from __future__ import annotations import time import logging import json import pathlib from typing import Optional, Dict, Any, TYPE_CHECKING # if TYPE_CHECKING: from .blockdevice import BlockDevice _: Any from .partition import Partition from .validators import valid_fs_type from ..exceptions import DiskError, SysCallError from ..general import SysCommand from ..output import log from import storage GPT = 0b00000001 MBR = 0b00000010 # A sane default is 5MiB, that allows for plenty of buffer for GRUB on MBR # but also 4MiB for memory cards for instance. And another 1MiB to avoid issues. # (we've been pestered by disk issues since the start, so please let this be here for a few versions) DEFAULT_PARTITION_START = '5MiB' class Filesystem: # TODO: # When instance of a HDD is selected, check all usages and gracefully unmount them # as well as close any crypto handles. def __init__(self, blockdevice :BlockDevice, mode :int): self.blockdevice = blockdevice self.mode = mode def __enter__(self, *args :str, **kwargs :str) -> 'Filesystem': return self def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"Filesystem(blockdevice={self.blockdevice}, mode={self.mode})" def __exit__(self, *args :str, **kwargs :str) -> bool: # TODO: if len(args) >= 2 and args[1]: raise args[1] SysCommand('sync') return True def partuuid_to_index(self, uuid :str) -> Optional[int]: for i in range(storage['DISK_RETRY_ATTEMPTS']): self.partprobe() time.sleep(max(0.1, storage['DISK_TIMEOUTS'] * i)) # We'll use unreliable lbslk to grab children under the /dev/ output = json.loads(SysCommand(f"lsblk --json {self.blockdevice.device}").decode('UTF-8')) for device in output['blockdevices']: for index, partition in enumerate(device.get('children', [])): # But we'll use blkid to reliably grab the PARTUUID for that child device (partition) partition_uuid = SysCommand(f"blkid -s PARTUUID -o value /dev/{partition.get('name')}").decode().strip() if partition_uuid.lower() == uuid.lower(): return index raise DiskError(f"Failed to convert PARTUUID {uuid} to a partition index number on blockdevice {self.blockdevice.device}") def load_layout(self, layout :Dict[str, Any]) -> None: from ..luks import luks2 from .btrfs import BTRFSPartition # If the layout tells us to wipe the drive, we do so if layout.get('wipe', False): if self.mode == GPT: if not self.parted_mklabel(self.blockdevice.device, "gpt"): raise KeyError(f"Could not create a GPT label on {self}") elif self.mode == MBR: if not self.parted_mklabel(self.blockdevice.device, "msdos"): raise KeyError(f"Could not create a MSDOS label on {self}") self.blockdevice.flush_cache() time.sleep(3) prev_partition = None # We then iterate the partitions in order for partition in layout.get('partitions', []): # We don't want to re-add an existing partition (those containing a UUID already) if partition.get('wipe', False) and not partition.get('PARTUUID', None): start = partition.get('start') or ( prev_partition and f'{prev_partition["device_instance"].end_sectors}s' or DEFAULT_PARTITION_START) partition['device_instance'] = self.add_partition(partition.get('type', 'primary'), start=start, end=partition.get('size', '100%'), partition_format=partition.get('filesystem', {}).get('format', 'btrfs')) elif (partition_uuid := partition.get('PARTUUID')): # We try to deal with both UUID and PARTUUID of a partition when it's being re-used. # We should re-name or separate this logi based on partition.get('PARTUUID') and partition.get('UUID') # but for now, lets just attempt to deal with both. try: partition['device_instance'] = self.blockdevice.get_partition(uuid=partition_uuid) except DiskError: partition['device_instance'] = self.blockdevice.get_partition(partuuid=partition_uuid) log(_("Re-using partition instance: {}").format(partition['device_instance']), level=logging.DEBUG, fg="gray") else: log(f"{self}.load_layout() doesn't know how to work without 'wipe' being set or UUID ({partition.get('PARTUUID')}) was given and