from __future__ import annotations import logging import sys import pathlib from typing import Callable, Any, List, Iterator, Tuple, Optional, Dict, TYPE_CHECKING from .menu import Menu, MenuSelectionType from ..locale_helpers import set_keyboard_language from ..output import log from ..translation import Translation from import get_fido2_devices if TYPE_CHECKING: _: Any def select_archinstall_language(preset_value: str) -> Optional[Any]: """ copied from user_interaction/ as a temporary measure """ languages = Translation.get_available_lang() language = Menu(_('Archinstall language'), languages, preset_values=preset_value).run() return language.value class Selector: def __init__( self, description :str, func :Callable = None, display_func :Callable = None, default :Any = None, enabled :bool = False, dependencies :List = [], dependencies_not :List = [], exec_func :Callable = None, preview_func :Callable = None, mandatory :bool = False, no_store :bool = False ): """ Create a new menu selection entry :param description: Text that will be displayed as the menu entry :type description: str :param func: Function that is called when the menu entry is selected :type func: Callable :param display_func: After specifying a setting for a menu item it is displayed on the right side of the item as is; with this function one can modify the entry to be displayed; e.g. when specifying a password one can display **** instead :type display_func: Callable :param default: Default value for this menu entry :type default: Any :param enabled: Specify if this menu entry should be displayed :type enabled: bool :param dependencies: Specify dependencies for this menu entry; if the dependencies are not set yet, then this item is not displayed; e.g. disk_layout depends on selectiong harddrive(s) first :type dependencies: list :param dependencies_not: These are the exclusive options; the menu item will only be displayed if non of the entries in the list have been specified :type dependencies_not: list :param exec_func: A function with the name and the result of the selection as input parameter and which returns boolean. Can be used for any action deemed necessary after selection. If it returns True, exits the menu loop, if False, menu returns to the selection screen. If not specified it is assumed the return is False :type exec_func: Callable :param preview_func: A callable which invokws a preview screen :type preview_func: Callable :param mandatory: A boolean which determines that the field is mandatory, i.e. menu can not be exited if it is not set :type mandatory: bool :param no_store: A boolean which determines that the field should or shouldn't be stored in the data storage :type no_store: bool """ self._description = description self.func = func self._display_func = display_func self._current_selection = default self.enabled = enabled self._dependencies = dependencies self._dependencies_not = dependencies_not self.exec_func = exec_func self._preview_func = preview_func self.mandatory = mandatory self._no_store = no_store @property def description(self) -> str: return self._description @property def dependencies(self) -> List: return self._dependencies @property def dependencies_not(self) -> List: return self._dependencies_not @property def current_selection(self): return self._current_selection @property def preview_func(self): return self._preview_func def do_store(self) -> bool: return self._no_store is False def set_enabled(self, status :bool = True): self.enabled = status def update_description(self, description :str): self._description = description def menu_text(self, padding: int = 0) -> str: if self._description == '': # special menu option for __separator__ return '' current = '' if self._display_func: current = self._display_func(self._current_selection) else: if self._current_selection is not None: current = str(self._current_selection) if current: padding += 5 description = str(self._description).ljust(padding, ' ') current = str(_('set: {}').format(current)) else: description = self._description current = '' return f'{description} {current}' def set_current_selection(self, current :Optional[str]): self._current_selection = current def has_selection(self) -> bool: if not self._current_selection: return False return True def get_selection(self) -> Any: return self._current_selection def is_empty(self) -> bool: if self._current_selection is None: return True elif isinstance(self._current_selection, (str, list, dict)) and len(self._current_selection) == 0: return True return False def is_enabled(self) -> bool: return self.enabled def is_mandatory(self) -> bool: return self.mandatory def set_mandatory(self, status :bool = True): self.mandatory = status if status and not self.is_enabled(): self.set_enabled(True) class GeneralMenu: def __init__(self, data_store :dict = None, auto_cursor=False, preview_size :float = 0.2): """ Create a new selection menu. :param data_store: Area (Dict) where the