from __future__ import annotations import getpass import ipaddress import logging import re import select # Used for char by char polling of sys.stdin import shutil import signal import sys import time from import Iterable from pathlib import Path from copy import copy from typing import List, Any, Optional, Dict, Union, TYPE_CHECKING # from .menu.text_input import TextInput from .configuration import ConfigurationOutput from .models.network_configuration import NetworkConfiguration, NicType if TYPE_CHECKING: from .disk.partition import Partition _: Any from .disk import BlockDevice, suggest_single_disk_layout, suggest_multi_disk_layout, valid_parted_position, all_blockdevices from .exceptions import RequirementError, DiskError from .hardware import AVAILABLE_GFX_DRIVERS, has_uefi, has_amd_graphics, has_intel_graphics, has_nvidia_graphics from .locale_helpers import list_keyboard_languages, list_timezones, list_locales from .networking import list_interfaces from .menu import Menu from .menu.list_manager import ListManager from .output import log from .profiles import Profile, list_profiles from .storage import storage from .mirrors import list_mirrors # TODO: Some inconsistencies between the selection processes. # Some return the keys from the options, some the values? from .translation import Translation, DeferredTranslation from .disk.validators import fs_types from .packages.packages import validate_package_list # used for signal handler SIG_TRIGGER = None # TODO: These can be removed after the move to def get_terminal_height() -> int: return shutil.get_terminal_size().lines def get_terminal_width() -> int: return shutil.get_terminal_size().columns def get_longest_option(options :List[Any]) -> int: return max([len(x) for x in options]) def check_for_correct_username(username :str) -> bool: if re.match(r'^[a-z_][a-z0-9_-]*\$?$', username) and len(username) <= 32: return True log( "The username you entered is invalid. Try again", level=logging.WARNING, fg='red' ) return False def do_countdown() -> bool: SIG_TRIGGER = False def kill_handler(sig :int, frame :Any) -> None: print() exit(0) def sig_handler(sig :int, frame :Any) -> None: global SIG_TRIGGER SIG_TRIGGER = True signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, kill_handler) original_sigint_handler = signal.getsignal(signal.SIGINT) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, sig_handler) for i in range(5, 0, -1): print(f"{i}", end='') for x in range(4): sys.stdout.flush() time.sleep(0.25) print(".", end='') if SIG_TRIGGER: prompt = _('Do you really want to abort?') choice = Menu(prompt, ['yes', 'no'], skip=False).run() if choice == 'yes': exit(0) if SIG_TRIGGER is False: SIG_TRIGGER = False signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, sig_handler) print() signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, original_sigint_handler) return True def check_password_strong(passwd :str) -> bool: symbol_count = 0 if any(character.isdigit() for character in passwd): symbol_count += 10 if any(character.isupper() for character in passwd): symbol_count += 26 if any(character.islower() for character in passwd): symbol_count += 26 if any(not character.isalnum() for character in passwd): symbol_count += 40 if symbol_count ** len(passwd) < 10e20: prompt = _("The password you are using seems to be weak,") prompt += _("are you sure you want to use it?") choice = Menu(prompt, ["yes", "no"], default_option="yes").run() return choice == "yes" return True def get_password(prompt :str = '') -> Optional[str]: if not prompt: prompt = _("Enter a password: ") while passwd := getpass.getpass(prompt): if len(passwd.strip()) <= 0: break if not check_password_strong(passwd): continue passwd_verification = getpass.getpass(prompt=_('And one more time for verification: ')) if passwd != passwd_verification: log(' * Passwords did not match * ', fg='red') continue return passwd return None def print_large_list(options :List[str], padding :int = 5, margin_bottom :int = 0, separator :str = ': ') -> List[int]: highest_index_number_length = len(str(len(options))) longest_line = highest_index_number_length + len(separator) + get_longest_option(options) + padding spaces_without_option = longest_line - (len(separator) + highest_index_number_length) max_num_of_columns = get_terminal_width() // longest_line max_options_in_cells = max_num_of_columns * (get_terminal_height() - margin_bottom) if len(options) > max_options_in_cells: for index, option in enumerate(options): print(f"{index}: {option}") return 1, index else: for row in range(0, (get_terminal_height() - margin_bottom)): for column in range(row, len(options), (get_terminal_height() - margin_bottom)): spaces = " " * (spaces_without_option - len(options[column])) print(f"{str(column): >{highest_index_number_length}}{separator}{options[column]}", end=spaces) print() return column, row def select_encrypted_partitions(block_devices :dict, password :str) -> dict: for device in block_devices: for partition in block_devices[device]['partitions']: if partition.get('mountpoint', None) != '/boot': partition['encrypted'] = True