found.", fg="yellow", level=logging.WARNING) continue if partition.get('filesystem', {}).get('format', False): # needed for backward compatibility with the introduction of the new "format_options" format_options = partition.get('options',[]) + partition.get('filesystem',{}).get('format_options',[]) if partition.get('encrypted', False): if not partition['device_instance']: raise DiskError(f"Internal error caused us to loose the partition. Please report this issue upstream!") if not partition.get('!password'): if not storage['arguments'].get('!encryption-password'): if storage['arguments'] == 'silent': raise ValueError(f"Missing encryption password for {partition['device_instance']}") from ..user_interaction import get_password prompt = str(_('Enter a encryption password for {}').format(partition['device_instance'])) storage['arguments']['!encryption-password'] = get_password(prompt) partition['!password'] = storage['arguments']['!encryption-password'] if partition.get('mountpoint',None): loopdev = f"{storage.get('ENC_IDENTIFIER', 'ai')}{pathlib.Path(partition['mountpoint']).name}loop" else: loopdev = f"{storage.get('ENC_IDENTIFIER', 'ai')}{pathlib.Path(partition['device_instance'].path).name}" partition['device_instance'].encrypt(password=partition['!password']) # Immediately unlock the encrypted device to format the inner volume with luks2(partition['device_instance'], loopdev, partition['!password'], auto_unmount=True) as unlocked_device: if not partition.get('wipe'): if storage['arguments'] == 'silent': raise ValueError(f"Missing fs-type to format on newly created encrypted partition {partition['device_instance']}") else: if not partition.get('filesystem'): partition['filesystem'] = {} if not partition['filesystem'].get('format', False): while True: partition['filesystem']['format'] = input(f"Enter a valid fs-type for newly encrypted partition {partition['filesystem']['format']}: ").strip() if not partition['filesystem']['format'] or valid_fs_type(partition['filesystem']['format']) is False: log(_("You need to enter a valid fs-type in order to continue. See `man parted` for valid fs-type's.")) continue break unlocked_device.format(partition['filesystem']['format'], options=format_options) elif partition.get('wipe', False): if not partition['device_instance']: raise DiskError(f"Internal error caused us to loose the partition. Please report this issue upstream!") partition['device_instance'].format(partition['filesystem']['format'], options=format_options) if partition['filesystem']['format'] == 'btrfs': # We upgrade the device instance to a BTRFSPartition if we format it as such. # This is so that we can gain access to more features than otherwise available in Partition() partition['device_instance'] = BTRFSPartition( partition['device_instance'].path, block_device=partition['device_instance'].block_device, encrypted=False, filesystem='btrfs', autodetect_filesystem=False ) if partition.get('boot', False): log(f"Marking partition {partition['device_instance']} as bootable.") self.set(self.partuuid_to_index(partition['device_instance'].part_uuid), 'boot on') prev_partition = partition def find_partition(self, mountpoint :str) -> Partition: for partition in self.blockdevice: if partition.target_mountpoint == mountpoint or partition.mountpoint == mountpoint: return partition def partprobe(self) -> bool: try: SysCommand(f'partprobe {self.blockdevice.device}') except SysCallError as error: log(f"Could not execute partprobe: {error!r}", level=logging.ERROR, fg="red") raise DiskError(f"Could not run partprobe on {self.blockdevice.device}: {error!r}") return True def raw_parted(self, string: str) -> SysCommand: if (cmd_handle := SysCommand(f'/usr/bin/parted -s {string}')).exit_code != 0: log(f"Parted ended with a bad exit code: {cmd_handle}", level=logging.ERROR, fg="red") time.sleep(0.5) return cmd_handle def parted(self, string: str) -> bool: """ Performs a parted execution of the given string :param string: A raw string passed