Just another guided/automated [Arch Linux](https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Arch_Linux) installer with a twist.
The installer also doubles as a python library to install Arch Linux and manage services, packages and other things inside the installed system *(Usually from a live medium)*.
* archinstall [discord](https://discord.gg/cqXU88y) server
* archinstall [matrix.org](https://app.element.io/#/room/#archinstall:matrix.org) channel
* archinstall [#archinstall@freenode (IRC)](irc://#archinstall@FreeNode)
* archinstall [documentation](https://python-archinstall.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html)
# Installation & Usage
$ sudo pacman -S archinstall
Or simply `git clone` the repo as it has no external dependencies *(but there are optional ones)*.
Or use `pip install --upgrade archinstall` to use as a library.
## Running the [guided](examples/guided.py) installer
Assuming you are on a Arch Linux live-ISO and booted into EFI mode.
# python -m archinstall guided
# Scripting your own installation
You could just copy [guided.py](examples/guided.py) as a starting point.
But assuming you're building your own ISO and want to create an automated install process, or you want to install virtual machines on to local disk images.
This is probably what you'll need, a [minimal example](examples/minimal.py) of how to install using archinstall as a Python library.
import archinstall, getpass
# Select a harddrive and a disk password
harddrive = archinstall.select_disk(archinstall.all_disks())
disk_password = getpass.getpass(prompt='Disk password (won\'t echo): ')
with archinstall.Filesystem(harddrive, archinstall.GPT) as fs:
# use_entire_disk() is a helper to not have to format manually
with archinstall.luks2(harddrive.partition[1], 'luksloop', disk_password) as unlocked_device:
with archinstall.Installer(unlocked_device, hostname='testmachine') as installation:
if installation.minimal_installation():
installation.add_additional_packages(['nano', 'wget', 'git'])
installation.user_create('anton', 'test')
installation.user_set_pw('root', 'toor')
This installer will perform the following:
* Prompt the user to select a disk and disk-password
* Proceed to wipe the selected disk with a `GPT` partition table.
* Sets up a default 100% used disk with encryption.
* Installs a basic instance of Arch Linux *(base base-devel linux linux-firmware btrfs-progs efibootmgr)*
* Installs and configures a bootloader to partition 0.
* Install additional packages *(nano, wget, git)*
* Installs a profile with a window manager called [awesome](https://github.com/archlinux/archinstall/blob/master/profiles/awesome.py) *(more on profile installations in the [documentation](https://python-archinstall.readthedocs.io/en/latest/archinstall/Profile.html))*.
> **Creating your own ISO with this script on it:** Follow [ArchISO](https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/archiso)'s guide on how to create your own ISO or use a pre-built [guided ISO](https://hvornum.se/archiso/) to skip the python installation step, or to create auto-installing ISO templates. Further down are examples and cheat sheets on how to create different live ISO's.
## Unattended installation based on MAC address
It is possible to add a file in the profiles directory that will automatically run when launching archinstall using the unattended mode if the MAC address of the system matches the profile name. In the following example, this profile would go into a file called `profiles/52-54-00-12-34-56.py`:
import archinstall
import json
import urllib.request
import git
# Unmount and close previous runs (Mainly only used for re-runs, but won't hurt.)
archinstall.sys_command(f'umount -R /mnt', suppress_errors=True)
archinstall.sys_command(f'cryptsetup close /dev/mapper/luksloop', suppress_errors=True)
# Select a harddrive and a disk password
harddrive = archinstall.all_disks()['/dev/sda']
disk_password = '1234'
with archinstall.Filesystem(harddrive, archinstall.GPT) as fs:
# Use the entire disk instead of setting up partitions on your own
if harddrive.partition[1].size == '512M':
raise OSError('Trying to encrypt the boot partition for petes sake..')
with archinstall.luks2(harddrive.partition[1], 'luksloop', disk_password) as unlocked_device:
with archinstall.Installer(
) as installation:
if installation.minimal_installation():
installation.add_additional_packages(['nano', 'wget', 'git'])
installation.user_create('devel', 'devel')
installation.user_set_pw('root', 'toor')
repo = git.Repo('./')
commit = repo.head.commit.hexsha[:7]
print(f'Submitting {commit}: success')
conditions = {
"project": "archinstall",
"profile": "52-54-00-12-34-56",
"status": "success",
"commit": commit
req = urllib.request.Request("https://api.archlinux.life/build/success",
headers={'content-type': 'application/json'})
urllib.request.urlopen(req, timeout=5)
# Help
Submit an issue on Github, or submit a post in the discord help channel.
When doing so, attach any `install-session_*.log` to the issue ticket which can be found under `~/.cache/archinstall/`.
# Testing
## Using a Live ISO Image
If you want to test a commit, branch or bleeding edge release from the repository using the vanilla Arch Live ISO image, you can replace the version of archinstall with a new version and run that with the steps described below.
1. You need a working network connection
2. Install the build requirements with `pacman -Sy; pacman -S git python-pip`
*(note that this may or may not work depending on your RAM and current state of the squashfs maximum filesystem free space)*
3. Uninstall the previous version of archinstall with `pip uninstall archinstall`
4. Now clone the latest repository with `git clone https://github.com/archlinux/archinstall`
5. Enter the repository with `cd archinstall`
*At this stage, you can choose to check out a feature branch for instance with `git checkout torxed-v2.2.0`*
6. Build the project and install it using `python setup.py install`
After this, running archinstall with `python -m archinstall` will run against whatever branch you chose in step 5.
## Without a Live ISO Image
To test this without a live ISO, the simplest approach is to use a local image and create a loop device.
This can be done by installing `pacman -S arch-install-scripts util-linux` locally and doing the following:
# dd if=/dev/zero of=./testimage.img bs=1G count=5
# losetup -fP ./testimage.img
# losetup -a | grep "testimage.img" | awk -F ":" '{print $1}'
# pip install --upgrade archinstall
# python -m archinstall guided
# qemu-system-x86_64 -enable-kvm -machine q35,accel=kvm -device intel-iommu -cpu host -m 4096 -boot order=d -drive file=./testimage.img,format=raw -drive if=pflash,format=raw,readonly,file=/usr/share/ovmf/x64/OVMF_CODE.fd -drive if=pflash,format=raw,readonly,file=/usr/share/ovmf/x64/OVMF_VARS.fd
This will create a *5GB* `testimage.img` and create a loop device which we can use to format and install to.
`archinstall` is installed and executed in [guided mode](#docs-todo). Once the installation is complete,
~~you can use qemu/kvm to boot the test media.~~ *(You'd actually need to do some EFI magic in order to point the EFI vars to the partition 0 in the test medium so this won't work entirely out of the box, but gives you a general idea of what we're going for here)*
There's also a [Building and Testing](https://github.com/archlinux/archinstall/wiki/Building-and-Testing) guide.
It will go through everything from packaging, building and running *(with qemu)* the installer against a dev branch.