partition['!password'] = password if partition['mountpoint'] != '/': # Tell the upcoming steps to generate a key-file for non root mounts. partition['generate-encryption-key-file'] = True return block_devices # TODO: Next version perhaps we can support mixed multiple encrypted partitions # Users might want to single out a partition for non-encryption to share between dualboot etc. # TODO: This can be removed once we have simple_menu everywhere class MiniCurses: def __init__(self, width, height): self.width = width self.height = height self._cursor_y = 0 self._cursor_x = 0 self.input_pos = 0 def write_line(self, text, clear_line=True): if clear_line: sys.stdout.flush() sys.stdout.write("\033[%dG" % 0) sys.stdout.flush() sys.stdout.write(" " * (get_terminal_width() - 1)) sys.stdout.flush() sys.stdout.write("\033[%dG" % 0) sys.stdout.flush() sys.stdout.write(text) sys.stdout.flush() self._cursor_x += len(text) def clear(self, x, y): if x < 0: x = 0 if y < 0: y = 0 # import time # sys.stdout.write(f"Clearing from: {x, y}") # sys.stdout.flush() # time.sleep(2) sys.stdout.flush() sys.stdout.write('\033[%d;%df' % (y, x)) for line in range(get_terminal_height() - y - 1, y): sys.stdout.write(" " * (get_terminal_width() - 1)) sys.stdout.flush() sys.stdout.write('\033[%d;%df' % (y, x)) sys.stdout.flush() def deal_with_control_characters(self, char): mapper = { '\x7f': 'BACKSPACE', '\r': 'CR', '\n': 'NL' } if (mapped_char := mapper.get(char, None)) == 'BACKSPACE': if self._cursor_x <= self.input_pos: # Don't backspace further back than the cursor start position during input return True # Move back to the current known position (BACKSPACE doesn't updated x-pos) sys.stdout.flush() sys.stdout.write("\033[%dG" % self._cursor_x) sys.stdout.flush() # Write a blank space sys.stdout.flush() sys.stdout.write(" ") sys.stdout.flush() # And move back again sys.stdout.flush() sys.stdout.write("\033[%dG" % self._cursor_x) sys.stdout.flush() self._cursor_x -= 1 return True elif mapped_char in ('CR', 'NL'): return True return None def get_keyboard_input(self, strip_rowbreaks=True, end='\n'): assert end in ['\r', '\n', None] import termios import tty poller = select.epoll() response = '' sys_fileno = sys.stdin.fileno() old_settings = termios.tcgetattr(sys_fileno) tty.setraw(sys_fileno) poller.register(sys.stdin.fileno(), select.EPOLLIN) eof = False while eof is False: for fileno, event in poller.poll(0.025): char = # sys.stdout.write(f"{[char]}") # sys.stdout.flush() if newline := (char in ('\n', '\r')): eof = True if not newline or strip_rowbreaks is False: response += char if self.deal_with_control_characters(char) is not True: self.write_line(response[-1], clear_line=False) termios.tcsetattr(sys_fileno, termios.TCSADRAIN, old_settings) if end: sys.stdout.write(end) sys.stdout.flush() self._cursor_x = 0 self._cursor_y += 1 if response: return response def ask_for_swap(preset :bool = True) -> bool: if preset: preset_val = 'yes' else: preset_val = 'no' prompt = _('Would you like to use swap on zram?') choice = Menu(prompt, ['yes', 'no'], default_option='yes', preset_values=preset_val).run() return False if choice == 'no' else True def ask_ntp(preset :bool = True) -> bool: prompt = str(_('Would you like to use automatic time synchronization (NTP) with the default time servers?\n')) prompt += str(_('Hardware time and other post-configuration steps might be required in order for NTP to work.\nFor more information, please check the Arch wiki')) if preset: preset_val = 'yes' else: preset_val = 'no' choice = Menu(prompt, ['yes', 'no'], skip=False, preset_values=preset_val, default_option='yes').run() return False if choice == 'no' else True def ask_hostname(preset :str = None) -> str : hostname = TextInput(_('Desired hostname for the installation: '),preset).run().strip(' ') return hostname def ask_for_superuser_account(prompt: str) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, str]]: prompt = prompt if prompt else str(_('Define users with sudo privilege: ')) superusers,dummy = manage_users(prompt,sudo=True) return superusers def ask_for_additional_users(prompt :str = '') -> Dict[str, Dict[str, str | None]]: prompt = prompt if prompt else _('Any additional users to install (leave blank for no users): ') dummy,users = manage_users(prompt,sudo=False) return users def ask_for_a_timezone(preset :str = None) -> str: timezones = list_timezones() default = 'UTC' selected_tz = Menu( _('Select a timezone'), list(timezones), skip=False, preset_values=preset, default_option=default ).run() return selected_tz def ask_for_bootloader(advanced_options :bool = False, preset :str = None) -> str: if preset == 'systemd-bootctl': preset_val = 'systemd-boot' if advanced_options else 'no' elif preset == 'grub-install': preset_val = 'grub' if advanced_options else 'yes' else: preset_val = preset bootloader = "systemd-bootctl" if has_uefi() else "grub-install" if has_uefi(): if not advanced_options: bootloader_choice = Menu( _('Would you like to use GRUB as a bootloader instead of systemd-boot?'), ['yes', 'no'], preset_values=preset_val, default_option='no' ).run() if bootloader_choice == "yes": bootloader = "grub-install" else: # We use the common names for the bootloader as the selection, and map it back to the expected values. choices = ['systemd-boot', 'grub', 'efistub'] selection = Menu(_('Choose a bootloader'), choices,preset_values=preset_val).run() if selection != "": if selection == 'systemd-boot': bootloader = 'systemd-bootctl' elif selection == 'grub': bootloader = 'grub-install' else: bootloader = selection return bootloader def ask_for_audio_selection(desktop :bool = True, preset :str = None) -> str: audio = 'pipewire' if desktop else 'none' choices = ['pipewire', 'pulseaudio'] if desktop else ['pipewire', 'pulseaudio', 'none'] selected_audio = Menu( _('Choose an audio server'), choices, preset_values=preset, default_option=audio, skip=False ).run() return selected_audio def ask_additional_packages_to_install(pre_set_packages :List[str] = []) -> List[str]: # Additional packages (with some light weight error handling for invalid package names) print(_('Only packages such as base, base-devel, linux, linux-firmware, efibootmgr and optional profile packages are installed.')) print(_('If you desire a web browser, such as firefox or chromium, you may specify it in the following prompt.')) def read_packages(already_defined: list = []) -> list: display = ' '.join(already_defined) input_packages = TextInput( _('Write additional packages to install (space separated, leave blank to skip): '), display ).run() return input_packages.split(' ') if input_packages else [] pre_set_packages = pre_set_packages if pre_set_packages else [] packages = read_packages(pre_set_packages) while True: if len(packages): # Verify packages that were given print(_("Verifying that additional packages exist (this might take a few seconds)")) valid, invalid = validate_package_list(packages) if invalid: log(f"Some packages could not be found in the repository: {invalid}", level=logging.WARNING, fg='red') packages = read_packages(valid) continue break return packages def ask_to_configure_network(preset :Dict[str, Any] = {}) -> Optional[NetworkConfiguration]: """ Configure the network on the newly installed system """ interfaces = { 'none': str(_('No network configuration')), 'iso_config': str(_('Copy ISO network configuration to installation')), 'network_manager': str(_('Use NetworkManager (necessary to configure internet graphically in GNOME and KDE)')), **list_interfaces() } # for this routine it's easier to set the cursor position rather than a preset value cursor_idx = None if preset: if preset['type'] == 'iso_config': cursor_idx = 0 elif preset['type'] == 'network_manager': cursor_idx = 1 else: try : # let's hope order in dictionaries stay cursor_idx = list(interfaces.values()).index(preset.get('type')) except ValueError: pass nic = Menu(_('Select one network interface to configure'), interfaces.values(), cursor_index=cursor_idx, sort=False).run() if not nic: return None if nic == interfaces['none']: return None elif nic == interfaces['iso_config']: return NetworkConfiguration(NicType.ISO) elif nic == interfaces['network_manager']: return NetworkConfiguration(NicType.NM) else: # Current workaround: # For selecting modes without entering text within brackets, # printing out this part separate from options, passed in # `generic_select` # we only keep data if it is the same nic as before if preset.get('type') != nic: preset_d = {'type': nic, 'dhcp': True, 'ip': None, 'gateway': None, 'dns': []} else: preset_d = copy(preset) modes = ['DHCP (auto detect)', 'IP (static)'] default_mode = 'DHCP (auto detect)' cursor_idx = 0 if preset_d.get('dhcp',True) else 1 prompt = _('Select which mode to configure for "{}" or skip to use default mode "{}"').format(nic, default_mode) mode = Menu(prompt, modes, default_option=default_mode, cursor_index=cursor_idx).run() # TODO preset values for ip and gateway if mode == 'IP (static)': while 1: prompt = _('Enter the IP and subnet for {} (example: ').format(nic) ip = TextInput(prompt,preset_d.get('ip')).run().strip() # Implemented new check for correct IP/subnet input try: ipaddress.ip_interface(ip) break except ValueError: log( "You need to enter a valid IP in IP-config mode.", level=logging.WARNING, fg='red' ) # Implemented new check for correct gateway IP address while 1: gateway = TextInput(_('Enter your gateway (router) IP address or leave blank for none: '),preset_d.get('gateway')).run().strip() try: if len(gateway) == 0: gateway = None else: ipaddress.ip_address(gateway) break except ValueError: log( "You need to enter a valid gateway (router) IP address.", level=logging.WARNING, fg='red' ) dns = None if preset_d.get('dns'): preset_d['dns'] = ' '.join(preset_d['dns']) else: preset_d['dns'] = None dns_input = TextInput(_('Enter your DNS servers (space separated, blank for none): '),preset_d['dns']).run().strip() if len(dns_input): dns = dns_input.split(' ') return NetworkConfiguration( NicType.MANUAL, iface=nic, ip=ip, gateway=gateway, dns=dns, dhcp=False ) else: # this will contain network iface names return NetworkConfiguration(NicType.MANUAL, iface=nic) def partition_overlap(partitions :list, start :str, end :str) -> bool: # TODO: Implement sanity check return False def ask_for_main_filesystem_format(advanced_options=False): options = { 'btrfs': 'btrfs', 'ext4': 'ext4', 'xfs': 'xfs', 'f2fs': 'f2fs' } advanced = { 'ntfs': 'ntfs' } if advanced_options: options.update(advanced) prompt = _('Select which filesystem your main partition should use') choice = Menu(prompt, options, skip=False).run() return choice def current_partition_layout(partitions :List[Partition], with_idx :bool = False) -> str: def do_padding(name, max_len): spaces = abs(len(str(name)) - max_len) + 2 pad_left = int(spaces / 2) pad_right = spaces - pad_left return f'{pad_right * " "}{name}{pad_left * " "}|' column_names = {} # this will add an initial index to the table for each partition if with_idx: column_names['index'] = max([len(str(len(partitions))), len('index')]) # determine all attribute names and the max length # of the value among all partitions to know the width # of the table cells for p in partitions: for attribute, value in p.items(): if attribute in column_names.keys(): column_names[attribute] = max([column_names[attribute], len(str(value)), len(attribute)]) else: column_names[attribute] = max([len(str(value)), len(attribute)]) current_layout = '' for name, max_len in column_names.items(): current_layout += do_padding(name, max_len) current_layout = f'{current_layout[:-1]}\n{"-" * len(current_layout)}\n' for idx, p in enumerate(partitions): row = '' for name, max_len in column_names.items(): if name == 'index': row += do_padding(str(idx), max_len) elif name in p: row += do_padding(p[name], max_len) else: row += ' ' * (max_len + 2) + '|' current_layout += f'{row[:-1]}\n' title = str(_('Current partition layout')) return f'\n\n{title}:\n\n{current_layout}' def select_partition(title :str, partitions :List[Partition], multiple :bool = False) -> Union[int, List[int], None]: partition_indexes = list(map(str, range(len(partitions)))) partition = Menu(title, partition_indexes, multi=multiple).run() if partition is not None: if isinstance(partition, list): return [int(p) for p in partition] else: return int(partition) return None def get_default_partition_layout( block_devices :Union[BlockDevice, List[BlockDevice]], advanced_options :bool = False ) -> Dict[str, Any]: if len(block_devices) == 1: return suggest_single_disk_layout(block_devices[0], advanced_options=advanced_options) else: return suggest_multi_disk_layout(block_devices, advanced_options=advanced_options) def manage_new_and_existing_partitions(block_device :BlockDevice) -> Dict[str, Any]: block_device_struct = { "partitions": [partition.__dump__() for partition in block_device.partitions.values()] } # Test code: [part.__dump__() for part in block_device.partitions.values()] # TODO: Squeeze in BTRFS subvolumes here new_partition = str(_('Create a new partition')) suggest_partition_layout = str(_('Suggest partition layout')) delete_partition = str(_('Delete a partition')) delete_all_partitions = str(_('Clear/Delete all partitions')) assign_mount_point = str(_('Assign mount-point for a partition')) mark_formatted = str(_('Mark/Unmark a partition to be formatted (wipes data)')) mark_encrypted = str(_('Mark/Unmark a partition as encrypted')) mark_bootable = str(_('Mark/Unmark a partition as bootable (automatic for /boot)')) set_filesystem_partition = str(_('Set desired filesystem for a partition')) while True: modes = [new_partition, suggest_partition_layout] if len(block_device_struct['partitions']): modes += [ delete_partition, delete_all_partitions, assign_mount_point, mark_formatted, mark_encrypted, mark_bootable, set_filesystem_partition, ] title = _('Select what to do with\n{}').format(block_device) # show current partition layout: if len(block_device_struct["partitions"]): title += current_partition_layout(block_device_struct['partitions']) + '\n' task = Menu(title, modes, sort=False).run() if not task: break if task == new_partition: # if partition_type == 'gpt': # # # # # name = input("Enter a desired name for the partition: ").strip() fstype = Menu(_('Enter a desired filesystem type for the partition'), fs_types(), skip=False).run() prompt = _('Enter the start sector (percentage or block number, default: {}): ').format(block_device.first_free_sector) start = input(prompt).strip() if not start.strip(): start = block_device.first_free_sector end_suggested = block_device.first_end_sector else: end_suggested = '100%' prompt = _('Enter the end sector of the partition (percentage or block number, ex: {}): ').format(end_suggested) end = input(prompt).strip() if not end.strip(): end = end_suggested if valid_parted_position(start) and valid_parted_position(end): if partition_overlap(block_device_struct["partitions"], start, end): log(f"This partition overlaps with other partitions on the drive! Ignoring this partition creation.", fg="red") continue block_device_struct["partitions"].append({ "type" : "primary", # Strictly only allowed under MSDOS, but GPT accepts it so it's "safe" to inject "start" : start, "size" : end, "mountpoint" : None, "wipe" : True, "filesystem" : { "format" : fstype } }) else: log(f"Invalid