to /usr/bin/parted -s :type string: str """ if (parted_handle := self.raw_parted(string)).exit_code == 0: return self.partprobe() else: raise DiskError(f"Parted failed to add a partition: {parted_handle}") def use_entire_disk(self, root_filesystem_type :str = 'ext4') -> Partition: # TODO: Implement this with declarative profiles instead. raise ValueError("Installation().use_entire_disk() has to be re-worked.") def add_partition(self, partition_type :str, start :str, end :str, partition_format :Optional[str] = None) -> Partition: log(f'Adding partition to {self.blockdevice}, {start}->{end}', level=logging.INFO) if len(self.blockdevice.partitions) == 0: # If it's a completely empty drive, and we're about to add partitions to it # we need to make sure there's a filesystem label. if self.mode == GPT: if not self.parted_mklabel(self.blockdevice.device, "gpt"): raise KeyError(f"Could not create a GPT label on {self}") elif self.mode == MBR: if not self.parted_mklabel(self.blockdevice.device, "msdos"): raise KeyError(f"Could not create a MSDOS label on {self}") self.blockdevice.flush_cache() previous_partuuids = [] for partition in self.blockdevice.partitions.values(): try: previous_partuuids.append(partition.part_uuid) except DiskError: pass if self.mode == MBR: if len(self.blockdevice.partitions) > 3: DiskError("Too many partitions on disk, MBR disks can only have 3 primary partitions") if partition_format: parted_string = f'{self.blockdevice.device} mkpart {partition_type} {partition_format} {start} {end}' else: parted_string = f'{self.blockdevice.device} mkpart {partition_type} {start} {end}' log(f"Adding partition using the following parted command: {parted_string}", level=logging.DEBUG) if self.parted(parted_string): for count in range(storage.get('DISK_RETRY_ATTEMPTS', 3)): self.partprobe() new_partition_uuids = [] for partition in self.blockdevice.partitions.values(): try: new_partition_uuids.append(partition.part_uuid) except DiskError: pass new_partuuid_set = (set(previous_partuuids) ^ set(new_partition_uuids)) if len(new_partuuid_set) and (new_partuuid := new_partuuid_set.pop()): try: return self.blockdevice.get_partition(partuuid=new_partuuid) except Exception as err: log(f'Blockdevice: {self.blockdevice}', level=logging.ERROR, fg="red") log(f'Partitions: {self.blockdevice.partitions}', level=logging.ERROR, fg="red") log(f'Partition set: {new_partuuid_set}', level=logging.ERROR, fg="red") log(f'New UUID: {[new_partuuid]}', level=logging.ERROR, fg="red") log(f'get_partition(): {self.blockdevice.get_partition}', level=logging.ERROR, fg="red") raise err else: log(f"Could not get UUID for partition. Waiting {storage.get('DISK_TIMEOUTS', 1) * count}s before retrying.",level=logging.DEBUG) time.sleep(storage.get('DISK_TIMEOUTS', 1) * count) # TODO: This should never be able to happen log(f"Could not find the new PARTUUID after adding the partition.", level=logging.ERROR, fg="red") log(f"Previous partitions: {previous_partuuids}", level=logging.ERROR, fg="red") log(f"New partitions: {(previous_partuuids ^ {partition.part_uuid for partition in self.blockdevice.partitions.values()})}", level=logging.ERROR, fg="red") raise DiskError(f"Could not add partition using: {parted_string}") def set_name(self, partition: int, name: str) -> bool: return self.parted(f'{self.blockdevice.device} name {partition + 1} "{name}"') == 0 def set(self, partition: int, string: str) -> bool: log(f"Setting {string} on (parted) partition index {partition+1}", level=logging.INFO) return self.parted(f'{self.blockdevice.device} set {partition + 1} {string}') == 0 def parted_mklabel(self, device: str, disk_label: str) -> bool: log(f"Creating a new partition label on {device}", level=logging.INFO, fg="yellow") # Try to unmount devices before attempting to run mklabel try: SysCommand(f'bash -c "umount {device}?"') except: pass self.partprobe() worked = self.raw_parted(f'{device} mklabel {disk_label}').exit_code == 0 self.partprobe() return worked