from .exceptions import * from .profiles import Profile from .locale_helpers import search_keyboard_layout ## TODO: Some inconsistencies between the selection processes. ## Some return the keys from the options, some the values? def select_disk(dict_o_disks): drives = sorted(list(dict_o_disks.keys())) if len(drives) >= 1: for index, drive in enumerate(drives): print(f"{index}: {drive} ({dict_o_disks[drive]['size'], dict_o_disks[drive].device, dict_o_disks[drive]['label']})") drive = input('Select one of the above disks (by number or full path): ') if drive.isdigit(): drive = dict_o_disks[drives[int(drive)]] elif drive in dict_o_disks: drive = dict_o_disks[drive] else: raise DiskError(f'Selected drive does not exist: "{drive}"') return drive raise DiskError('select_disk() requires a non-empty dictionary of disks to select from.') def select_profile(options): profiles = sorted(list(options)) if len(profiles) >= 1: for index, profile in enumerate(profiles): print(f"{index}: {profile}") print(' -- The above list is pre-programmed profiles. --') print(' -- They might make it easier to install things like desktop environments. --') print(' -- (Leave blank to skip this next optional step) --') selected_profile = input('Any particular pre-programmed profile you want to install: ') #print(' -- You can enter ? or help to search for more profiles --') #if selected_profile.lower() in ('?', 'help'): # filter_string = input('Search for layout containing (example: "sv-"): ') # new_options = search_keyboard_layout(filter_string) # return select_language(new_options) if selected_profile.isdigit() and (pos := int(selected_profile)) <= len(profiles)-1: selected_profile = profiles[pos] elif selected_profile in options: selected_profile = options[options.index(selected_profile)] else: RequirementError("Selected profile does not exist.") profile = Profile(None, selected_profile) with open(profile.path, 'r') as source: source_data = # Some crude safety checks, make sure the imported profile has # a __name__ check and if so, check if it's got a _prep_function() # we can call to ask for more user input. if '__name__' in source_data and '_prep_function' in source_data: with profile.load_instructions() as imported: if hasattr(imported, '_prep_function'): return profile, imported return selected_profile raise RequirementError("Selecting profiles require a least one profile to be given as an option.") def select_language(options, show_only_country_codes=True): if show_only_country_codes: languages = sorted([language for language in list(options) if len(language) == 2]) else: languages = sorted(list(options)) if len(languages) >= 1: for index, language in enumerate(languages): print(f"{index}: {language}") print(' -- You can enter ? or help to search for more languages --') selected_language = input('Select one of the above keyboard languages (by number or full name): ') if selected_language.lower() in ('?', 'help'): filter_string = input('Search for layout containing (example: "sv-"): ') new_options = search_keyboard_layout(filter_string) return select_language(new_options, show_only_country_codes=False) elif selected_language.isdigit() and (pos := int(selected_language)) <= len(languages)-1: selected_language = languages[pos] # I'm leaving "options" on purpose here. # Since languages possibly contains a filtered version of # all possible language layouts, and we might want to write # for instance sv-latin1 (if we know that exists) without having to # go through the search step. elif selected_language in options: selected_language = options[options.index(selected_language)] else: RequirementError("Selected language does not exist.") return selected_language raise RequirementError("Selecting languages require a least one language to be given as an option.") def select_mirror_regions(mirrors, show_top_mirrors=True): # TODO: Support multiple options and country ycodes, SE,UK for instance. regions = sorted(list(mirrors.keys())) selected_mirrors = {} if len(regions) >= 1: for index, region in enumerate(regions): print(f"{index}: {region}") print(' -- You can enter ? or help to search for more regions --') print(' -- You can skip this step by leaving the option blank --') print(' -- (You can use Shift + PageUp to scroll in the list --') selected_mirror = input('Select one of the above regions to download packages from (by number or full name): ') if len(selected_mirror.strip()) == 0: return {} elif selected_mirror.lower() in ('?', 'help'): filter_string = input('Search for a region containing (example: "united"): ').strip().lower() for region in mirrors: if filter_string in region.lower(): selected_mirrors[region] = mirrors[region] return selected_mirrors elif selected_mirror.isdigit() and (pos := int(selected_mirror)) <= len(regions)-1: region = regions[int(selected_mirror)] selected_mirrors[region] = mirrors[region] # I'm leaving "mirrors" on purpose here. # Since region possibly contains a known region of # all possible regions, and we might want to write # for instance Sweden (if we know that exists) without having to # go through the search step. elif selected_mirror in mirrors: selected_mirrors[selected_mirror] = mirrors[selected_mirror] else: RequirementError("Selected region does not exist.") return selected_mirrors raise RequirementError("Selecting mirror region require a least one region to be given as an option.")