resulting data will be held. At least an entry for each option. Default area is self._data_store (not preset in the call, due to circular references :type data_store: Dict :param auto_cursor: Boolean which determines if the cursor stays on the first item (false) or steps each invocation of a selection entry (true) :type auto_cursor: bool :param preview_size. Size in fractions of screen size of the preview window ;type preview_size: float (range 0..1) """ self._enabled_order :List[str] = [] self._translation = Translation.load_nationalization() self.is_context_mgr = False self._data_store = data_store if data_store is not None else {} self.auto_cursor = auto_cursor self._menu_options: Dict[str, Selector] = {} self._setup_selection_menu_options() self.preview_size = preview_size def __enter__(self, *args :Any, **kwargs :Any) -> GeneralMenu: self.is_context_mgr = True return self def __exit__(self, *args :Any, **kwargs :Any) -> None: # TODO: # TODO: skip processing when it comes from a planified exit if len(args) >= 2 and args[1]: log(args[1], level=logging.ERROR, fg='red') print(" Please submit this issue (and file) to") raise args[1] for key in self._menu_options: sel = self._menu_options[key] if key and key not in self._data_store: self._data_store[key] = sel._current_selection self.exit_callback() def _setup_selection_menu_options(self): """ Define the menu options. Menu options can be defined here in a subclass or done per program calling self.set_option() """ return def pre_callback(self, selector_name): """ will be called before each action in the menu """ return def post_callback(self, selector_name :str, value :Any): """ will be called after each action in the menu """ return True def exit_callback(self): """ will be called at the end of the processing of the menu """ return def synch(self, selector_name :str, omit_if_set :bool = False,omit_if_disabled :bool = False): """ loads menu options with data_store value """ arg = self._data_store.get(selector_name, None) # don't display the menu option if it was defined already if arg is not None and omit_if_set: return if not self.option(selector_name).is_enabled() and omit_if_disabled: return if arg is not None: self._menu_options[selector_name].set_current_selection(arg) def _update_enabled_order(self, selector_name: str): self._enabled_order.append(selector_name) def enable(self, selector_name :str, omit_if_set :bool = False , mandatory :bool = False): """ activates menu options """ if self._menu_options.get(selector_name, None): self._menu_options[selector_name].set_enabled(True) self._update_enabled_order(selector_name) if mandatory: self._menu_options[selector_name].set_mandatory(True) self.synch(selector_name,omit_if_set) else: print(f'No selector found: {selector_name}') sys.exit(1) def _preview_display(self, selection_name: str) -> Optional[str]: config_name, selector = self._find_selection(selection_name) if preview := selector.preview_func: return preview() return None def _get_menu_text_padding(self, entries: List[Selector]): return max([len(str(selection.description)) for selection in entries]) def _find_selection(self, selection_name: str) -> Tuple[str, Selector]: enabled_menus = self._menus_to_enable() padding = self._get_menu_text_padding(list(enabled_menus.values())) option = [(k, v) for k, v in self._menu_options.items() if v.menu_text(padding).strip() == selection_name.strip()] if len(option) != 1: raise ValueError(f'Selection not found: {selection_name}') config_name = option[0][0] selector = option[0][1] return config_name, selector def run(self): """ Calls the Menu framework""" # we synch all the options just in case for item in self.list_options(): self.synch(item) self.post_callback() # as all the values can vary i have to exec this callback cursor_pos = None while True: # Before continuing, set the preferred keyboard layout/language in the current terminal. # This will just help the user with the next following questions. self._set_kb_language() enabled_menus = self._menus_to_enable() padding = self._get_menu_text_padding(list(enabled_menus.values())) menu_options = [m.menu_text(padding) for m in enabled_menus.values()] selection = Menu( _('Set/Modify the below options'), menu_options, sort=False, cursor_index=cursor_pos, preview_command=self._preview_display, preview_size=self.preview_size, skip_empty_entries=True, skip=False ).run() if selection.type_ == MenuSelectionType.Selection: value = selection.value if self.auto_cursor: cursor_pos = menu_options.index(value) + 1 # before the strip otherwise fails # in case the new position lands on a "placeholder" we'll skip them as well while True: if cursor_pos >= len(menu_options): cursor_pos = 0 if len(menu_options[cursor_pos]) > 0: break cursor_pos += 1 value = value.strip() # if this calls returns false, we exit the menu # we allow for an callback for special processing on realeasing control if not self._process_selection(value): break if not self.is_context_mgr: self.