import archinstall, os # TODO: Remove hard dependency of bash (due to .bash_profile) def _prep_function(*args, **kwargs): """ Magic function called by the importing installer before continuing any further. It also avoids executing any other code in this stage. So it's a safe way to ask the user for more input before any other installer steps start. """ # KDE requires a functioning Xorg installation. profile = archinstall.Profile(None, 'wayland') with profile.load_instructions(namespace='') as imported: if hasattr(imported, '_prep_function'): return imported._prep_function() else: print('Deprecated (??): wayland profile has no _prep_function() anymore') def _post_install(*args, **kwargs): choice = input("Would you like to autostart sway on login [Y/n]: ") if choice.lower == "y": with open(f"{installation.mountpoint}/etc/profile", "a") as f: x = """ if [ -z $DISPLAY ] && [ "$(tty)" == "/dev/tty1" ]; then exec sway fi """ f.write(x) f.close() else: installation.log("to start sway run the command sway") installation.log("we use the default configartion shipped by arch linux, if you wish to change it you should chroot into the installation and modify it") # Ensures that this code only gets executed if executed # through importlib.util.spec_from_file_location("kde", "/somewhere/") # or through conventional import kde if __name__ == 'sway': # Install dependency profiles if _gfx_driver_packages == 'nvidia': raise archinstall.lib.exceptions.HardwareIncompatibilityError("sway does not the prorpitery nvidia driver try using nouveau") else: installation.install_profile('wayland') # Install the application kde from the template under /applications/ sway = archinstall.Application(installation, 'sway') sway.install()