `install_target_providers` ON `install_target_providers`.`install_target` = `dependencies`.`depending_on` " . " JOIN `binary_packages` AS `dependency_bp` ON `dependency_bp`.`id` = `install_target_providers`.`package` " . " JOIN `repositories` ON `dependency_bp`.`repository` = `repositories`.`id` " . " WHERE `dependency_bp`.`build_assignment` != `dependent_bp`.`build_assignment`" . " AND `dependency_types`.`relevant_for_building`" . " AND `repositories`.`name`=\"build-list\"" . " GROUP BY `dependent_bp`.`build_assignment`" . ") AS `d_q` ON `d_q`.`build_assignment`=`ba_q`.`id`" . " LEFT JOIN" . " (" . "SELECT " . "`build_dependency_loops`.`build_assignment`," . "COUNT(1) AS `loops`" . " FROM `build_dependency_loops`" . " GROUP BY `build_dependency_loops`.`build_assignment`" . ") AS `l_q` ON `l_q`.`build_assignment`=`ba_q`.`id`" . " LEFT JOIN" . " (" . "SELECT " . "`rfb`.`build_assignment`," . "GROUP_CONCAT(" . "CONCAT(" . "\"\"," . "`fail_reasons`.`name`," . "\"\"" . ")" . " ORDER BY `fail_reasons`.`name`" . ") AS `fail_reasons`" . " FROM (" . "SELECT " . "`failed_builds`.`build_assignment`," . "`failed_builds`.`reason`," . "MAX(`failed_builds`.`date`) AS `max_date`" . " FROM `failed_builds`" . " GROUP BY `failed_builds`.`build_assignment`,`failed_builds`.`reason`" . ") AS `cfb`" . " JOIN" . " (" . "SELECT DISTINCT " . "`failed_builds`.*" . " FROM `failed_builds`" . " GROUP BY `failed_builds`.`build_assignment`,`failed_builds`.`reason`,`failed_builds`.`date`" . ") AS `rfb`" . " ON `cfb`.`build_assignment`=`rfb`.`build_assignment`" . " AND `cfb`.`reason`=`rfb`.`reason`" . " AND `cfb`.`max_date`=`rfb`.`date`" . " JOIN `fail_reasons` ON `rfb`.`reason`=`fail_reasons`.`id`" . " GROUP BY `rfb`.`build_assignment`" . ") AS `fr_q` ON `fr_q`.`build_assignment`=`ba_q`.`id`" . " LEFT JOIN" . " (" . "SELECT " . "`failed_builds`.`build_assignment`," . "COUNT(`failed_builds`.`id`) AS `trials`" . " FROM `failed_builds`" . " GROUP BY `failed_builds`.`build_assignment`" . ") AS `t_q` ON `t_q`.`build_assignment`=`ba_q`.`id`" . " LEFT JOIN" . " (" . "SELECT " . "`build_slaves`.`currently_building`," . "GROUP_CONCAT(`build_slaves`.`name`) AS `build_slave`" . " FROM `build_slaves`" . " GROUP BY `build_slaves`.`currently_building`" . ") AS `bs_q` ON `bs_q`.`currently_building`=`ba_q`.`id`" . $match . " ORDER BY " . $order . "`trials` " . $direction . ",`dependencies_pending` " . $direction . ",`is_blocked` " . $direction . ",`pkgbase` " . $direction ); $count = 0; while($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) { foreach ($row as $name => $value) { if (!isset($row[$name])) $rows[$count][$name] = " "; elseif ($name == "is_blocked") $rows[$count][$name] = preg_replace( array ( "/FS32#(\\d+)/", "/FS#(\\d+)/" ), array ( "$0", "$0" ), $value ); else $rows[$count][$name] = $value; } $count++; } print_header("List of " . strtoupper(substr($to_show,0,1)) . substr($to_show,1) . " Package Builds"); print "build logs\n"; foreach ($to_shows as $link => $dummy) { print "-\n"; if ($link != $to_show) print ""; print $link . " package builds"; if ($link != $to_show) print ""; print "\n"; } if ($count > 0) { ?>
\n"; print " " . $row[$column["mysql_name"]] . "\n"; print " | \n"; } print " \n"; if ($oddity == "odd" ) $oddity = "even"; else $oddity = "odd"; } ?>