from typing import Dict, Optional, Any, TYPE_CHECKING, List from import Selector, AbstractSubMenu from import MenuSelectionType from import TableMenu from ..models.disk_encryption import EncryptionType, DiskEncryption from ..user_interaction.partitioning_conf import current_partition_layout from ..user_interaction.utils import get_password from import Menu from ..general import secret from import Fido2Device, Fido2 if TYPE_CHECKING: _: Any class DiskEncryptionMenu(AbstractSubMenu): def __init__(self, data_store: Dict[str, Any], preset: Optional[DiskEncryption], disk_layouts: Dict[str, Any]): if preset: self._preset = preset else: self._preset = DiskEncryption() self._disk_layouts = disk_layouts super().__init__(data_store=data_store) def _setup_selection_menu_options(self): self._menu_options['encryption_password'] = \ Selector( _('Encryption password'), lambda x: select_encrypted_password(), display_func=lambda x: secret(x) if x else '', default=self._preset.encryption_password, enabled=True ) self._menu_options['encryption_type'] = \ Selector( _('Encryption type'), func=lambda preset: select_encryption_type(preset), display_func=lambda x: EncryptionType.type_to_text(x) if x else None, dependencies=['encryption_password'], default=self._preset.encryption_type, enabled=True ) self._menu_options['partitions'] = \ Selector( _('Partitions'), func=lambda preset: select_partitions_to_encrypt(self._disk_layouts, preset), display_func=lambda x: f'{sum([len(y) for y in x.values()])} {_("Partitions")}' if x else None, dependencies=['encryption_password'], default=self._preset.partitions, preview_func=self._prev_disk_layouts, enabled=True ) self._menu_options['HSM'] = \ Selector( description=_('Use HSM to unlock encrypted drive'), func=lambda preset: select_hsm(preset), display_func=lambda x: self._display_hsm(x), dependencies=['encryption_password'], default=self._preset.hsm_device, enabled=True ) def run(self, allow_reset: bool = True) -> Optional[DiskEncryption]: super().run(allow_reset=allow_reset) if self._data_store.get('encryption_password', None): return DiskEncryption( encryption_password=self._data_store.get('encryption_password', None), encryption_type=self._data_store['encryption_type'], partitions=self._data_store.get('partitions', None), hsm_device=self._data_store.get('HSM', None) ) return None def _display_hsm(self, device: Optional[Fido2Device]) -> Optional[str]: if device: return device.manufacturer if not Fido2.get_fido2_devices(): return str(_('No HSM devices available')) return None def _prev_disk_layouts(self) -> Optional[str]: selector = self._menu_options['partitions'] if selector.has_selection(): partitions: Dict[str, Any] = selector.current_selection all_partitions = [] for parts in partitions.values(): all_partitions += parts output = str(_('Partitions to be encrypted')) + '\n' output += current_partition_layout(all_partitions, with_title=False) return output.rstrip() return None def select_encryption_type(preset: EncryptionType) -> Optional[EncryptionType]: title = str(_('Select disk encryption option')) options = [ # _type_to_text(EncryptionType.FullDiskEncryption), EncryptionType.type_to_text(EncryptionType.Partition) ] preset_value = EncryptionType.type_to_text(preset) choice = Menu(title, options, preset_values=preset_value).run() match choice.type_: case MenuSelectionType.Reset: return None case MenuSelectionType.Skip: return preset case MenuSelectionType.Selection: return EncryptionType.text_to_type(choice.value) # type: ignore def select_encrypted_password() -> Optional[str]: if passwd := get_password(prompt=str(_('Enter disk encryption password (leave blank for no encryption): '))): return passwd return None def select_hsm(preset: Optional[Fido2Device] = None) -> Optional[Fido2Device]: title = _('Select a FIDO2 device to use for HSM') fido_devices = Fido2.get_fido2_devices() if fido_devices: choice = TableMenu(title, data=fido_devices).run() match choice.type_: case MenuSelectionType.Reset: return None case MenuSelectionType.Skip: return preset case MenuSelectionType.Selection: return choice.value # type: ignore return None def select_partitions_to_encrypt(disk_layouts: Dict[str, Any], preset: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]: # If no partitions was marked as encrypted, but a password was supplied and we have some disks to format.. # Then we need to identify which partitions to encrypt. This will default to / (root). all_partitions = [] for blockdevice in disk_layouts.values(): if partitions := blockdevice.get('partitions'): partitions = [p for p in partitions if p['mountpoint'] != '/boot'] all_partitions += partitions if all_partitions: title = str(_('Select which partitions to encrypt')) partition_table = current_partition_layout(all_partitions, with_title=False).strip() choice = TableMenu( title, table_data=(all_partitions, partition_table), multi=True ).run() match choice.type_: case MenuSelectionType.Reset: return {} case MenuSelectionType.Skip: return preset case MenuSelectionType.Selection: selections: List[Any] = choice.value # type: ignore partitions = {} for path, device in disk_layouts.items(): for part in selections: if part in device.get('partitions', []): partitions.setdefault(path, []).append(part) return partitions return {}