LABEL existing TEXT HELP Boot an existing operating system. Press TAB to edit the disk and partition number to boot. ENDTEXT MENU LABEL Boot existing OS COM32 boot/syslinux/chain.c32 APPEND hd0 0 # LABEL memtest MENU LABEL Run Memtest86+ (RAM test) LINUX boot/memtest # LABEL hdt MENU LABEL Hardware Information (HDT) COM32 boot/syslinux/hdt.c32 APPEND modules_alias=boot/syslinux/hdt/modalias.gz pciids=boot/syslinux/hdt/pciids.gz LABEL reboot TEXT HELP Reboot computer. The computer's firmware must support APM. ENDTEXT MENU LABEL Reboot COM32 boot/syslinux/reboot.c32 LABEL poweroff TEXT HELP Power off computer. The computer's firmware must support APM. ENDTEXT MENU LABEL Power Off COM32 boot/syslinux/poweroff.c32