from __future__ import annotations from typing import List, Any, TYPE_CHECKING, Optional from ..hardware import SysInfo, GfxDriver from import MenuSelectionType, Menu from ..models.bootloader import Bootloader if TYPE_CHECKING: _: Any def select_kernel(preset: List[str] = []) -> List[str]: """ Asks the user to select a kernel for system. :return: The string as a selected kernel :rtype: string """ kernels = ["linux", "linux-lts", "linux-zen", "linux-hardened"] default_kernel = "linux" warning = str(_('Are you sure you want to reset this setting?')) choice = Menu( _('Choose which kernels to use or leave blank for default "{}"').format(default_kernel), kernels, sort=True, multi=True, preset_values=preset, allow_reset_warning_msg=warning ).run() match choice.type_: case MenuSelectionType.Skip: return preset case MenuSelectionType.Selection: return choice.single_value return [] def ask_for_bootloader(preset: Bootloader) -> Bootloader: # when the system only supports grub if not SysInfo.has_uefi(): options = [Bootloader.Grub.value] default = Bootloader.Grub.value else: options = Bootloader.values() default = Bootloader.Systemd.value preset_value = preset.value if preset else None choice = Menu( _('Choose a bootloader'), options, preset_values=preset_value, sort=False, default_option=default ).run() match choice.type_: case MenuSelectionType.Skip: return preset case MenuSelectionType.Selection: return Bootloader(choice.value) return preset def select_driver(options: List[GfxDriver] = [], current_value: Optional[GfxDriver] = None) -> Optional[GfxDriver]: """ Some what convoluted function, whose job is simple. Select a graphics driver from a pre-defined set of popular options. (The template xorg is for beginner users, not advanced, and should there for appeal to the general public first and edge cases later) """ if not options: options = [driver for driver in GfxDriver] drivers = sorted([o.value for o in options]) if drivers: title = '' if SysInfo.has_amd_graphics(): title += str(_('For the best compatibility with your AMD hardware, you may want to use either the all open-source or AMD / ATI options.')) + '\n' if SysInfo.has_intel_graphics(): title += str(_('For the best compatibility with your Intel hardware, you may want to use either the all open-source or Intel options.\n')) if SysInfo.has_nvidia_graphics(): title += str(_('For the best compatibility with your Nvidia hardware, you may want to use the Nvidia proprietary driver.\n')) title += str(_('\nSelect a graphics driver or leave blank to install all open-source drivers')) preset = current_value.value if current_value else None choice = Menu( title, drivers, preset_values=preset, default_option=GfxDriver.AllOpenSource.value ).run() if choice.type_ != MenuSelectionType.Selection: return current_value return GfxDriver(choice.single_value) return current_value def ask_for_swap(preset: bool = True) -> bool: if preset: preset_val = Menu.yes() else: preset_val = prompt = _('Would you like to use swap on zram?') choice = Menu(prompt, Menu.yes_no(), default_option=Menu.yes(), preset_values=preset_val).run() match choice.type_: case MenuSelectionType.Skip: return preset case MenuSelectionType.Selection: return False if choice.value == else True return preset