import hashlib import importlib import logging import os import sys import pathlib import urllib.parse import urllib.request from importlib import metadata from typing import Optional, List from types import ModuleType from .output import log from .storage import storage plugins = {} # 1: List archinstall.plugin definitions # 2: Load the plugin entrypoint # 3: Initiate the plugin and store it as .name in plugins for plugin_definition in metadata.entry_points().select(group='archinstall.plugin'): plugin_entrypoint = plugin_definition.load() try: plugins[] = plugin_entrypoint() except Exception as err: log(err, level=logging.ERROR) log(f"The above error was detected when loading the plugin: {plugin_definition}", fg="red", level=logging.ERROR) # The following functions and core are support structures for load_plugin() def localize_path(profile_path :str) -> str: if (url := urllib.parse.urlparse(profile_path)).scheme and url.scheme in ('https', 'http'): converted_path = f"/tmp/{os.path.basename(profile_path).replace('.py', '')}_{hashlib.md5(os.urandom(12)).hexdigest()}.py" with open(converted_path, "w") as temp_file: temp_file.write(urllib.request.urlopen(url.geturl()).read().decode('utf-8')) return converted_path else: return profile_path def import_via_path(path :str, namespace :Optional[str] = None) -> ModuleType: if not namespace: namespace = os.path.basename(path) if namespace == '': path = pathlib.PurePath(path) namespace = try: spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location(namespace, path) imported = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec) sys.modules[namespace] = imported spec.loader.exec_module(sys.modules[namespace]) return namespace except Exception as err: log(err, level=logging.ERROR) log(f"The above error was detected when loading the plugin: {path}", fg="red", level=logging.ERROR) try: del(sys.modules[namespace]) except: pass def find_nth(haystack :List[str], needle :str, n :int) -> int: start = haystack.find(needle) while start >= 0 and n > 1: start = haystack.find(needle, start + len(needle)) n -= 1 return start def load_plugin(path :str) -> ModuleType: parsed_url = urllib.parse.urlparse(path) # The Profile was not a direct match on a remote URL if not parsed_url.scheme: # Path was not found in any known examples, check if it's an absolute path if os.path.isfile(path): namespace = import_via_path(path) elif parsed_url.scheme in ('https', 'http'): namespace = import_via_path(localize_path(path)) if namespace in sys.modules: # Version dependency via __archinstall__version__ variable (if present) in the plugin # Any errors in version inconsistency will be handled through normal error handling if not defined. if hasattr(sys.modules[namespace], '__archinstall__version__'): archinstall_major_and_minor_version = float(storage['__version__'][:find_nth(storage['__version__'], '.', 2)]) if sys.modules[namespace].__archinstall__version__ < archinstall_major_and_minor_version: log(f"Plugin {sys.modules[namespace]} does not support the current Archinstall version.", fg="red", level=logging.ERROR) # Locate the plugin entry-point called Plugin() # This in accordance with the entry_points() from setup.cfg above if hasattr(sys.modules[namespace], 'Plugin'): try: plugins[namespace] = sys.modules[namespace].Plugin() except Exception as err: log(err, level=logging.ERROR) log(f"The above error was detected when initiating the plugin: {path}", fg="red", level=logging.ERROR) else: log(f"Plugin '{path}' is missing a valid entry-point or is corrupt.", fg="yellow", level=logging.WARNING)