start ({valid_parted_position(start)}) or end ({valid_parted_position(end)}) for this partition. Ignoring this partition creation.", fg="red") continue elif task == suggest_partition_layout: if len(block_device_struct["partitions"]): prompt = _('{} contains queued partitions, this will remove those, are you sure?').format(block_device) choice = Menu(prompt, ['yes', 'no'], default_option='no').run() if choice == 'no': continue block_device_struct.update(suggest_single_disk_layout(block_device)[block_device.path]) elif task is None: return block_device_struct else: current_layout = current_partition_layout(block_device_struct['partitions'], with_idx=True) if task == delete_partition: title = _('{}\n\nSelect by index which partitions to delete').format(current_layout) to_delete = select_partition(title, block_device_struct["partitions"], multiple=True) if to_delete: block_device_struct['partitions'] = [p for idx, p in enumerate(block_device_struct['partitions']) if idx not in to_delete] elif task == delete_all_partitions: block_device_struct["partitions"] = [] elif task == assign_mount_point: title = _('{}\n\nSelect by index which partition to mount where').format(current_layout) partition = select_partition(title, block_device_struct["partitions"]) if partition is not None: print(_(' * Partition mount-points are relative to inside the installation, the boot would be /boot as an example.')) mountpoint = input(_('Select where to mount partition (leave blank to remove mountpoint): ')).strip() if len(mountpoint): block_device_struct["partitions"][partition]['mountpoint'] = mountpoint if mountpoint == '/boot': log(f"Marked partition as bootable because mountpoint was set to /boot.", fg="yellow") block_device_struct["partitions"][partition]['boot'] = True else: del(block_device_struct["partitions"][partition]['mountpoint']) elif task == mark_formatted: title = _('{}\n\nSelect which partition to mask for formatting').format(current_layout) partition = select_partition(title, block_device_struct["partitions"]) if partition is not None: # If we mark a partition for formatting, but the format is CRYPTO LUKS, there's no point in formatting it really # without asking the user which inner-filesystem they want to use. Since the flag 'encrypted' = True is already set, # it's safe to change the filesystem for this partition. if block_device_struct["partitions"][partition].get('filesystem', {}).get('format', 'crypto_LUKS') == 'crypto_LUKS': if not block_device_struct["partitions"][partition].get('filesystem', None): block_device_struct["partitions"][partition]['filesystem'] = {} fstype = Menu(_('Enter a desired filesystem type for the partition'), fs_types(), skip=False).run() block_device_struct["partitions"][partition]['filesystem']['format'] = fstype # Negate the current wipe marking block_device_struct["partitions"][partition]['wipe'] = not block_device_struct["partitions"][partition].get('wipe', False) elif task == mark_encrypted: title = _('{}\n\nSelect which partition to mark as encrypted').format(current_layout) partition = select_partition(title, block_device_struct["partitions"]) if partition is not None: # Negate the current encryption marking block_device_struct["partitions"][partition]['encrypted'] = not block_device_struct["partitions"][partition].get('encrypted', False) elif task == mark_bootable: title = _('{}\n\nSelect which partition to mark as bootable').format(current_layout) partition = select_partition(title, block_device_struct["partitions"]) if partition is not None: block_device_struct["partitions"][partition]['boot'] = not block_device_struct["partitions"][partition].get('boot', False) elif task == set_filesystem_partition: title = _('{}\n\nSelect which partition to set a filesystem on').format(current_layout) partition = select_partition(title, block_device_struct["partitions"]) if partition is not None: if not block_device_struct["partitions"][partition].get('filesystem', None): block_device_struct["partitions"][partition]['filesystem'] = {} fstype_title = _('Enter a desired filesystem type for the partition: ') fstype = Menu(fstype_title, fs_types(), skip=False).run() block_device_struct["partitions"][partition]['filesystem']['format'] = fstype return block_device_struct def select_individual_blockdevice_usage(block_devices: list) -> Dict[str, Any]: result = {} for device in block_devices: layout = manage_new_and_existing_partitions(device) result[device.path] = layout return result def select_archinstall_language(default='English'): languages = Translation.get_all_names() language = Menu(_('Select Archinstall language'), languages, default_option=default).run() return language def select_disk_layout(block_devices :list, advanced_options=False) -> Dict[str, Any]: wipe_mode = str(_('Wipe all selected drives and use a best-effort default partition layout')) custome_mode = str(_('Select what to do with each individual drive (followed by partition usage)')) modes = [wipe_mode, custome_mode] print(modes) mode = Menu(_('Select what you wish to do with the selected block devices'), modes, skip=False).run() if mode == wipe_mode: return get_default_partition_layout(block_devices, advanced_options) else: return select_individual_blockdevice_usage(block_devices) def select_disk(dict_o_disks :Dict[str, BlockDevice]) -> BlockDevice: """ Asks the user to select a harddrive from the `dict_o_disks` selection. Usually this is combined with :ref:`archinstall.list_drives`. :param dict_o_disks: A `dict` where keys are the drive-name, value should be a dict containing drive information. :type dict_o_disks: dict :return: The name/path (the dictionary key) of the selected drive :rtype: str """ drives = sorted(list(dict_o_disks.keys())) if len(drives) >= 1: for index, drive in enumerate(drives): print(f"{index}: {drive} ({dict_o_disks[drive]['size'], dict_o_disks[drive].device, dict_o_disks[drive]['label']})") log("You can skip selecting a drive and partitioning and use whatever drive-setup is mounted at /mnt (experimental)", fg="yellow") drive = Menu('Select one of the disks or skip and use "/mnt" as default"', drives).run() if not drive: return drive drive = dict_o_disks[drive] return drive raise DiskError('select_disk() requires a non-empty dictionary of disks to select from.') def select_profile() -> Optional[Profile]: """ # Asks the user to select a profile from the available profiles. # # :return: The name/dictionary key of the selected profile # :rtype: str # """ top_level_profiles = sorted(list(list_profiles(filter_top_level_profiles=True))) options = {} for profile in top_level_profiles: profile = Profile(None, profile) description = profile.get_profile_description() option = f'{profile.profile}: {description}' options[option] = profile title = _('This is a list of pre-programmed profiles, they might make it easier to install things like desktop environments') selection = Menu(title=title, p_options=list(options.keys())).run() if selection is not None: return options[selection] return None def select_language(default_value :str, preset_value :str = None) -> str: """ Asks the user to select a language Usually this is combined with :ref:`archinstall.list_keyboard_languages`. :return: The language/dictionary key of the selected language :rtype: str """ kb_lang = list_keyboard_languages() # sort alphabetically and then by length # it's fine if the list is big because the Menu # allows for searching anyways sorted_kb_lang = sorted(sorted(list(kb_lang)), key=len) selected_lang = Menu(_('Select Keyboard layout'), sorted_kb_lang, default_option=default_value, preset_values=preset_value, sort=False).run() return selected_lang def select_mirror_regions(preset_values :Dict[str, Any] = {}) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Asks the user to select a mirror or region Usually this is combined with :ref:`archinstall.list_mirrors`. :return: The dictionary information about a mirror/region. :rtype: dict """ if preset_values is None: preselected = None else: preselected = list(preset_values.keys()) mirrors = list_mirrors() selected_mirror = Menu( _('Select one of the regions to download packages from'), list(mirrors.keys()), preset_values=preselected, multi=True ).run() if selected_mirror is not None: return {selected: mirrors[selected] for selected in selected_mirror} return {} def select_harddrives(preset : List[str] = []) -> List[str]: """ Asks the user to select one or multiple hard drives :return: List of selected hard drives :rtype: list """ hard_drives = all_blockdevices(partitions=False).values() options = {f'{option}': option for option in hard_drives} if preset: preset_disks = {f'{option}':option for option in preset} else: preset_disks = {} selected_harddrive = Menu( _('Select one or more hard drives to use and configure'), list(options.keys()), preset_values=list(preset_disks.keys()), multi=True ).run() if selected_harddrive and len(selected_harddrive) > 0: return [options[i] for i in selected_harddrive] return [] def select_driver(options :Dict[str, Any] = AVAILABLE_GFX_DRIVERS, force_ask :bool = False) -> str: """ Some what convoluted function, whose job is simple. Select a graphics driver from a pre-defined set of popular options. (The template xorg is for beginner users, not advanced, and should there for appeal to the general public first and edge cases later) """ drivers = sorted(list(options)) if drivers: arguments = storage.get('arguments', {}) title = DeferredTranslation('') if has_amd_graphics(): title += _('For the best compatibility with your AMD hardware, you may want to use either the all open-source or AMD / ATI options.') + '\n' if has_intel_graphics(): title += _('For the best compatibility with your Intel hardware, you may want to use either the all open-source or Intel options.\n') if has_nvidia_graphics(): title += _('For the best compatibility with your Nvidia hardware, you may want to use the Nvidia proprietary driver.