__exit__() def _process_selection(self, selection_name :str) -> bool: """ determines and executes the selection y Can / Should be extended to handle specific selection issues Returns true if the menu shall continue, False if it has ended """ # find the selected option in our option list config_name, selector = self._find_selection(selection_name) return self.exec_option(config_name, selector) def exec_option(self, config_name :str, p_selector :Selector = None) -> bool: """ processes the execution of a given menu entry - pre process callback - selection function - post process callback - exec action returns True if the loop has to continue, false if the loop can be closed """ if not p_selector: selector = self.option(config_name) else: selector = p_selector self.pre_callback(config_name) result = None if selector.func: presel_val = self.option(config_name).get_selection() result = selector.func(presel_val) self._menu_options[config_name].set_current_selection(result) if selector.do_store(): self._data_store[config_name] = result exec_ret_val = selector.exec_func(config_name,result) if selector.exec_func else False self.post_callback(config_name,result) if exec_ret_val and self._check_mandatory_status(): return False return True def _set_kb_language(self): """ general for ArchInstall""" # Before continuing, set the preferred keyboard layout/language in the current terminal. # This will just help the user with the next following questions. if self._data_store.get('keyboard-layout', None) and len(self._data_store['keyboard-layout']): set_keyboard_language(self._data_store['keyboard-layout']) def _verify_selection_enabled(self, selection_name :str) -> bool: """ general """ if selection := self._menu_options.get(selection_name, None): if not selection.enabled: return False if len(selection.dependencies) > 0: for d in selection.dependencies: if not self._verify_selection_enabled(d) or self._menu_options[d].is_empty(): return False if len(selection.dependencies_not) > 0: for d in selection.dependencies_not: if not self._menu_options[d].is_empty(): return False return True raise ValueError(f'No selection found: {selection_name}') def _menus_to_enable(self) -> dict: """ general """ enabled_menus = {} for name, selection in self._menu_options.items(): if self._verify_selection_enabled(name): enabled_menus[name] = selection # sort the enabled menu by the order we enabled them in # we'll add the entries that have been enabled via the selector constructor at the top enabled_keys = [i for i in enabled_menus.keys() if i not in self._enabled_order] # and then we add the ones explicitly enabled by the enable function enabled_keys += [i for i in self._enabled_order if i in enabled_menus.keys()] ordered_menus = {k: enabled_menus[k] for k in enabled_keys} return ordered_menus def option(self,name :str) -> Selector: # TODO check inexistent name return self._menu_options[name] def list_options(self) -> Iterator: """ Iterator to retrieve the enabled menu option names """ for item in self._menu_options: yield item def list_enabled_options(self) -> Iterator: """ Iterator to retrieve the enabled menu options at a given time. The results are dynamic (if between calls to the iterator some elements -still not retrieved- are (de)activated """ for item in self._menu_options: if item in self._menus_to_enable(): yield item def set_option(self, name :str, selector :Selector): self._menu_options[name] = selector self.synch(name) def _check_mandatory_status(self) -> bool: for field in self._menu_options: option = self._menu_options[field] if option.is_mandatory() and not option.has_selection(): return False return True def set_mandatory(self, field :str, status :bool): self.option(field).set_mandatory(status) def mandatory_overview(self) -> Tuple[int, int]: mandatory_fields = 0 mandatory_waiting = 0 for field, option in self._menu_options.items(): if option.is_mandatory(): mandatory_fields += 1 if not option.has_selection(): mandatory_waiting += 1 return mandatory_fields, mandatory_waiting def _select_archinstall_language(self, preset_value: str) -> str: language = select_archinstall_language(preset_value) if language is not None: self._translation.activate(language) return language return preset_value def _select_hsm(self, preset :Optional[pathlib.Path] = None) -> Optional[pathlib.Path]: title = _('Select which partitions to mark for formatting:') title += '\n' fido_devices = get_fido2_devices() indexes = [] for index, path in enumerate(fido_devices.keys()): title += f"{index}: {path} ({fido_devices[path]['manufacturer']} - {fido_devices[path]['product']})" indexes.append(f"{index}|{fido_devices[path]['product']}") title += '\n' choice = Menu(title, indexes, multi=False).run() match choice.type_: case MenuSelectionType.Esc: return preset case MenuSelectionType.Selection: selection: Any = choice.value index = int(selection.split('|',1)[0]) return pathlib.Path(list(fido_devices.keys())[index]) return None