\n') if not arguments.get('gfx_driver', None) or force_ask: title += _('\n\nSelect a graphics driver or leave blank to install all open-source drivers') arguments['gfx_driver'] = Menu(title, drivers).run() if arguments.get('gfx_driver', None) is None: arguments['gfx_driver'] = _("All open-source (default)") return options.get(arguments.get('gfx_driver')) raise RequirementError("Selecting drivers require a least one profile to be given as an option.") def select_kernel(preset :List[str] = None) -> List[str]: """ Asks the user to select a kernel for system. :return: The string as a selected kernel :rtype: string """ kernels = ["linux", "linux-lts", "linux-zen", "linux-hardened"] default_kernel = "linux" selected_kernels = Menu( _('Choose which kernels to use or leave blank for default "{}"').format(default_kernel), kernels, sort=True, multi=True, preset_values=preset, default_option=default_kernel ).run() return selected_kernels def select_additional_repositories(preset :List[str]) -> List[str]: """ Allows the user to select additional repositories (multilib, and testing) if desired. :return: The string as a selected repository :rtype: string """ repositories = ["multilib", "testing"] additional_repositories = Menu( _('Choose which optional additional repositories to enable'), repositories, sort=False, multi=True, preset_values=preset, default_option=[] ).run() if additional_repositories is not None: return additional_repositories return [] def select_locale_lang(default :str,preset :str = None) -> str : locales = list_locales() locale_lang = set([locale.split()[0] for locale in locales]) selected_locale = Menu( _('Choose which locale language to use'), locale_lang, sort=True, preset_values=preset, default_option=default ).run() return selected_locale def select_locale_enc(default :str,preset :str = None) -> str: locales = list_locales() locale_enc = set([locale.split()[1] for locale in locales]) selected_locale = Menu( _('Choose which locale encoding to use'), locale_enc, sort=True, preset_values=preset, default_option=default ).run() return selected_locale def generic_select(p_options :Union[list,dict], input_text :str = '', allow_empty_input :bool = True, options_output :bool = True, # function not available sort :bool = False, multi :bool = False, default :Any = None) -> Any: """ A generic select function that does not output anything other than the options and their indexes. As an example: generic_select(["first", "second", "third option"]) > first second third option When the user has entered the option correctly, this function returns an item from list, a string, or None Options can be any iterable. Duplicate entries are not checked, but the results with them are unreliable. Which element to choose from the duplicates depends on the return of the index() Default value if not on the list of options will be added as the first element sort will be handled by Menu() """ # We check that the options are iterable. If not we abort. Else we copy them to lists # it options is a dictionary we use the values as entries of the list # if options is a string object, each character becomes an entry # if options is a list, we implictily build a copy to mantain immutability if not isinstance(p_options,Iterable): log(f"Objects of type {type(p_options)} is not iterable, and are not supported at generic_select",fg="red") log(f"invalid parameter at Menu() call was at <{sys._getframe(1).f_code.co_name}>",level=logging.WARNING) raise RequirementError("generic_select() requires an iterable as option.") input_text = input_text if input_text else _('Select one of the values shown below: ') if isinstance(p_options,dict): options = list(p_options.values()) else: options = list(p_options) # check that the default value is in the list. If not it will become the first entry if default and default not in options: options.insert(0,default) # one of the drawbacks of the new interface is that in only allows string like options, so we do a conversion # also for the default value if it exists soptions = list(map(str,options)) default_value = options[options.index(default)] if default else None selected_option = Menu( input_text, soptions, skip=allow_empty_input, multi=multi, default_option=default_value, sort=sort ).run() # we return the original objects, not the strings. # options is the list with the original objects and soptions the list with the string values # thru the map, we get from the value selected in soptions it index, and thu it the original object if not selected_option: return selected_option elif isinstance(selected_option,list): # for multi True selected_option = list(map(lambda x: options[soptions.index(x)],selected_option)) else: # for multi False selected_option = options[soptions.index(selected_option)] return selected_option def generic_multi_select(p_options :Union[list,dict], text :str = '', sort :bool = False, default :Any = None, allow_empty :bool = False) -> Any: text = text if text else _("Select one or more of the options below: ") return generic_select(p_options, input_text=text, allow_empty_input=allow_empty, sort=sort, multi=True, default=default) class UserList(ListManager): """ subclass of ListManager for the managing of user accounts """ def __init__(self,prompt :str, lusers :dict, sudo :bool = None): """ param: prompt type: str param: lusers dict with the users already defined for the system type: Dict param: sudo. boolean to determine if we handle superusers or users. If None handles both types """ self.sudo = sudo self.actions = [ str(_('Add an user')), str(_('Change password')), str(_('Promote/Demote user')), str(_('Delete User')) ] self.default_action = self.actions[0] super().__init__(prompt,lusers,self.actions,self.default_action) def reformat(self): def format_element(elem): # secret gives away the length of the password if[elem].get('!password'): pwd = '*' * 16 # pwd = archinstall.secret([elem]['!password']) else: pwd = '' if[elem].get('sudoer'): super = 'Superuser' else: super = ' ' return f"{elem:16}: password {pwd:16} {super}" return list(map(lambda x:format_element(x), def action_list(self): if active_user = list([0] else: active_user = None sudoer =[active_user].get('sudoer',False) if self.sudo is None: return self.actions if self.sudo and sudoer: return self.actions elif self.sudo and not sudoer: return [self.actions[2]] elif not self.sudo and sudoer: return [self.actions[2]] else: return self.actions def exec_action(self): if active_user = list([0] else: active_user = None if self.action == self.actions[0]: # add new_user = self.add_user() # no unicity check, if exists will be replaced elif self.action == self.actions[1]: # change password[active_user]['!password'] = get_password(prompt=str(_('Password for user "{}": ').format(active_user))) elif self.action == self.actions[2]: # promote/demote[active_user]['sudoer'] = not[active_user]['sudoer'] elif self.action == self.actions[3]: # delete del[active_user] def add_user(self): print(_('\nDefine a new user\n')) prompt = str(_("User Name : ")) while True: userid = input(prompt).strip(' ') if not userid: return {} # end if not check_for_correct_username(userid): pass else: break if self.sudo: sudoer = True elif self.sudo is not None and not self.sudo: sudoer = False else: sudoer = False sudo_choice = Menu( str(_('Should {} be a superuser (sudoer)?')).format(userid), ['yes', 'no'], skip=False, preset_values='yes' if sudoer else 'no', default_option='no' ).run() sudoer = True if sudo_choice == 'yes' else False password = get_password(prompt=str(_('Password for user "{}": ').format(userid))) return {userid :{"!password":password, "sudoer":sudoer}} def manage_users(prompt :str, sudo :bool) -> tuple[dict, dict]: # TODO Filtering and some kind of simpler code lusers = {} if storage['arguments'].get('!superusers',{}): lusers.update({uid: {'!password':storage['arguments']['!superusers'][uid].get('!password'), 'sudoer':True} for uid in storage['arguments'].get('!superusers',{})}) if storage['arguments'].get('!users',{}): lusers.update({uid: {'!password':storage['arguments']['!users'][uid].get('!password'), 'sudoer':False} for uid in storage['arguments'].get('!users',{})}) # processing lusers = UserList(prompt,lusers,sudo).run() # return data superusers = {uid: {'!password':lusers[uid].get('!password')} for uid in lusers if lusers[uid].get('sudoer',False)} users = {uid: {'!password':lusers[uid].get('!password')} for uid in lusers if not lusers[uid].get('sudoer',False)} storage['arguments']['!superusers'] = superusers storage['arguments']['!users'] = users return superusers,users def save_config(config: Dict): def preview(selection: str): if options['user_config'] == selection: json_config = config_output.user_config_to_json() return f'{config_output.user_configuration_file}\n{json_config}' elif options['user_creds'] == selection: if json_config := config_output.user_credentials_to_json(): return f'{config_output.user_credentials_file}\n{json_config}' else: return str(_('No configuration')) elif options['disk_layout'] == selection: if json_config := config_output.disk_layout_to_json(): return f'{config_output.disk_layout_file}\n{json_config}' else: return str(_('No configuration')) elif options['all'] == selection: output = f'{config_output.user_configuration_file}\n' if json_config := config_output.user_credentials_to_json(): output += f'{config_output.user_credentials_file}\n' if json_config := config_output.disk_layout_to_json(): output += f'{config_output.disk_layout_file}\n' return output[:-1] return None config_output = ConfigurationOutput(config) options = { 'user_config': str(_('Save user configuration')), 'user_creds': str(_('Save user credentials')), 'disk_layout': str(_('Save disk layout')), 'all': str(_('Save all')) } selection = Menu( _('Choose which configuration to save'), list(options.values()), sort=False, skip=True, preview_size=0.75, preview_command=preview ).run() if not selection: return while True: path = input(_('Enter a directory for the configuration(s) to be saved: ')).strip(' ') dest_path = Path(path) if dest_path.exists() and dest_path.is_dir(): break log(_('Not a valid directory: {}').format(dest_path), fg='red') if options['user_config'] == selection: config_output.save_user_config(dest_path) elif options['user_creds'] == selection: config_output.save_user_creds(dest_path) elif options['disk_layout'] == selection: config_output.save_disk_layout(dest_path) elif options['all'] == selection: config_output.save_user_config(dest_path) config_output.save_user_creds(dest_path) config_output.save_disk_layout